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Fleetdown Primary School Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Parent Workshop Friday 27th April 2018 Miss C Facey Assistant Headteacher/ English Leader.

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Presentation on theme: "Fleetdown Primary School Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Parent Workshop Friday 27th April 2018 Miss C Facey Assistant Headteacher/ English Leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fleetdown Primary School Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Parent Workshop Friday 27th April 2018 Miss C Facey Assistant Headteacher/ English Leader

2 What is happening at Fleetdown in terms of teaching SPAG
Aims for this morning: What is happening at Fleetdown in terms of teaching SPAG New changes and expectations from the curriculum Have a try yourselves! Questions and helpful tips for home.

3 What is SPAG? Spelling, punctuation and grammar. When we study grammar, we study the rules about how words change their form and combine with other words to make sentences.

4 How are we teaching SPAG at Fleetdown?
In EYFS and Key Stage 1, SPAG is embedded in our daily teaching. Teachers model the correct use of spelling, punctuation and grammar in the first instance for the children and by Year 1, the children are expected to start applying this in their own speech and writing. In Year 2, children are taught SPAG in 2 discrete sessions using the CGP range of targeted question books. This is to prepare the children for the end of Key Stage 1 SPAG test that was introduced in May 2016. The test consists of two components. Paper 1- A spelling task Paper 2- Grammar based questions

5 Assessment in KS1 In EYFS, spellings are tested when parents feel that their child knows all of the words on their word wall. These are tested informally on a 1:1 basis, ‘Come and show me how clever you are’. Children in Years 1 and 2 complete termly SPAG assessments using GAPs tests created by Rising Stars to track their progress and attainment. Year 2 also use past SATs papers to identify gaps in their understanding. All of these tests consist of a spelling task/test and grammar based questions. The tests generate a standardised score for each child. If a child achieves a standardised score of 100 they are working at the expected standard for their year group. If a child scores 110 or above, they are working at greater depth (exceeding the expectations for their year group). In Years 1 and 2, spellings are tested weekly.  For Year 1, the spellings are taken from the high frequency words list and for Year 2, words are taken from the National Curriculum and End of KS1 Framework.  

6 How are we teaching SPAG at Fleetdown?
In Key Stage 2, the children continue to use the CGP range of targeted question books. They complete two or three (depending on the Year group) 30 minute SPAG sessions a week and all year groups complete a weekly spelling test. There is a clear progression across each key stage where teaching content is built upon each year. The expectations of the 2016 Curriculum are higher and therefore children are required to move on quickly.

7 Assessment in KS2 In Years 3 – 5 the children complete a SPAG assessment at the end of every short term. These are a combination of GAPs tests (Rising Stars) and NfER test papers. Year 6 also complete a SPAG assessment every short term using CGP Papers and past SATs papers to identify gaps in the children’s learning and to prepare them as much as possible for their end of Key Stage 2 SPAG test. All of the tests that the children complete consist of two components, just as they do in the SATs: Paper 1- Grammar based questions Paper 2- Spelling test

8 What does my child need to know by the end of their school year?
Embedding Grammar in Writing

9 What does my child need to know by the end of their school year
What does my child need to know by the end of their school year? The new curriculum expects children to tackle more challenging grammar earlier on, For example: - Subordination and co-ordination in Year 2 (was Year 4). - Prepositions in Year 3 (was Year 5). - Modal verbs in Year 5 (not previously taught). - Subject and object in Year 6 (not previously taught). - The subjunctive in Year 6 (not previously taught).

10 Vocabulary / terminology changes: Connectives ---- The ‘progressive form of verbs’, conjunctions and prepositions Articles (a / an) ---- ‘Determiners’ Compound sentence ---- ‘Multi-clause’ sentence

11 Areas that children find challenging:
Key Stage 1 Areas that children find challenging: Prefixes and Suffixes Year 1 - The prefix –un. I tied the ribbon. I untied the ribbon. Year 1 - Regular plural noun suffixes –s or –es dog wish Year 1 - Suffixes help dogs wishes helping, helped, helper Year 2 - Use of suffixes –er, – est and –ly large slow larger, largest slowly


13 Grammar and Punctuation
Sentences There are 4 types of sentence. Statement Question Command Exclamation

14 Grammar and Punctuation Sentence Types
Simple sentence The dragon guarded the cave. Compound sentence The dragon guarded the cave and he scratched the ground near the entrance. Conjunctions because so but

15 Grammar and Punctuation
Full stops I go to school. Capital Letters Come to my house and you can play with Sarah. Question marks Will you go with me? Exclamation marks How lovely it is to see you! Commas My interests include reading, cooking, dogs and horses.

16 Grammar and Punctuation Apostrophes
Apostrophes indicate missing letters/contractions. is not I will isn’t I’ll Apostrophes indicate possession. The dog’s bowl was full of biscuits.

17 Grammar and Punctuation Word classes
Nouns cat, Ben Adjectives. red Verbs kick, feel Adverbs peacefully, carefully, tomorrow, today

18 Grammar and Punctuation Verb tenses
Present/past Jack is eating his lunch Jack ate his lunch

19 Spelling Tests Key Stage 1 (Yr 2 SATs) KS1 snow wash bike small drive

20 Spelling Tests Key Stage 2 (Yr 6 SATs)
KS2 likely straight sensation nervous crumb

21 KS2 Paper Your turn! On each table, there is a selection of questions from the Year 6 SPAG SATs paper. Have a look and see what you think.

22 Top Tips: Play spelling games
The dice challenge Cards with some letters missing or with jumbled letters for children to unscramble. Unpick word classes when reading with your child. Can you spot the noun? Can you find the adjective in this sentence? Word lists on the fridge or on post-its around the house. Children really enjoying ticking off/ highlighting words once they have learnt them to give them ownership. Model how to take note of punctuation when reading. Why has an exclamation mark been used? Why has an apostrophe been used? Encourage the children to look up new vocabulary in a dictionary. High level vocabulary is huge priority for Government. Grammar and Punctuation games

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