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Stages of Slave Trade What countries were involved in the slave trade?

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1 Stages of Slave Trade What countries were involved in the slave trade?
What are the 3 stages of the slave trade?

2 Stage 1 Taken from Coastal cities by traders
Guns, cloths, and Rum for Slaves Slaves were.... Criminals Kidnapping Trading Prisoners of war Were good people taken as slaves?

3 Stage 1 (Cont.) Goree (Slave Stick) Forced Participation
Weapons needed to defend themselves If you supplied slaves, there was no guarantee you could not be taken as a slave If you were taken from an inland city, the ship’s doctor said there is chance you would not survive, would you be taken on the ship?

4 Stage 2 “Middle Passage”
West Africa to the West Indies 8-10 Weeks Loss of Life= Loss of Money The Amistad (1839) Africa to Havana Notable instance of rebellion being successful Only navigator survived Took them to America (Long Island) instead of Africa Supreme Court ruled they should be free

5 Types of Slave Ships Loosely Packed Ship Tightly Packed Ship
Fewer slaves on board Greater percentage survived voyage Shoulder to Shoulder Tightly Packed Ship More slaves on board Greater profit at auction Belly to Back

6 Conditions on Ship Chained ankle to wrist
Called up once in awhile to bathe Suicide often occurred (not eating, suffocation, “fixed melancholy” [no will to live]) Diseases Flu, Smallpox, Scurvy Food The Dutch fed their slaves three times a day and the food was somewhat decent. - On French boats the slaves were fed from a stew of oats that were cooked daily and to which sometimes dried turtle meat or dried vegetables were added. - The English fed the slaves twice a day and gave the slaves’ meals in small fat tubes.

7 Stage 3 Auctions Public Private Scramble Highest Bidder wins the slave
Allowed to bid as long as a candle burned Private Similar to Public Auctions; were held indoors, a marker on the door would indicate if an auction was taking place Scramble Happened on the deck of the ship or on the dock. Fixed Price on Slave.

8 When at Auction More scars = Less value
Covered in Tar or other oil’s to appear healthy Made up their names Families were split up Teeth were very important to determine age Skills, Age, Gender determined cost What was more valuable an American born slave or an African slave?

9 On the Plantations Harsh working conditions Whippings Starved
Treated as “toys” for young children Masters ensured slaves remained uneducated

10 Psychology Stripped of names Stripped of every human trait
Stripped of their native language Cheerios Commerical (controversial video) Kids Reactions (4:15) Has there been lasting psychological effects from the slave trade?

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