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Design Elements Kuliah 2 Teknik Presentasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi

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Presentation on theme: "Design Elements Kuliah 2 Teknik Presentasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Elements Kuliah 2 Teknik Presentasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi Design Elements

2 Objectives To introduce the most basic ideas concerning the elements that make up a visual design. To give a general overview of design and to recognize good design

3 7 Elements of Design Elements of Design

4 To a visual designer, the elements of design are the same as notes to a musician or words to a writer.

5 7 ELEMENTS OF DESIGN Line Shape Negative Space Volume Value Color
Texture Volume Value Color Line Shape

6 Line 1

7 Lines are the most basic element of design

8 Child’s drawing

9 Preliminary character studies for a 3D animation

10 A preliminary drawing and 3D character models

11 A line is the distance between two points
Mathematical Terms A line is the distance between two points

12 Types of Lines Visual Implied

13 (a) Visual and (b,c) Implied lines

14 The Most Important Characteristic: Direction
Vertical Horizontal Diagonal

15 The asparagus shows strength and stability

16 The warrior and horse express the feelings of power and stability

17 The warrior and horses provide a sense of calmness

18 The Cowboy and horses communicate motion and tension

19 (Horizontal and Vertical)
The example of how line direction affects the mood and feeling of a design (Horizontal and Vertical)


21 Shape 2

22 Shape has both length and width and is 2D without mass or depth

23 Shape is the element that communicates the identity of objects most immediately and directly

24 Realistic Distorted Stylized Abstract Nonobjective
Shapes in a Design Realistic Distorted Stylized Abstract Nonobjective

25 Realistic Realism is the way we observe images in nature with all the proportions and dimensions of the natural world

26 A painting using realism

27 Realism is used to communicate a visual image accurately to the largest audience possible

28 Distortion When realistic shapes are manipulated or changed but are still recognizable as natural objects, it is called distortion

29 Designs that use distortion

30 Abstraction Abstraction is the process of reducing natural shapes down to their simplest form

31 Logos are example of abstraction
Road signs, buttons on a DVD player, and Web site navigation are another example.

32 Stylization Stylization will create and establish a unique look for the content of a design

33 Movie poster concept using stylization

34 Nonobjective When shapes in a design have no recognizable visual representation to anything in nature, they are defined as nonobjective

35 Designs that use nonobjective shapes

36 Rectilinear Curvilinear
Types of Shapes Rectilinear Curvilinear

37 Rectilinear shapes are sharp, angular, rigid and geometric



40 Shapes that are organic, curved, and round are called curvilinear




44 Negative space 3

45 Negative space is the empty area surrounding a positive shape

46 The relationship between the shape and space is called figure and background. The figure is the positive shape, and the background is the negative space.

47 Figure and Background

48 Figure and background confusion

49 Volume 4

50 Volume defines 3D visuals that have length, width, and depth

51 Realistically, volume must be observed from an assortment of angles and observed in an actual environment


53 Value 5

54 Value describes light and dark
Value describes light and dark. The contrast of values in a design gives a sense of clarity and depth.

55 Left: Similar values. Right: Extreme contrast of values

56 High Key and Low Key When values are very light, the term high key is used. Lighter values suggest a brighter or happier mood. Conversely, dark values are called low key. They usually feel somber and serious.

57 High-key design

58 Low-key design

59 Value is also used to describe volume in 2D by imitating the way light reveals a form or object


61 Color 6

62 The two basic systems of color are additive and subtractive
The two basic systems of color are additive and subtractive. These two systems differ based on the source of the light.


64 The effects of light on a color image

65 Texture 7

66 Texture is the surface quality of an object

67 Types of Texture Tactile Implied

68 Tactile texture is texture that we can actually touch and feel.

69 Implied Implied texture is texture that we can see but cannot feel or touch. Technically, it is not texture at all—it is the illusion of texture.

70 Left: Implied texture. Right: Tactile texture.

71 Pertanyaan?

72 Tugas 2: Esai Buatlah sebuah esai yang menjelaskan tentang Prinsip-prinsip Desain. Deadline: 29 Maret 2011 Send to:

73 Kelas Virtual

74 Student Access Code ZT35T-CV3Z2


76 ZT35T-CV3Z2


78 © 2011
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