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The Smallest Dragonboy

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Presentation on theme: "The Smallest Dragonboy"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Smallest Dragonboy

2 Pre-Reading Activities
Complete the Quickwrite in your Notes Section of your notebook. (p.146) Read the Motivation & Making Inferences Section. What does that make you think about? Share with a partner.

3 Making Inferences As we read the story, answer the questions to the Inferences Boxes. Make sure you provide text evidence for each question.

4 Quickwrite #2 Impressing a dragon is a step toward assuming adult responsibilities in Pern society. What milestones/rituals are used in our society as a rite of passage?

5 Response & Analysis Complete the Reading Check Questions (a-f).
Complete Questions 1-5. Complete the Writing Section: Writing a Narrative. You just need to write 3-6 sentences.

6 Finding Types of Sentences
Go back through the story and find 1 example of each type of sentence: simple, compound, and complex. Be ready to share! 

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