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Midwestern District ITE 2017 Conference

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1 Midwestern District ITE 2017 Conference
Safety Screening Analysis Geometric Deficiency and Crash Map Automation Glenn Vorhes, PE, GISP Midwestern District ITE 2017 Conference June 19, 2017

2 Introduction Project Goals, Definition
Develop an application with which users can quickly and easily identify and map the most dangerous segments of highway Self Service and easy, Limited or no special training Ready access to data brought together from multiple sources Geometric Deficiencies / Controlling Criteria Design Speed Lane Width Shoulder Width Horizontal Curve Radius Superelevation Maximum Grade Stopping Sight Distance Cross Slope Vertical Clearance Design Loading Structural Capacity Safety Problem Flags (Crashes/100 million VMT) Crash Rate: All crashes KAB Crash Rate: Fatalities, Incapacitating Injury, Non-incapacitating Injury Still subject to review for a Programmatic Exception to Standards

3 Status Quo Ante Manually Created Maps
Involved lookups to a variety of (inaccessible) data sources Not readily reproducible, Stored in “silos”

4 WisDOT STN Wisconsin Department of Transportation State Trunk Network
Interstates US Highways State Highways Pioneer of Linear Referencing System Position in terms of Reference Points or Route, Link and Offset Roadway features and operations information is tied to this

5 MetaManager WisDOT data product Updated 3 times a year
~20,000 segments with a typical length of ¾ mile, covers 15K miles Over 200 attributes per segment Selected Tables Base – Segment start/end reference points, highway, direction Roadway – AADT, Roadway Attributes, Curve, No-passing zones Pavement – Current and projected pavement conditions Safety – Crash Counts, Accident Flags (last 5 years) Mobility – Level of service, deficiencies, suggested Improvements Bridge – Attributes, current and projected conditions, Spatially enabled dataset derived from the STN, lookup table for backward reference to all data tied to the STN

6 MetaManager Applications
Has many applications beyond SSA Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Needs Analysis Tool

7 Crash Database WisTransportal – Many Services, Applications
1994 to present Crash attributes Location Vehicles Involved Severity Road Conditions Purposes Service to WisDOT, law enforcement Valuable for research

8 Photolog Precise XYZ location at 1/100th mile intervals
Used for curve identification and visibility analysis

9 Project Diagram

10 Architecture Database Server Client/Browser

11 Project Extent Definition of a project by the selection of start and end segments for one or more corridors Point-Click interface with informative popups Project create or modification triggers queries against available data

12 Worksheet Download Initially planned to implement deficiency identification logic within the application Difficult but not insurmountable, Logic a moving target Plan B was to pre-populate an Excel file with available information Macros, user entry of other/local information

13 Deficiency Identification
Deficiencies themselves identified by means of the Excel workbook Segments identified as deficient are marked as such in the web application for mapping purposes Excel workbook and map become complementary; Worksheet serves as a legend for the map; problem segments are identified by unique ID

14 Map output

15 Map output with Crash Points

16 Break For Demo

17 Thank you for coming! Questions? Conclusion “Significant” time savings
Safety Screening Analysis a required component planning Map and report must be present in Design Study Report Central storage and distribution center As an interactive web map, provides more (organized) information than is feasible on a static map Thank you for coming! Questions?

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