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Schedule Welcome & Opening Prayer Way Forward Dialogue Video Overview

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2 Schedule Welcome & Opening Prayer Way Forward Dialogue Video Overview
Break Micro Groups Small & Large Group Time Parable Closing Prayer

3 Upcoming Weeks Session 1 – Introduction Session 2 – One Church Model
Session 3 – Connectional Conference Session 4 – Traditional Plan

4 Opening Prayer [Your text here.]

5 Goals Information about Special Called General Conference February 2019 Learn from one another Build trust and deepen relationships

6 Guideline / Covenant [Your text here.]

7 Hymn [Your text here.]

8 Micro Groups How did you come to participate with a United Methodist congregation?

9 How Did We Get Here? 1972 General Conference adopted Social Principles added the phrase, “We do not condone the practice of homosexuality and consider it incompatible with Christian teaching,” to the phrase, “persons of homosexual orientation are persons of sacred worth.”

10 How Did We Get Here? 1980 GC added to the Social Principles, “We affirm the sanctity of the marriage covenant, which is expressed in love, mutual support, personal commitment, and shared fidelity between a man and a women.”

11 How Did We Get Here? 1984 Adopted, as a standard for ordained clergy, commitment to ‘fidelity in marriage and celibacy in singleness.” 1988 GC changed Social Principles to read, “Although we do not condone the practice of homosexuality and consider…

12 How Did We Get Here? …this practice incompatible with Christian teaching, we affirm hat God’s grace is available to all. We commit ourselves to be in ministry for and with all persons.”

13 How Did We Get Here? Continued General Conference debates
2016 GC asked for bishops to lead in light of overwhelming number of proposals.

14 How Did We Get Here? Council of Bishops created Way Forward Commission of bishops, pastors, and laity Way Forward Commission included: 32 people from 9 nations All jurisdictions Wide spectrum of positions and theology

15 How Did We Get Here? At the Special Called General Conference (Feb 23-26, 2019) in St. Louis, Missouri delegates will receive report of the Way Forward Commission and will act (vote). Only delegates vote. The bishops have voice but no vote.

16 Parable for Today

17 Parable for Today “Working together has more to do with listening carefully to each other than claiming our position and speaking clearly.” − GIL RENDLE

18 Parable for Today Write your top convictions (interests) that shape your beliefs about LGBTQ inclusion.

19 Patricia Miller & Matt Berryman

20 Talk Back What do you take away from Patricia and Matt’s relationship?
Why do you think Patricia and Matt are able to disagree well?

21 Talk Back Do you agree with Matt’s assertion that we are often stuck in systems that perpetuate harm without our intent?

22 Break

23 Small Group Dialogue What Bible stories or passages shape how you view homosexuality?

24 Small Group Dialogue Where do you see God leading the church regarding inclusion of LGBTQ persons?

25 Large Group Dialogue What have you learned from our time together?

26 Large Group Dialogue What are your hopes for our dialogues?

27 Homework Read petitions for One Church Plan

28 Closing Prayer [Your text here.]



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