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1 Abortion

2 Most Common Differential Diagnosis of 1st Trimester Bleeding
Ectopic pregnancy Normal intrauterine pregnancy Threatened abortion Abnormal intrauterine pregnancy

3 Diagnosis tools for early pregnancy
Urine pregnancy test (UPT) Accurate on first day of expected menses βhCG 6-8 days after ovulation – present Date of expected menses days after ovulation) – βhCG is100 IU/L Within first 30 days – βhCG doubles every hours Important for pregnancy diagnosis prior to ultrasound diagnosis Based on ultrasound sizes 5mm CRL and no FHR 10mm Mean Sac Diameter and no yolk sac 20mm Mean Sac Diameter and no fetal pole Based on change in size of bHcg <15% rise in bhcg over 48 hours Gestational sac growth <2mm over 5 days Gestational sac growth <3mm over 7 days

4 Diagnostic tools for early pregnancy Transvaginal ultrasound
Estimated βhCG values and associated findings on transvaginal ultrasound in early pregnancy EGA βhCG (IU/L) Visualization 5 wks >1500 Gestational sac 6 wks >5,200 Fetal pole 7 wks >17,500 Cardiac motion

5 Diagnosis of Spontaneous Abortion (SAB) or Early Pregnancy Failure (EPF)
SAB/EPF if Ultrasound measurements are: 5mm CRL and no fetal heart rate 10mm Mean Sac Diameter and no yolk sac 20mm Mean Sac Diameter and no fetal pole Change in βhCG is <15% rise in βhCG over 48 hours Gestational sac growth <2mm over 5 days Gestational sac growth <3mm over 7 days Based on ultrasound sizes 5mm CRL and no FHR 10mm Mean Sac Diameter and no yolk sac 20mm Mean Sac Diameter and no fetal pole Based on change in size of bHcg <15% rise in bhcg over 48 hours Gestational sac growth <2mm over 5 days Gestational sac growth <3mm over 7 days

6 Diagnosis of threatened abortion
Diagnosis made by ultrasound and/or ßhCG – normally growing early pregnancy, but with vaginal bleeding More formal definition: Vaginal bleeding before the 20th week Bleeding in early pregnancy with no pregnancy loss

7 Spontaneous Abortion (SAB) Early Pregnancy Failure (EPF)
SAB (spontaneous abortion): Usually refers to first 20 weeks Abortion in the absence of an intervention If fetus dies in uterus after 20wks GA Called a fetal demise or stillbirth

8 Types of SAB/EPF Complete
Incomplete: cervix open, some tissue has passed Inevitable: intrauterine pregnancy with cervical dilation & vaginal bleeding Chemical pregnancy: +βhcg but no sac formed Blighted ovum/anembryonic pregnancy: empty gestational sac, embryo never formed Missed: embryo never formed or demised, but uterus hasn’t expelled the sac Septic: missed/incomplete abortion becomes infected No evidence bed rest works for management of inevitable abortion

9 Epidemiology and etiology
SAB/EPF Epidemiology and etiology Epidemiology 15-25% of all clinically recognized pregnancies Offer reassurance: probability of 2 consecutive miscarriages is 2.25% 85% of women will conceive and have normal third pregnancy if with same partner 80% in the first 12 weeks Etiologies Chromosomal Non-chromosomal

10 SAB/EPF: Chromosomal Etiologies
50% due to chromosomal abnormalities 50% trisomies 50% triploidy, tetraploidy, X0

11 50% Non-Chromosomal Etiologies
Maternal systemic disease Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, lupus, coagulation disorders Infectious factors Brucella, chlamydia, mycoplasma, listeria, toxoplasma, malaria, tuberculosis Endocrine factors DM, hypothyroidism, “luteal phase defect” from progesterone deficiency

12 50% Non-Chromosomal Etiologies
Abnormal placentation Anatomic considerations (fibroids, polyps, septum, bicornuate uterus, incompetent cervix, Asherman’s) Environmental factors Smoking >20 cigarettes per day (increased 4X) Alcohol >7 drinks/week (increased 4X) Increasing age

13 Outcomes and management of threatened abortion
25-50% will progress to spontaneous abortion However – if the pregnancy is far enough along that an ultrasound can confirm a live pregnancy then 94% will go on to deliver a live baby Management Reassurance Pelvic rest has not been shown to improve outcome

