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Welcome to the Fun Facts about organelles

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Fun Facts about organelles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Fun Facts about organelles
Welcome to the Fun Facts about organelles. Actually, they’re not exactly fun…

2 Keep this in mind: When you have a complex system with a lot of working parts, it’s a beautiful design…as long as everything is working correctly. This is true whether you’re talking about an automobile engine or a cell

3 Unfortunately this principle is in operation: The more working parts, the more possibilities of things going wrong.

4 And so, there are ailments associated with the malfunction of each and every organelle…

5 1. Nucleus

6 Progeria is a childhood disease characterized by premature aging
Progeria is a childhood disease characterized by premature aging. It’s caused by a mutation of nuclear membrane’s lamin A gene. This is Sam Berns. He died at 17

7 7 year old Lindsay Ratcliff

8 2. Ribosomes

9 Fanconi anemia is a bone marrow failure disease brought on by impaired ribosomes. One result is thumbs that only attach by threads.

10 3. Golgi apparatus

11 Achondrogenesis is caused by a defect in the Golgi apparatus
Achondrogenesis is caused by a defect in the Golgi apparatus. The pituitary does not produce enough growth hormone, and results in an abnormally short trunk and tiny limbs.

12 4. Lysosomes

13 Fabry’s disease occurs when lysosomes are too full of indigestible molecules. One odd symptom are the little red skin lesions called angiokeratoma.


15 5. Mitochondria

16 Mutations of the mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) cause CPEO (Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia), which is a weakness of eye muscles causing droopy eyelids and the inability to move the eyeballs.

17 6-7. Endoplasmic Reticulum

18 The ER is where protein folding takes place
The ER is where protein folding takes place. ER stress can cause a failure in protein folding. An example is when our friends the pancreatic beta cells fail and it results in Type 2 Diabetes.


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