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French Revolution Chronological Stages.

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1 French Revolution Chronological Stages

2 Estates General 1st Estate owns 10% of land
2nd Estate owns 25-30% of Land 3rd Estate owns 35-40% of Land 8% make up Bourgeoisie “Old Order” or “Old Regime


4 National Assembly (1789) Created by The Tennis Court Oath
Bastille (pg 572) “Great Fear” Destroyed relics of feudalism (basically ended privileges of clergy and nobility) Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen Women’s march to Versailles Civil Constitution of the Clergy

5 Legislative Assembly (1791)
Limited Monarchy Active citizens voted for electors Divided France into 83 departments Departments were divided into districts and communes Jacobins…Radicals War starts between Austria Paris Commune “Sans-Culottes” took over

6 National Convention Radical phase Dominated early by Georges Danton
Jacobin Club split Girondin: From country wanted to keep king alive Mountain: Crazies from City wanted to kill the king War expands to include Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain & Dutch Republic Grants power to the Committee of Public Safety

7 Committee of Public Safety
Initially led by Danton Maximilien Robespierre Universal mobilization of France “Nation in Arms” Reign of Terror 50,000 people killed 8% nobles, 25% middle class, Clergy 6%, peasant classes 60%. Influenced by Rousseau’s General Will Republic of Virtue

8 National Convention (Cont)
De-Christianization New calendar Renamed the Cathedral of Notre Dame Equality and Slavery François Toussaint L’Ouverture Decline of Comm. Public Safety Thermidorean Reaction

9 The Directory (1795) Reaction to the radical phase
Council of Elders and Council of 500 Materialistic reaction Corrupt, still dealing with economic problems

10 Enter Napoleon…

11 Rise of Napoleon Short…or was he??? Born on Corsica…outsider
Gifted military commander. Victories in Italian Campaign Abandons his army in 1799 Coup d’etat

12 Domestic Policies of N.B.
Made peace with the Catholic Church (politique) Napoleonic Code aka civil code Preserved most of revolutionary gains Equality of all citizens, right of individuals to choose professions, religious toleration etc Restored father’s control over families Bureaucracy 1802 he balances the budget Meritocracy

13 Napoleon’s policies cont…
Growing Despotism Napoleon shut down newspapers because they were publishing negative things Challenges to Despotism Gemaine de Staël. She was exiled where she continued to challenge Napoleon

14 Napoleon’s Grand Empire
French Empire France with adjacent territories Dependent States Spain, Netherlands, Italy*, Swiss Republic, Grand Duchy of Warsaw, Confederation of the Rhine Allied States Those defeated by Britain Prussia, Austria, Russia

15 Problem of Great Britain
Those pesky Brits Continental System Attempted to prevent British goods from reaching European Continent. Failed ****Synthesis….*****

16 Nationalism Rise of Nationalism…Edsall’s version.

17 Fall of Napoleon Russia Withdrew from Allied States
Napoleon forced to act Invades Russia Big mistake ***Synthesis*** Elba Escapes Battle of Waterloo (Duke of Wellington) Final Battle St. Helena

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