14 Management of spontaneous abortion
Uterine evacuation by suction Manual Electric Uterine evacuation by medication

15 Surgical management SAB/EPF
Options for Early Pregnancy Loss: MVA and Medication Management Surgical management SAB/EPF Manual vacuum aspiration Ensures POCs are fully evacuated Minimal anesthesia needed Comfortable for women due to low noise level Portable for use in physician office familiar to the woman Women very satisfied with method Treatment for spontaneous abortion Ensures POC are fully evacuated Comfortable for women because of the low noise level Portable for use in physician office, a setting that is familiar to the woman Women are very satisfied with the method Reference MVA Label, United States, English. Ipas - - - Original content for this slide submitted by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in December Original funding received from Ipas and the John Merck Fund through an unrestricted educational grant. Last reviewed/updated by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in October This slide is available at MVA Label. Ipas Slide 15

16 Surgical management SAB/EPF
Options for Therapeutic Abortion: Aspiration Versus Medication Surgical management SAB/EPF Electric Vacuum Aspirator Electric vacuum aspirator Uses an electric pump or suction machine connected via flexible tubing Talking Points To perform an electric vacuum aspiration (EVA) procedure, a cannula of appropriate size (depending on uterine size) is inserted into the uterus and then attached to the tubing and connected to the electric aspirator. The contents of the uterus are evacuated through the tubing into a container. Because the initial cost of an EVA machine is relatively high, EVA is typically used in centralized settings that have high caseloads. References Creinin MD, Schwartz JL, Guido RS, Pymar HC. Early pregnancy failure—current management concepts. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2001;56(2):105–13. Goldberg AB, Dean G, Kang MS, Youssof S, Darney P. Manual versus electric vacuum aspiration for early first-trimester abortion: a controlled study of complication rates. Obstet Gynecol. 2004;103:101–7. Hemlin J, Moller B. Manual vacuum aspiration, a safe and effective alternative in early pregnancy termination. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2001;80:563–7. - - - Original content for this slide submitted by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in December Original funding received from Ipas and the John Merck Fund through an unrestricted educational grant. Last reviewed/updated by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in October This slide is available at Creinin MD, et al. Obstet Gynecol Surv ; Goldberg AB, et al. Obstet Gynecol ; Hemlin J, et al. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand Slide 16

17 Pain Management Aspiration/vacuum Medication abortion Preparation
Music Support during procedure Conscious sedation Paracervical block Medication abortion NSAIDS Oral narcotics and antiemetics if necessary

18 Floating Chorionic Villi
Options for Therapeutic Abortion: Aspiration Versus Medication Floating Chorionic Villi Tissue examination Basin for POC Fine-mesh kitchen strainer Glass pyrex pie dish Back light or enhanced light Tools to grasp tissue and POC Specimen containers Talking Points To perform the tissue examination part of the MVA procedure, the following equipment is needed: Basin for POC Fine-mesh kitchen strainer Back light or enhanced light Tools to grasp tissue and POC Specimen containers Reference Hyman AG, Castleman L. Woman-Centered Abortion Care: Reference Manual. Chapel Hill, NC: Ipas - - - Original content for this slide submitted by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in December Original funding received from Ipas and the John Merck Fund through an unrestricted educational grant. Last reviewed/updated by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in October This slide is available at Source: A Clinicians Guide to Medical and Surgical Abortion; Paul M, Grimes D, National Abortion Federation, available online Hyman AG, Castleman L. Ipas. 2005 Slide 18

