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What it takes to be the Boss

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1 What it takes to be the Boss
Presented by Dr. Porter Brannon Vice President for Student Services Mitchell Community College

2 About the Presenter Almost 20 years of progressively responsible experience in higher education. Served in key leadership roles at public, private and proprietary institutions. Responsible for short and long-range strategic planning: academic guidance career services disability services enrollment management financial aid placement testing retention services student activities veteran’s affairs Works closely with campus and external partners to ensure students meet the demands of a constantly changing community and workplace.  What’s worked for me and what’s

3 Today’s Agenda Two Types of Bosses
Five Qualities of Transformational Bosses Workbook to Assess Leadership Readiness Self Reflection Questions & Discussions Workbook: Private. Only you will see it. Be honest.

4 Two Types of Bosses “There are two types of bosses: managers and leaders. A leader’s role, is to work with people to change the lives of others for the better. Management, on the other hand, is about maintaining processes, disciplines and systems. Both are important to being a boss, but it’s critical that you possess leadership qualities”, if you want to lead.” Richard Branson, Founder at Virgin Group LinkedIn Pulse

5 We all know leaders who are unqualified and ineffective.
We all know leaders who are not respected and actively disliked. We all know leaders who are more focused on retirement than on innovation. This workshop is NOT about being a mediocre boss, this workshop is about being a transformational leader.

6 Five of Qualities of Successful Bosses
5. Necessary Credentials 4. Success-Centered Network 3. Industry Expertise 2. Impressive Personal Brand 1. Attractive Personality

7 #5 Credentials Each industry has it’s ideal set of credentials.
Without that credential, professional growth may always be limited. Your salary and position may always reflect the credentials you have. Your years of experience and perceived intelligence are no match for the required credential. You may have to give up, or delay, other desires while in pursuit of the ideal credential.

8 Self-Reflection: Credentials
What leadership position do you seek? What’s the ideal credential for that leadership position? Are you en-route to earning that credential you need? What will you have to do, or give up in order to earn it? Leadership Workbook

9 #4 Success-Centered Network
Like-minded friends and associates People honest about your strengths and weaknesses Motivators and sounding boards Accountability partners Coaches / Mentors / Advocates If you want to be successful, you have to surround yourself with people committed to their and hour success. Mentors: Praise you to leadership. Coach and mentor you for leadership. Recommend you for growth positions.

10 Self-Reflection: Success-Centered Network
Are you prepared for honest conversations about your areas of weakness? Who is your life do you trust to be honest with you about your strengths and weaknesses? Is there someone in your work/personal life whom you trust to mentor you? Leadership Workbook

11 #3 Industry Expertise Years of experience is not the same as expertise. Remain informed about current trends in your industry. Regularly read/listen/watch content related to industry trends. Understand the politics of your industry. Understand the local, regional, and national issues that impact your industry. Be able to fluidly articulate your mastery of industry knowledge. New Secretary of Educations Gainful employment rules Changes in federal funding streams Changes in technology and industry Birth rates

12 Self-Reflection: Industry Expertise
How do you stay abreast of current trends impacting the industry where you seek a leadership position? Can you name three of the top issues effecting the industry where you seek a leadership position? Leadership Workbook

13 #2 Your Personal Brand A brand is a personal slogan or words that describe each of us, and what we do. Even if you don’t think you have a brand, you do. It is what people think of you and the work you do regardless of whether you agree with it or not. Your brand is the conversation going on about you while you are not in the room. Andria Corso What’s My Brand? Why It’s Important To Know

14 Elements of your Personal Brand
Accountable Flexible and Agile Authentic Global Competency Acknowledges Others Inspires Followers Acknowledge Your Missteps Integrity & Grit Builds Relationships Negotiator Care for Others Organized Critical Thinking Skills Problem Solver Diverse Network Professional Behavior Effective Communication Skills Risk Taker Effective Decision Maker Smart Self Starter Executes – Gets things done! Vision & Creativity Execution without mass casualties. Bullying is not negotiating. Well thought out Problem solving

15 Self-Reflection: Your Personal Brand
Check off (✓) the elements of personal capital you already have, then place an * near the elements you need to develop. Leadership Workbook

16 #1 Attractive Personality
Best kept secret in most industries. Elements of an attractive personality include: Personality / Attitude Wardrobe / Grooming Vocabulary Gait / Posture How does the leader make me feel? All deliberated when organizations are considering your leadership ability. Big difference between Brand and Personality is the delivery. “Such a pretty girl with such a bad personality”

17 Why Attractive Personality Matters
Your presentation is part of an organizations brand. The other four elements won’t matter if you don’t have an attractive personality. Is your personality blocking your progress? Every college I’ve worked at, I met passionate, well-intentioned, faculty and staff who were never (and would never) growing professional because of their presentation.

18 Self-Reflection: Attractive Personality
Think about someone you know who has the ability to lead, but their personality or attitude is limiting their progress. Leadership Workbook

19 Self-Reflection: Two Types of Bosses
“There are two types of bosses: managers and leaders. A leader’s role, is to work with people to change the lives of others for the better. Management, on the other hand, is about maintaining processes, disciplines and systems.” Which one do you want to be? Not everyone is cut-out for leadership.

20 Questions & Discussion

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