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We’re a Happy School.

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Presentation on theme: "We’re a Happy School."— Presentation transcript:

1 We’re a Happy School

2 OUR SCHOOL 3-11 years 3 – 5 years 5 – 11 years KINDER 1 KINDER 2

3 Senior Management Team
SMT Mr Lelio Spiteri Mr Silvio Grima Ms Helga Vella

4 School Day Entrance: Side Door
No parents are to come in the school premises without a valid reason. This minimises confusion and pupils’ disappointment. School Hours: 8.30am to 2.25pm Punctuality is important Late comers!

5 OUR BACKPACK ! Healthy Lunch and water
Give them a cloth napkin to put under lunchbox Preferably a sandwich, fruit and water NO SWEETS, CHOCOLATES, BISCUITS, JUICES, SOFT DRINKS


7 School Uniform Pupils have to come to school with school uniform and black shoes. PE Kit and white runners. Bought from several shops around Gozo: check quality and price!! Label everything with: Name and Surname

8 ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is important to give stability to your son/daughter and to avoid unnecessary disturbances in the classroom. SICK – avoid sending your son/daughter if s/he is sick. This will help avoid both the teacher and other pupils getting sick too. Parents are to send an sms on school mobile ( ) if their son/daughter is sick: otherwise s/he will be noted as absent without a valid reason. GOING ABROAD – copy of flight ticket MUST be handed in to the school’s secretary office.

9 Hygiene/Cleanliness Clean bodies: clean hair, regular baths
Clean belongings: uniform, satchel, bottle, lunch box, cloth napkin ********************************************** Permission to talk to Teachers Pupils leaving early Custody of children

10 This is the secret to our school’s success!
PARENTS All on board: This is the secret to our school’s success! Parents are encouraged to help out in tasks or with innovative ideas they are comfortable with. Parents are encouraged to come and talk to SMT if they have a problem: grumbling outside school doors will solve nothing. Parents are encouraged to help out their children with their studies to help them strive more.

11 SCHOOL BLOG Notes are not handed out to the pupils anymore.
All upcoming events, photos, and news can be found on the school blog Data Protection: Parents can opt out that their pupils appear in class/school photos, magazines, blog if they have a valid reason.

12 I-Learn: HW, personal password
Kreattiv Project Handwriting Policy Letter sounds/names

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