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PRESIDENT REAGAN Former actor and California governor Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980. He is generally considered a strong leader who helped.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESIDENT REAGAN Former actor and California governor Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980. He is generally considered a strong leader who helped."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESIDENT REAGAN Former actor and California governor Ronald Reagan was elected president in He is generally considered a strong leader who helped bring the Cold War to an end. Reagan maintains an almost legendary status in the eyes of conservatives, having sparked a renaissance of conservative politics.

Reagan’s decisive victory over Carter in 1980 "Are you better off than you were four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment... than there was four years ago?"

3 PRESIDENT REAGAN What is the message of this political cartoon?
This criticizes Reagan’s foreign policy in Central America. In addition to the Iran-Contra Affair, Reagan also funded the anti-communist Salvadorian government, which used death squads to eliminate opposition.

4 PRESIDENT REAGAN What is the message of this political cartoon?
Reagan promoted tax breaks for Americans, including the richest corporations. The theory is that if the rich have money to invest, it will create more jobs, and the middle and working classes will also benefit. This is known as supply-side economics, trickle-down economics, or simply as Reaganomics. Supply-side economics was (and still is) highly divisive. These cartoons are critical of that concept.

What is the message of this political cartoon? The cartoon suggests that Reagan is best known for his Cold War leadership (helping to bring an end to the Berlin Wall).

6 Domestic Policy Foreign Policy
PRESIDENT REAGAN Reagan’s Legacy Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Brought the economy out of recession with tax breaks Tax breaks to the rich and to corporations; trickle-down economics, supply-side economics, Reaganomics) Space Shuttle Disaster (Challenger) Increased spending, raising the national debt Signed a bill offering amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants Illegal arms sales to Iran, money to Nicaraguan Contras (Iran-Contra Affair) Supplied weapons to Afghans to fight the Soviets (later became Taliban) Funded Salvadorian government, whose ‘death squads’ killed opposition Grenada Invasion (Caribbean) as another Cold War theater Bringing the Cold War to an end, demanding openness in the communist world, demanding the tearing down of Berlin Wall “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” “Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction.” According to most ranking systems (liberal and conservative), Ronald Reagan usually ranks between 8th and 25th in terms of the best U.S. Presidents in history. He has an average rank of 16th. For those who are conservative, he was one of America’s best leaders, pulling us out of recession and winning the Cold War. For liberals, he favored the rich with conservative policies and was connected to other scandals.

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