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Presentation on theme: "Biotechnology-."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biotechnology-

2 DNA Fingerprinting Used to diagnose genetic disorders and identify carriers Analyze evidence at crime scenes (some placed in CODIS-Combined DNA Index System) Evidence of paternity Personal identity

3 Used to diagnose genetic diseases, analyze evidence at crime scenes, and determine paternity

4 DNA Fingerprinting

5 Which is adopted? Which is from mom’s previous marriage?

6 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Technique for making unlimited copies of DNA- CLONING. Useful when small amount of DNA is available.


8 Genetic Engineering Process of replacing specific genes in an organism to produce a desired trait. Accomplished by taking specific genes from one organism and placing them into another organism Gene map = location of gene on chromosome Human Genome Project – map of human genes

9 Human Genome Project Project began in 1990 and was completed in 2003.
Mapped out the entire Human Genome. Human Genome has ~3 BILLION base pairs. Less than 20,000 genes. Grape plants have 30,434 genes and chickens have 16,736 genes.

10 Recombinant DNA DNA from two organisms are combined; a gene from one organism is spliced into another organism. Uses: manufacturing of insulin, anticancer medications, natural pesticides, etc….

11 Cloning Identical copy of a gene or organism produced (naturally or genetically engineered) Pros: organ transplants, saving endangered species Cons: genetic disorders, more health problems


13 Gene Therapy Process by which a normal gene is inserted into an absent/abnormal gene Normal gene produces correct protein and eliminates cause of disorder Cons: Limited success, host often rejects injected genetic material Stem Cells: can replace tissue that is deficient due to disease or damage


15 Selective Breeding Artificially selecting and breeding organisms with desired traits Parents need gene for trait Inbreeding = gene becomes more prevalent Ex: crops, domesticated animals Hybrids – 2 traits selected, breeding similar species offspring often sterile (Horse + donkey = Mule)

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