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The Future of P.e Kyle Muckley.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of P.e Kyle Muckley."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of P.e Kyle Muckley

2 The Vision To promote and instill a healthy and active lifestyle in the future generations to come, through the help of technology.

3 The Age of Technology The new generations are using more technology then ever Physical Education is in dire need of a technological rejuvenation Technology will challenge students while keeping them engaged in new curriculum.

4 Heart Rate Monitors Heart Rate monitors are a simple and informative way to teach students about target heart rate Simple wrist watch HRM’s can be worn by students during PE class to Teach Target Heart Rate. HRM watches sell for $ and can be purchased online

5 Pedometers Pedometers are another great piece of technology that can be used in a class setting Pedometers can be used to set goals for students during a class. I.E. students must take 500 steps during a class period for an A, 400 for a B, 300 for a C Pedometers can be purchased for $1.57 a piece or customized with the school logo for slightly more. mo-translucent-step-counter- pedometers-prdid /

6 Push Up Testers Assess pro Push up tester is great assessment for all PE teachers The Push up Tester counts the number of push ups a student does and provides the student with proper depth in which their push up should go Rather than have a student do the thumbs up or double fist method the assess pro allows students to take the test by themselves The Assess Pro Push Up Tester sells for $69.95 spro-testing/assesspro-rep-addition- push-up-tester

7 Curl Up Mats The curl up mats are mats that electronically count the number of curl ups performed by students The mat keeps track of students foot placement and insure proper form The mats sell for $74.95 em/assesspro- testing/assesspro-rep- addition-curl-up-tester

8 Dietmaster 2100 The Dietmaster 2100 is a great piece of software that can be utilized in a health or PE class The Dietmaster allows individuals to plug in their daily diet and get an accurate analysis The Dietmaster 2100 also can help students develop a personalized diet pan The Basic edition sells for $39.99 but can be up graded all volumes can be found here s/personal-software

9 The Total Individual Hear Rate Monitors (30)$1,200.00
Individual Pedometers (30) $48 Push up pro Assessment (2) $140 Curl Up mat (2) $150 Dietmaster 2100 (1) $40 Any of the items can be used together or individually to revamp any health and physical education program

10 Conclusion All of the pieces of technology listed in this presentation can transform a typical PE class into a whole new learning experience for students. Not only will students hear about the causes, the effects, and the benefits of exercise: these technologies will show students first hand.

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