19 Comparison of surgical management
Options for Therapeutic Abortion: Aspiration Versus Medication Comparison of surgical management EVA MVA Vacuum Electric pump Manual aspirator Noise Variable Quiet Portable Not easily Yes Anesthesia Conscious sedation and paracervical block Capacity 350–1,200 cc 60 cc Assistant Not necessary Helpful Talking Points Implications of being quiet: Perceived as a benefit by some patients (see Dean study summarized below). Improves patient-provider rapport. Improves provider’s ability to “hear” the procedure (the grittiness sometimes has a sound). Reduces patient noise-imprinting. A study done at the University of California, San Francisco investigated the acceptability of MVA vs. EVA and tried to quantify the impact of noise on women undergoing vacuum aspiration (Dean 2003). The study included 84 women undergoing abortion at less than 10 weeks of gestation. There was no significant difference in patient satisfaction, although significantly more women in the EVA group were bothered by noise (19% vs. 2%; P = 0.03). There were significantly more times in the EVA group that physicians would have preferred manual aspiration (43% vs. 17%; P = 0.02); this usually applied to early pregnancies. Reference Dean G, Cardenas L, Darney P, Goldberg A. Acceptability of manual versus electric aspiration for first trimester abortion: a randomized trial. Contraception. 2003;67 201–6. - - - Original content for this slide submitted by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in December Original funding received from Ipas and the John Merck Fund through an unrestricted educational grant. Last reviewed/updated by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in October This slide is available at Dean G, et al. Contraception Slide 19

20 and preventing the risks
EVA and MVA risks and preventing the risks Complication Rate/1000 procedures Prevention Uterine perforation 1 Cervical preparation Intra-Op Ultrasound Hemorrhage <12 wks – 0 Efficient completion of procedure Retained products 3 Ultrasound Gritty texture Examine POC Infection 2.5 Prophylactic antibiotics PO doxy or IV cephalosporin Post-abortal hematometra 1.8 N/a – unpredictable Immediate re-aspiration required

21 Medication management
Options for Therapeutic Abortion: Aspiration Versus Medication Medication management of SAB/EPF Misoprostol Synthetic prostaglandin E1 analog Inexpensive Orally active Multiple effective routes of administration Can be stored safely at room temperature Effective at initiating uterine contractions Effective at inducing cervical ripening Talking Points Module 3: Medication Abortion includes: Regimens for Early Medication Abortion Early Medication Abortion Safety and Efficacy Pain Management - - - Original content for this slide submitted by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in December Original funding received from Ipas and the John Merck Fund through an unrestricted educational grant. Last reviewed/updated by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in October This slide is available at Slide 21

22 Misoprostol 800 μg vaginally Repeat dose on day 2 or 3 if indicated
Options for Early Pregnancy Loss: MVA and Medication Management Regimen Misoprostol 800 μg vaginally Repeat dose on day 2 or 3 if indicated Pelvic U/S to confirm empty uterus Consider vacuum aspiration if expulsion incomplete Talking Points One regimen for medical treatment of early pregnancy loss is 800 μg misoprostol vaginally, with a repeat dose on day 3 if expulsion is not complete. Lack of expulsion of the products of conception has been defined as the presence of a visible gestational sac or an endometrial lining greater than 30 mm on transvaginal ultrasound. At this point, clinicians can offer expectant management if the woman is clinically stable, or if expulsion is incomplete, MVA or EVA can be used. References Zhang J, Gilles JM, Barnhart K, Creinin MD, Westhoff C, Frederick MM. A comparison of medical management with misoprostol and surgical management for early pregnancy failure. N Engl J Med. 2005;353:761–9. Creinin MD, Huang X, Westhoff C, Barnhart K, Gilles JM, Zhang J. Factors related to successful misoprostol treatment for early pregnancy failure. Obstet Gynecol. 2006;107:901–7. - - - Original content for this slide submitted by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in December Original funding received from Ipas and the John Merck Fund through an unrestricted educational grant. Last reviewed/updated by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in October This slide is available at Zhang J, et al. N Engl J Med Creinin MD, et al. Obstet Gynecol Slide 22

23 Efficacy: Medication vs. Expectant Management
Options for Early Pregnancy Loss: MVA and Medication Management Efficacy: Medication vs. Expectant Management Misoprostol 600 μg vaginally Expectant management (placebo) Success by day 2 73.1% 13.5% Success by day 7 88.5% 44.2% Evacuation needed 11.5% 55.8% Talking Points Efficacy from a study by Bagratee et al. (2004), with 104 women with first trimester miscarriage who were randomly assigned to either 600 μg misoprostol vaginally or placebo. All differences shown are statistically significant. Reference Bagratee JS, Khullar V, Regan L, Moodley J, Kagoro H. A randomized controlled trial comparing medical and expectant management of first trimester miscarriage. Hum Reprod. 2004;19:266–71. - - - Original content for this slide submitted by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in December Original funding received from Ipas and the John Merck Fund through an unrestricted educational grant. Last reviewed/updated by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in October This slide is available at Bagratee JS, et al. Hum Reprod Slide 23

