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Maths Jam Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Maths Jam Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maths Jam Presentation
Rob Woolley On A Board Game Project Introduce myself

2 Who likes Board Games? Who has this many games?
They take up a lot of spece problem is the most awesome people don't live on your doorstep. Hence you need to travel wthe the board games

3 Make the Games Fit the Numbers - Designing Travel Boardgames
So I just picked some of my favourite board games from the time 60 Cards!!!!

4 How do I not waste any space on any of the cards????
(+5+3) 7 Wonders Splendor Playing Cards Pandemic 108!

5 Valued partners Ross & Marcin

6 Shape of a card 108 cards with no wasted space

7 Final Box

8 Final Game List 2 Decks of cards Backgammon Pandemic Quixx Splendor
7 Wonders Chess Checkers Go 9x9 & 13x13 Ludo Backgammon Quixx Yahtzee Poker chips Cartagena Space Cadets (Dice Dual) Tichu

9 Design Process

10 New Travel Deck 60 is the magic number – 3 sections Numbers 1-60
Player cards + 4x2 Jokers Hanabi

11 One single game


13 Challenge to Audience New Games including the mechanic of whether a number is Square, Triangular, Prime or Fibonacci

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