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U.S. Introduction & Update to the 2017 QCJWC

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1 U.S. Introduction & Update to the 2017 QCJWC
Unclassified U.S. Introduction & Update to the 2017 QCJWC 2 – 4 May 2017 Ottawa, Canada THIS BRIEFING IS UNCLASSIFIED Unclassified

2 US Delegation Joint Concepts Mr. Ric Schulz Joint Doctrine
Chief, Joint Concepts Div. Deputy Director, Future Joint Force Development, Joint Force Development Directorate (J-7) Joint Staff Mr. John Defoor Joint Concepts Strategist Joint Doctrine Col James Mcarthur Chief, Joint Doctrine Div. Deputy Director, Joint Education and Doctrine, Mr. Peter Croteau Joint Doctrine Staff Officer Joint Lessons COL John Lange Chief, Strategy, Programs, and Policy Joint Lessons Learned Div. Mr. John Barrows Joint Lessons Learned Staff Officer Whole New World in 4 Years THOUGHTS: Environment continues to change. PAST NOW - FUTURE Global Regional / Unpredictable Predicable OPTEMPO – Readiness Challenges Unit Readiness TMM (Cross CCMD) Geographic CCMD Focused Increased Functional CDR Focused

3 U.S. Joint Doctrine Since Last QCJWC Next 12 months
National Military Strategy (Classified) 4+1 Threats (Russian, China, North Korea, Iran, + Violent Extremist Organizations) Adaptive Joint Doctrine – Priority, Process, Product (“Infuse the changing character of warfare into doctrine”) Add “Information” as the seventh Joint Warfighting Function Interorganizational outreach Keystone Joint Pub approved (Joint Operations, Joint Personnel Support) Two new Joint Pubs approved (Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Countering Threat Networks) Three Joint Doctrine Notes (JDN) approved (Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, Command Red Team, Identity Activities) Conducted two Joint Doctrine Planning Conferences (May and November) Participated in 3 Allied Joint Operations and Doctrine (AJOD) Working Groups (WG) Next 12 months Revise 15 prioritized Joint Pubs based on Strategic Guidance (JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the U. S., Joint Planning, Security Cooperation, Joint Forcible Entry Operations, Cyberspace Operations, JTF HQ) Approve Security Cooperation, Space Operations, Nuclear Operations Joint Pubs; Strategy JDN Review Security Force Assistance, Commander’s Communications Synchronization JDNs Conduct two Joint Doctrine Planning Conferences (June and November) Participate in two AJOD WGs Whole New World in 4 Years THOUGHTS: Environment continues to change. PAST NOW - FUTURE Global Regional / Unpredictable Predicable OPTEMPO – Readiness Challenges Unit Readiness TMM (Cross CCMD) Geographic CCMD Focused Increased Functional CDR Focused

4 U.S. Lessons Learned Since Last QCJWC Next 12 months
12 issues resolved including: Institutionalized procedures to compensate for civilian casualties Update to planning procedures for coalition caveats and ROE 9 recently completed JCOA studies, 6 ongoing or nearing completion: NATO Exercise program in support of JALLC Ebola containment support Counter ISIL operations Increased engagements with other U.S. agencies (DoS, FEMA) JLLIS updates and improvements to include IBM content analytics Next 12 months Continue JLLIS improvements with technical updates Issue resolution will focus on Joint Staff and OSD issues Incorporating lessons learned process into Joint Professional Military Education and Doctrine JCOA future studies in support of JALLC and Combatant Commands Whole New World in 4 Years THOUGHTS: Environment continues to change. PAST NOW - FUTURE Global Regional / Unpredictable Predicable OPTEMPO – Readiness Challenges Unit Readiness TMM (Cross CCMD) Geographic CCMD Focused Increased Functional CDR Focused

5 U.S. Futures and Concepts
CCJO Concept Required Capabilities Future Operating Environment Envisioned Way of Operating JOE 2035 NMS Family Of Joint Concepts 4+1 Challenges Current and Emerging Problems 2016 Accomplishments Joint Operating Environment 2035 Joint Concept for Human Aspects of Military Operations Joint Concept for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Joint Concept for Access and Maneuver in the Global Commons UK & AUS Red Team reviews 2017 Focus Family of Joint Concepts Joint Concept for Integrated Campaigning Joint Concept for Operating in the Information Environment Continued International Collaboration Who I am, describe JCP, how it contributes to JFD, new approach Riku JFD purposeful development of JF to respond to current & emerging challenges – JCD is foundational Begin with NMS, 5 Mission Areas: Assure, Compete, Deter conv, Deter WMD, Respond What can we expect from FOE (JOE): contested norms, persistent disorder, TMM, 4+1 like (near peers, regional actors, VEO_ How do we respond? GIO (CCJO) What does each challenge portend to JFD? (FoJC) 4+1 (one force, multiple challenges How do we use Jt Concepts to guide change across JFD? Concept Implementation NMS: CJCS strategic framework to inform prioritization of planning, resource allocation, distribution of risk, force development JOE: Describes FSE, projects implications of change to anticipate and prepare for the future CCJO: How the JF must adapt and evolve to meet increasingly trans-regional, multi-domain, multi-functional threats to 2035, IOT guide JFD Concept Implementation Joint Force Development

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