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My career pathway.

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Presentation on theme: "My career pathway."— Presentation transcript:

1 My career pathway

2 Draw your dream life Think about where you want to live, if you want children, what job you want, if you want a car, etc.

3 My career pathway Session objectives:
To consider what careers are available. To create a career pathway plan.

4 What is most important when considering your future?
The money I could earn. How stable my job is. The chance to work independently. The chance to work with others. Making a positive difference. Chances to learn new skills. Career progression (opportunities for more responsibility and higher salaries). Opportunity for travel. Working hours. Education opportunities. Participants rank what is most important to them. Ask for volunteers to feedback to the group. How might this effect choices about your future?

5 Which would require more qualifications?
Ongoing progression More long term Career Which would you prefer? Which would require more qualifications? Activity through which you earn money Vs. Different training opportunities Job What do you think the difference is? Which would you want for yourself? Why? How do you get there? What qualifications might you need? Less opportunity for self development Specific tasks usually stay the same

6 What would you like to do in the future?
List 5-10 jobs you would like to do. They can be anything, even if it seems unrealistic. Don’t forget to consider what you want out of a job i.e. decent pay, travel opportunities, stability, etc.

7 Pick three jobs List two benefits and two disadvantages of each job.
List at least two skills you think you would need. List any qualifications you think you would need.

8 My careers pathway Using the internet, research at least one of the jobs you listed and fill out the worksheet with the skills, experience, and qualifications you would need. Useful websites:

9 Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time specific
Target setting Using the information you have collected set yourself at least three targets to help you achieve your career goal. Targets should be SMART, use the example worksheet to help you. Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time specific

10 For further information: Prospects Jobsite UCAS
Information gathered from: Prospects Jobsite For further information: Prospects Jobsite UCAS


12 Thank you

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