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JOINT PROJECTS One of the lessons learned is that when GONU and GOSS cooperate, with support from the international community and undertake joint activities,

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Presentation on theme: "JOINT PROJECTS One of the lessons learned is that when GONU and GOSS cooperate, with support from the international community and undertake joint activities,"— Presentation transcript:

1 JOINT PROJECTS One of the lessons learned is that when GONU and GOSS cooperate, with support from the international community and undertake joint activities, considerable achievements are made with direct benefit to the people.

2 Making unity attractive and enhance
JOINT PROJECTS PURPOSE Making unity attractive and enhance coexistence

3 JOINT PROJECTS AREAS I-Infrastructure:
construction of a roads connecting; Juba to Kosti through Renk-Malakal - Malakal–Bor–Juba and construction of a road connecting Talodi (South Kordofan) to Malakal.

4 JOINT PROJECTS I-Infrastructure cont..1:
Complete the rehabilitation of the rail infrastructure between Port Sudan-Khartoum-Wau-and construct new link from Wau to Juba For river transport, undertake the dredging of the navigable River Nile , and construction of new ports at Juba, Mangola, Bor, Shambe, Adok, Malakal, and establish navigational aids, signaling and rescue stations.

5 JOINT PROJECTS II- Integrated Community Recovery and Development:
Target is communities living around the 1956 border in South Darfur, Southern Kordofan, Blue Nile, Western Bahr-el-Ghazal, Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal, Unity and Western Upper Nile. The purpose is to alleviate tensions

6 JOINT PROJECTS II- Integrated Community Recovery and
Development cont..1: The purpose Is to alleviate tensions

7 JOINT PROJECTS Possible interventions are:
livelihood services (pasture and water for both settled and nomadic population; improved agriculture production), provision of basic services (water, sanitation, construction and renovation of schools and health clinics, school feeding), Capacity building (training of key personnel such as teachers, health workers, youth workers and women’s groups, enhancing communities capacities including for joint planning)

8 JOINT PROJECTS Possible interventions are: cross-cutting issues such as HIV/AIDS awareness, health and hygiene education, and local skills

9 JOINT PROJECTS Cost of Joint Projects

10 URGENT NEEDS Civil Aviation 2 Commuter planes Khartoum - Juba

11 URGENT NEEDS Hydro-Electric Power station feasibility study Nimule

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