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The Simple Sides of the Six Segments of Social Studies

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1 The Simple Sides of the Six Segments of Social Studies
G.R.A.P.E.S. The Simple Sides of the Six Segments of Social Studies

2 Civilization Has a stable food supply.
It is a society with cities, a central government, workers who specialize in certain jobs leader to social classes, that has religion, writing, art and architecture. As you can see, a civilization is made up of many parts, we will be using the acronym GRAPES to help us remember them.

3 G. – Geography Geography is how people connect with the land they live on. Different types of land creates different types of lifestyles. The place you live, including the weather, the city, your street name, is all a part of your geography. Hawaiian Surfer Kid Alaska Mountain Boy

4 Geography Geography is the study of a people group’s location.
In GRAPES, Geography is “G”. Think “Globe” Where is the civilization? What sort of crops can they grow? What natural resources do they have? Geography is the study of a people group’s location.

5 R - Religion Religion is a set of beliefs, practices, myths about the things we can’t see or explain. Places of worship, rituals/ceremonies 75% of all the people on earth follow the five major religions. Many times, your geography will effect your religion .

6 Religion A religion is the belief in a “superhuman” God or gods. 2 types: Monotheistic: one god and Polytheistic: many gods. In GRAPES, Religion is the “R”. Think of your religious symbols What do the people believe? How do their beliefs affect their lives?

7 A. - Achievements Achievements are important discoveries for future generations to enjoy. Art, architecture, technology, inventions, and ideas are usually the achievements we enjoy and try to improve. All civilizations are measured by their achievements. Iron Ore Trephination The Telescope

8 Achievements Achievements relate to a civilization’s culture and include, arts, and traditions of a specific group of people. In GRAPES, Achievements would fit in the “A” category. What did they contribute to the world? What did they invent? What did they build?

9 P - Political Politics is how people share the power to make decisions. People often fight over who gets to be in charge. Every group has politics (Friends, teams, schools, countries)

10 Politics In GRAPES, politics is the “P”.
What was their government like? Who made the decision in the society? Government Kings/queens Leaders Power Position Rules Laws Politics is the governing body in charge of a certain group of people. There are many different types of governments that we will cover in depth later on

11 E- Economy Economics is how we get the things we need and want.
Economics is about buying, selling, and trading(barter). A good economy serves all people.

12 Economics Economics for us will be a regions’ natural resources, ability to trade or barter, and individual form of currency. In GRAPES, economics is the “E”. How did the society distribute their resources? Did they trade or use money? What did they sell or trade? What did they need to get from outside of their civilization?

13 S- Social Structures The word social mean people living together.
Social structures form when people group up into categories. Roles of men, women, boys, girls Rich vs. Poor, Whites vs. Blacks, Men vs. Women are different examples of social structures.

14 Social Structure Social Structure is the way societies fall into a certain order of hierarchy. In GRAPES, social structure is the “S”. What were their social class systems? Status and power Who was considered more important in their society? What was their art, music, recreation like?

15 GRAPES G: Geography R: Religion A: Achievements P: Politics E: Economy
As a review, we will be using the acronym GRAPES to help guide us through our study G: Geography R: Religion A: Achievements P: Politics E: Economy S: Social Structure

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