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In what way does leadership play a role in your current position?

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1 In what way does leadership play a role in your current position?

2 Informal Leadership Emergence
Leadership does not always have to mean you hold a “management title” Leadership emergence in groups – be the leader in a group without holding a specific title of manager. Take action in the groups: volunteer your resources, provide recommendations for solutions Let it be known about your roles in the group to others externally; in turn could lead to future opportunities Developmentally needs to start in early stages of career (prior to holding management roles) – this will facilitate future opportunities as your transition to management level Often found in groups without direct reports

3 Informal Leadership Emergence
Successful teams with leaders The more leaders in a group, the stronger the group will be Management should maximize the amount of leaders in a team to ensure future team success As an aspiring manager, surround yourself with other leaders in a group At all times, exemplify leadership qualities within a group to maximize output a contribute to a successful team

4 Informal Leadership Emergence
The abilities of current leaders within groups are necessary to becoming a future leader Motivation to lead is not found in everyone in a group MTL Model – shown below shows that leadership motives in conjunction with ability, will predict an individuals ability to become a leader

5 Leading in Tough Times Sir Ernest Shackleton analysis by Margot Morrell Led an expedition to Antarctica facing extreme conditions Encountered numerous “road blocks” but maintained consistent leading message Morrell suggests that when looking at any successful leader, you can find one of Shackleton’s four cornerstones to leadership: Leading by example Communicating a vision Keeping up morale Maintaining a positive attitude

6 Leadership exercise Leadership Decisions for the Lab
Purpose - To provide a scenario to a group that will allow individual leadership among even team members (for further discussion) and provide a situation where patience will be important to allow for an informed decision, as well as highlighting the importance of a consistent message from management. Directions - Assemble a group of 3-5 members and provide the following scenario listed on the worksheet below. "You are a team of researchers in the chemistry department and the lab manager (professor) has assigned the group to increase the capacity of purification in the labs by acquiring a reliable piece of equipment to handle a traditionally manual process. The professor is often scatterbrained and changes his mind fairly frequently. The following vendors have been identified to help with the process: Vendor A) Offering a purification instrument that handles one sample at a time, costs $35K, and is made in the USA. Vendor B) Offering a purification instrument that handles four samples at a time, costs $45K, and is made in the UK. Vendor C) Offering a purification instrument that handles two samples at a time, costs $23K, and is made in Japan. The professor has indicated that the budget is $50K for an instrument and the preference is for a reliable product made in the US or UK. In 3 minutes, provide your recommendation based on the data provided.

7 Instructor: After groups are formed and look at worksheet to begin, allow 3 minutes to pass before making the following announcement: “Did you know there was a great sale at Harris Teeter this week? Also, the department has decided to cut our funding, I need you to find a suitable instrument for under $35K.” Allow 3 more minutes for discussion and then make another announcement: “The Cubs may have a chance to win the World Series! Also, my grant has been approved and we have our original $50K. A recent survey has shown that most of the instruments on the market are reliable enough for our work.” After 2 more minutes, you ask for a recommendation. Ask the following questions from the group before answers are provided in 5-7 minutes -Who was the leader among the group members? Why? Did someone assume a leadership role within the group? -What did the professor do that created a conflict? -Has this happened to any of you before with a manager? Discuss.

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