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Questionnaires and Sampling

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1 Questionnaires and Sampling
Grade D C B A Questionnaires and Sampling I can identify errors in a questionnaire. I can design questionnaires and surveys. I am able to identify bias. I understand the impact of types of sampling on bias. I can calculate the numbers to be surveyed for a stratified sample. I am starting this unit on grade _______I can ………….. By the end of this unit I want to be able to ……………………….

2 LO To assess my understanding of Questionnaires and Sampling
RAG Key Words: Reflect, Communicate, Explain, Justify 12/11/2018 Starter Activity Complete the ‘Heard the Word Grid.’ Are there any key words that you have learnt or have a better understanding of now than you did at the start of this unit of work?

3 Questionnaire Random Sample Stratified Sample Bias Estimate
Key Words / symbols Never heard before? Heard of but not sure what it means? Know what it means and can explain it in context Jot down your ideas here... Questionnaire Random Sample Stratified Sample Bias Estimate Print slides 3-10 two slides to a page.

4 Grade D Question Answers and Working Out Petros wants to find out how teenagers communicate with each other. He designs a questionnaire. Here are two of his questions. The questions are not suitable. For each question, write down a reason why. Q1) Do you prefer to communicate with your best friend by mobile phone or by ? Yes No (Q2) How many addresses do you have? 1 2 3 4 Q1 is unsuitable because…….. Q2) Is unsuitable because…….

5 Grade C Questions Answers and Working Out Mr Beeton is going to open a restaurant. He wants to know what type of restaurant people like. He designs a questionnaire. Design a suitable question he could use to find out what type of restaurant people like. Janie wants to collect information about the amount of sleep the students in her class get. Design a suitable question she could use.

6 Grade B Question Grade B Answer Hamid wants to find out what people in Melworth think about the sports facilities in the town. Hamid plans to stand outside the Melworth sports centre one Monday morning. He plans to ask people going into the sports centre to complete a questionnaire. Carol tells Hamid that his survey will be biased. a) Give one reason why the survey will be biased. b) Describe one change Hamid could make to the way in which he is going to carry out his survey so that it will be less biased. a) b)

7 Grade B Questions Answers and Working Out There are 970 students in Bayton High School. Brian takes a random sample of 100 students. He asks these 100 students which subject they like best. They can choose English or Maths or Science. Brian is going to use his results to work out an estimate of how many of the 970 students like English best. Explain how.

8 Answers and Working Out
Grade A Questions Answers and Working Out Explain what is meant by (a ) a random sample, (b) a stratified sample. The table opposite shows the number of students in each year group at a school. Jenny is carrying out a survey for her GCSE Mathematics project. She uses a stratified sample of 60 students according to year group. Calculate the number of Year 11 students that should be in her sample. Year group 7 8 9 10 11 Number of students 190 145 140 130

9 Answers and Working Out
Grade A Questions Answers and Working Out The table below some information about the members of a golf club. The club secretary carries out a survey of the members. He chooses a sample, stratified both by age range and by gender, of 90 of the 454 members. Work out an estimate of the number of male members, in the age range 31 to 50, he would have to sample.

10 Use the space below to set yourself a question similar to the ones you were able to answer confidently. Use the space below to answer the question that you have set yourself My own question… My answer…

11 Questionnaires and Sampling
Grade D C B A Questionnaires and Sampling I can identify errors in a questionnaire. I can design questionnaires and surveys. I am able to identify bias. I understand the impact of types of sampling on bias. I can calculate the numbers to be surveyed for a stratified sample. Dialogue marking sheet. Use the learning journey above to highlight the mathematical skills that you have now which you didn’t have at the start of the unit of work. How much progress have you made? What can you do to improve your skills as a learner in order to make even better progress?

12 My teachers probing question My answer
What I will do to act upon my ‘Even Better If’’ comment Strategy Tick / Comments Complete a mymaths lesson or booster pack Use a revision guide or text book Ask my teacher to explain during a lesson Ask a peer to explain during a lesson Ask someone at home to help Attend a revision session at school Attend homework club Something else (describe your strategy here) Dialogue marking sheet.

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