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Cryptography Survey.

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Presentation on theme: "Cryptography Survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cryptography Survey

2 Problem: How would you send a message over an unsecure communication channel?

3 Problem: How would you play poker over the internet?

4 Cryptography vocabulary
Plaintext-preencryption text Ciphertext-text after it has the encryption Encryption-function from plain text to ciphertext Decryption-function from ciphertext to plaintext Key- object which allows encryption/decryption

5 Caesar’s Cipher NECACELTAS

6 Caesar’s Cipher RIGEGIPAEX

7 Substitute each letter with the one 4 ahead in the alphabet.
This can augmented by allowing various shifts How is it cracked? Try every key

8 Substitution How is it cracked?
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z t h o m a s j e f r n b c d g i k l p q u v w x y z Letter           Frequency           a 8.167% b 1.492% c 2.782% d 4.253% e 12.702% f 2.228% g 2.015% h 6.094% i 6.966% j 0.153% k 0.772% l 4.025% m 2.406% n 6.749% o 7.507% p 1.929% q 0.095% r 5.987% s 6.327% t 9.056% u 2.758% v 0.978% w 2.360% x 0.150% y 1.974% z 0.074% How is it cracked?

9 Vigenere Cipher theanswerstotheexam facadefacadefacadef
Letter           Frequency           a 8.167% b 1.492% c 2.782% d 4.253% e 12.702% f 2.228% g 2.015% h 6.094% i 6.966% j 0.153% k 0.772% l 4.025% m 2.406% n 6.749% o 7.507% p 1.929% q 0.095% r 5.987% s 6.327% t 9.056% u 2.758% v 0.978% w 2.360% x 0.150% y 1.974% z 0.074% facadefacadefacadef yhgaqwbetswsyhgeaer How is it cracked?

10 One time pad theanswerstotheexam theveryverysecretke
moivrjuzvjrgxjviqkq How is it cracked?

11 Claude Shannon Decided that the security of the system should depend only on the key Proved that one-time-pad with random key is completely secure

12 Early 20th Century “Gentlemen don't read each other's mail.”

13 Symmetric Key

14 Asymmetric key

15 RSA plaintext: t encryption key: n, e decryption key: n, d

16 RSA Choose large primes p and q. Let n=pq

17 Example of RSA

18 Suppose we want to encrypt 5

19 Signing documents I’m Spartacus I’m Spartacus

20 Signing documents I’m Spock (I’m Spock)^d mod n
((I’m Spock)^d mod n)^e mod n I’m Spock

21 RSA How is it cracked?

22 AES Symmetric encryption process used in most transactions
Approved by NSA for “Top Secret” documents

23 The Future Quantum Cryptography

24 Typical Transaction Give me the Amazon key Here it is, signed by us
Lets use this AES key

25 Mental Poker What do we need?

26 Mental Poker Agree upon a set of strings to represent the deck

27 Mental Poker Player 1 encrypts every card with key A and shuffles
Player 2 encrypts every card with key B and shuffles

28 Mental Poker Player 1 decrypts key A from all the cards and encrypts each one with a distinct key (A1,A2 etc) Player 2 decrypts key B from all the cards and encrypts each one with a distinct key (B1,B2 etc)

29 Mental Poker When Player 1 agrees that Player 2 should be able to see a card, they hand over the appropriate key


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