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4 Visual Elements and Graphics.

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1 4 Visual Elements and Graphics

2 Learning Outcomes Create & Format Lines & Borders on Web Pages
Add Graphics to Web Pages Configure Images as Backgrounds & Hyperlinks Configure Visual Effects with CSS3 Configure RGBA color with CSS3 Use HTML5 Elements to Caption a Figure Use the HTML5 Meter & Progress Elements Follow Web Design Guidelines for Graphics

3 <hr> <hr /> Style
Inserts Plain Line (Horizontal Rule) Across Page Emphasize Divisions & Transitions In Content Style style=“background-color: #RRGGBB | colorname;” style=“color: #RRGGBB | colorname;” style=“height: number;” style=“width: number;”

4 Box Model Describes Rectangular Boxes that Contain Content
Each Block-level Element is Displayed as a Box Each Content Box can have Margins, Borders, & Padding

5 Border Properties border: style width color
Shorthand Property Sets All Four Individual Borders Same Format for margin Property

6 Border Properties border-style: keyword Keywords none dotted dashed
solid double groove ridge inset outset

7 Border Properties border-width: thin | medium | thick | #
border-color: value border-radius: value Configues Rounded Corners for an Element

8 Padding Properties White Space Between Content & Border padding: # | %
Shorthand Property Sets All Four Individual Paddings padding-left | padding-right | padding-top | padding-bottom: # | %

9 Images Formats GIF Better for Clip Art Displays Maximum of 256 Colors
Interlaced Image that Comes into Focus While it is Being Displayed Non-interlaced Rendering the Image a Line at a Time Transparency One Color Selected to Not Display Animated Composed of Several Different Images Displayed in Rapid Succession

10 Images Formats PNG Better for Clip Art Displays More Colors than GIF
Allows Transparency Does Not Allow Animation

11 Images Formats JPEG Better for Photographs Unlimited Colors
Generally Smaller File Size Control Amount of Compression

12 Images Formats SVG Scalable
Made Up of Lines, Not Dots Created with XML and Can Be Modified by CSS Easily Edited

13 <img> <img /> Attributes Inserts an Image Into a Document
Secondary to Content Attributes alt=“text” Provides Alternative Text that Describes the Image IE Displays ALT Text When User Hovers on Image Users Who Surf With Graphics Turned Off Non-graphical Browsers Alt Text is Displayed in Place of Image Required

14 <img> Attributes height=“pixels” src=“URL” width=“pixels”
Specifies the Image's Height src=“URL” Specifies Location of Image to Place in Web Page Required width=“pixels” Specifies the Image's Width

15 <img> Style style=“float: none | left | right;”
Place Image on Left / Right & Wrap Text Around It style=“clear: none | left | right;” Display Content After Margin is Clear of Floating Elements style=“margin: top# right# bottom# left#;” style=“border-width: #;” Rendered in Designated Link Color if Image is a Link

16 <figure> & <figcaption>
<figure>…<figure> Contains a Self-contained Unit of Content (e.g., image) Along with One Optional figcaption Element Example <figure> <img src="lighthouseisland.jpg" width="250“ height="355" alt="Lighthouse Island“ /> <figcaption> Island Lighthouse, Built in </figcaption> </figure>

17 <meter> <meter>…</meter> Example
Displays a Gauge of a Numeric Value Within a Range Example <meter value="14417" min="0" max="14417">14417</meter>14,417 Total Visits<br /> <meter value="7000" min="0" max="14417">7000</meter> 7,000 Firefox<br /> <meter value="3800" min="0" max="14417">3800</meter> 3,800 Internet Explorer<br /> <meter value="2062" min="0" max="14417">2062</meter> 2,062 Chrome<br /> <meter value="1043" min="0" max="14417">1043</meter> 1,043 Safari<br /> <meter value="312" min="0" max="14417">312</meter>    312 Opera<br /> <meter value="200" min="0" max="14417">200</meter>    200 other<br />

18 <progress> <progress>…</progress> Example
Displays a Bar of a Numeric Value Within a Range Example <progress value="5000" max="10000">5000</progress> Progress Towards Our Goal

19 Background Properties
background-color: colorname | # background-image: url(imagename.gif)

20 Background Properties
background-repeat: repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat background-position: % | length | keyword

21 Background Properties
background-attachment: scroll | fixed

22 Background Properties
background-clip: content-box | padding-box | border-box Confines Display of Background Image background-origin: content-box | padding-box | border-box Displays Background Image Relative to Value background-size: % | # | cover | contain Resize or Scale Background Image

23 Multiple Background Images
Example #exampleA { width: 500px; height: 250px; background-image: url(decoration.png), url(ribbon.png), url(old_paper.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left top, right bottom, left top; }

24 Favicon (Favorites Icon)
Square Image Associated with a Web Page Named favicon.ico Displayed in Address Bar, Tab, Favorites/Bookmarks Example <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico">

25 Box Shadows box-shadow Property Example #wrapper {
Specify Horizontal Offset, Vertical Offset, Blur Radius, & Color Example #wrapper { box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #828282; }

26 Opacity opacity Property
Configure the Opacity of the Background Color 0 = Completely Transparent; 1 = Completely Opaque Example h1{ background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.6; }

27 RGBA Color rgba Property Example h1{
Red, Green, Blue, Alpha (Transparency) Values for Red, Green, & Blue Must Be From 0 To 255 Alpha Value 0 = Transparent & 1 = Opaque Example h1{ color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); font-size: 5em; padding-right: 10px; text-align: right; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; }

28 HSLA Color hsla Property Example h1{
Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Alpha (Transparency) Hue - Actual Color from 0 to 360 (Circle) Red = 0; Green = 120; Blue = 240 Saturation – Intensity from 0% to 100% Lightness - Brightness from 0% to 100% Alpha Value 0 = Transparent & 1 = Opaque Example h1{ color: hsla(120, 100%, 100%, 1.0); }

29 Gradients linear-gradient & radial-gradient Properties
Example #linearBg1 { /* top-bottom */ background: linear-gradient(#000, #400, #800, #c00, #f00); } #linearBg2 { /* left-right */ background: linear-gradient(to right, #000, #500, #a00, #f00); #linearBg3 { /* diagonal top left-bottom right */ background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #000, #800, #f00);

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