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“Green ICT: Why measuring your ICT footprint?”

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1 “Green ICT: Why measuring your ICT footprint?”
EUROCITIES Environment Forum Essen, 20 October 2017 Rebecca Portail (EUROCITIES)

2 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen
ICT = sustainability? ICT FOR GREEN GREEN ICT “Smart City” = use of digital solutions to reduce a city’s carbon footprint Energy-efficiency (in public buildings) Reducing traffic congestion (intelligent transportation services, ‘smart mobility’) Adjusting street-lighting (ex: Sharing Cities humble lamppost) Data used for the monitoring/reporting of cities’ carbon-reduction targets Beyond pure energy consumption: life-cycle assessment (LCA) 11/12/2018 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

3 ICT energy & carbon footprint
ICT accounts for 8-10% of the EU’s electricity consumption and up to 4% of its carbon emissions Cities contribute to 70% of the world’s greenhouse gases. Smarter cities are key actors in the fight against climate change An energy-efficient ICT sector could save up to €600 billion & decrease 15% of carbon emissions in 2020 (The Climate Group) 20/10/2017 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

4 Connect 2020 Agenda (International Telecommunications Union, ITU)
Target 3.2 > e-waste: recycling is the ultimate phase of the ‘life-cycle assessment’ of a ICT device What do you do with old computers? Printing machines? Professional smartphones? Target 3.3 > “decreasing the direct carbon footprint of the ICT sector by 30% per city within ten years” (4th GDC commitment) The importance of standards: new ITU standard on eco-friendly universal charger (October 2017) 11/12/2018 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

5 ICTFOOTPRINT.EU is … The European platform promoting the adoption of carbon footprint methodologies in the ICT sector. Launched in February 2016 (duration: 36 months), the project is led by Trust-IT Services, with Deloitte and EUROCITIES as partners. Objectives Activities Raising awareness on the carbon footprint of the ICT sector Webinars Events Supporting organisations in becoming more energy-efficient Self-assessment tools Promoting eco-friendliness as a competitive advantage Marketplace Certification? Cities & Public Administration ICT-intensive Small & Large Enterprises ICT suppliers Standard Development Organizations has received funding from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no 20/10/2017 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

6 Self-Assessment Tools (SAT)
SAT-S (for ICT services) SAT-O (for organisations) expected for the end of 2017 > the overall carbon footprint of an organisation encompasses Digital services provided and used by the organisation Structural impact of the building and personnel's TRY “SAT” TOOLS & MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS ON HOW TO MAKE YOUR ICT SUSTAINABLE & ENERGY EFFICIENT 11/12/2018 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

7 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen
11/12/2018 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

8 Green Smart Cities Malmö, the Green Digital City
2013: 98% of environmentally-labelled IT products Life-Cycle perspective Certification Estimated energy savings: over €500,000 a year Green public procurement (fair-trade and eco-friendly recycling) 11/12/2018 GREEN DIGITAL CHARTER 2015 COLLECTION OF CASE STUDIES

Green Smart Cities Linköping, the carbon-neutral city Factors The city’s total ICT footprint has overall decreased by 30% over 2013 Digitalisation of the city +40% of computers (+related equipment) +25,000 units per day in public wi-fi zones Data center run by carbon neutral hydropower Total energy consumption No increase +30% (€80,000) -8% 11/12/2018 GREEN DIGITAL CHARTER 2015 COLLECTION OF CASE STUDIES

10 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen
Datacentres Why do we need nearly-zero energy consumption datacentres? 11/12/2018 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

11 Nantes, the innovative city
Green Smart Cities Nantes, the innovative city 6,660m² fab lab (Hub Creatic) trainings – exchanges – R&D activities 10 demonstration projects on green IT Green Code Lab, first global eco-design certificate for energy-efficient websites Green Code Lab Challenge (international eco-design software challenge) 2015 : 48 hours to optimize an IoT software 11/12/2018 GREEN DIGITAL CHARTER 2015 COLLECTION OF CASE STUDIES

12 Share your “success story”
Has your city initiated a ‘green ICT’ policy or project? Is the ICT carbon footprint included in your annual reporting? Is your city interested in purchasing IT goods and services with reduced environmental impact? Share your “success story” 11/12/2018 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

Free Green IT Webinars Get tools & expert advice on green ICT Download reports & speakers’ presentations See webinar’s videos SAVE THE DATE - OUR NEXT WEBINAR 21 October - 12:00 PM CET More info soon JOIN AS A SPEAKER! PROMOTE YOUR CITY SUCCESS STORY OR PUBLIC PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES ON GREEN IT 11/12/2018 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

14 EUROCITIES activities
Training activities SAVE-THE-DATE : 5 DECEMBER 2017, 11:00 CET Online training on Energy Efficiency in Public Sector’s Data Centres (a certificate will be delivered to participants) Past GDC webinar on “Green ICT” (presentation by the city of Linköping) – November Peer-learning opportunities GDC case-studies. Discover best practices implemented in 53 European cities, including on energy efficiency and green ICT. Opportunities for ‘work-shadowing visits’ in signatory cities! 11/12/2018 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

15 Get involved Join our Marketplace TRY SAT-S Tool TRY SAT-S Tool Be part of our next webinars Submit your city success story Contact our Helpdesk Check Map of ICT Methodologies 11/12/2018 SmartGreens, Porto

16 Join our community Visit our website
Subscribe our Newsletter Follow us on Twitter @ICTFOOTPRINTeu Connect with us on LinkedIn Check our presentations See our videos 11/12/2018 SmartGreens, Porto

17 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen
Thank you for your attention Any question? Contact: Rebecca Portail (EUROCITIES) 11/12/2018 EEF Autumn meeting, Essen

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