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They hung You on a cross and left You there to die

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1 They hung You on a cross and left You there to die
An agonizing painful death it made your mother cry To see her flesh and blood born from her very womb Suffering as you did before they laid You in a tomb. Wrapped in linen cloth Your body was placed there Your bewildered followers were in deep despair At the entrance of the tomb was placed a giant stone Soldiers stood guard while Your body laid there alone. After the Sabbath when the women came that way They looked inside the tomb, the stone had rolled away When they couldn’t find You, they were filled with dread They were not to know that you had risen from the dead.

2 We now praise You risen Jesus, God’s own Son In overcoming death salvation has been truly won We humbly bow before you Lord, for the wondrous gift of love you gave Your death and resurrection, we no longer fear the grave. Such joy that awaits us, we know that our own lives will end Joy we can’t imagine or begin to comprehend Hearts overflow with love, free from earthly strain Because of You Lord Jesus when You died and rose again Lyrics by John Waddell Composed Andrew Davis © Davis Waddell 2018

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