24 Induced Abortion/Pregnancy Termination
Language: Termination Abortion Elective abortion Therapeutic abortion Interruption of pregnancy Definition The removal of a fetus or embryo from the uterus before the stage of viability Indications Personal choice Medical indication (hemorrhage, infection) Medical recommendation (SLE, Pulmonary HTN, PPROM) Fetus diagnosed with anomalies Methods Dependent upon gestational age and provider abilities

25 Induced Abortion History
Any discussion of abortion needs to include some of the legal and political aspects Providers should be familiar with the abortion laws in their own states Providers performing abortions must know the laws in their own state

26 Induced Abortion History
1821 – First abortion law enacted in Connecticut Bars abortion after “quickening”, but definitions vague 1973 – Roe v. Wade Woman’s constitutional right of privacy The government cannot prohibit or interfere with abortion without a “compelling” reason 1976 – Hyde Amendment Forbids use of federal money to pay for almost any abortion under Medicaid Some states have reinstated state funding (NY, VT, CA among others)

27 Induced Abortion Epidemiology Gestational age: Complications
90% within first 12 weeks 50% within first 8 weeks Complications Dependent upon gestational age 7-10 weeks have lowest complication rates mortality: 1/100,000 Complications are 3-4x higher for second-trimester than first trimester 1/3 in women under 20 yrs 1/ 1/3 older than 24 Gestational age: 90% within first 12 weeks 50% within first 8 weeks Complications Dependent upon gestational age 7-10 weeks have lowest complication rates mortality?: 1/100,000 Complications are 3-4x higher for second-trimester than first trimester

28 Induced Abortion Methods Methods:
Uterine evacuation (basically the same as treatment of abortion; however, the cervix is closed) Manual vacuum aspiration Electric vacuum aspiration Medication Mifepristone and misoprostol

29 Medical abortion methods Mifepristone Misoprostol
Options for Therapeutic Abortion: Aspiration Versus Medication Medical abortion methods Mifepristone 19-norsteroid that specifically blocks the receptors for progesterone and glucocorticosteroids Antagonizing effect blocks the relaxation effects of progesterone Results in uterine contractions Pregnancy disruption Dilation and softening of the cervix Increases the sensitivity of the uterus to prostaglandin analogs by an approximate factor of five Takes hours for this to occur Misoprostol Synthetic prostaglandin E1 analog Inexpensive Orally active Multiple effective routes of administration Can be stored safely at room temperature Effective at initiating uterine contractions Effective at inducing cervical ripening Used in decreasing doses as pregnancy advances Talking Points Module 3: Medication Abortion includes: Regimens for Early Medication Abortion Early Medication Abortion Safety and Efficacy Pain Management - - - Original content for this slide submitted by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in December Original funding received from Ipas and the John Merck Fund through an unrestricted educational grant. Last reviewed/updated by the ARHP Clinical Advisory Committee for the Manual Vacuum Aspiration Education Partnership Project in October This slide is available at Slide 29

30 2nd Trimester Induced Abortion
Epidemiology Epidemiology 14 weeks gestation and above 96% done by Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) 4% done by labor induction 1/3 in women under 20 yrs 1/ 1/3 older than 24 Gestational age: 90% within first 12 weeks 50% within first 8 weeks Complications Dependent upon gestational age 7-10 weeks have lowest complication rates mortality?: 1/100,000 Complications are 3-4x higher for second-trimester than first trimester

31 2nd Trimester Induced Abortion
Etiology Etiology Social indications Delay in diagnosis Delay in finding a provider Delay in obtaining funding Teenagers most likely to delay Fetal anomalies Genetic such as Trisomy 13, 18, 21 Anatomic such as cardiac defects Neural tube such as anencephaly 1/3 in women under 20 yrs 1/ 1/3 older than 24 Gestational age: 90% within first 12 weeks 50% within first 8 weeks Complications Dependent upon gestational age 7-10 weeks have lowest complication rates mortality?: 1/100,000 Complications are 3-4x higher for second-trimester than first trimester

32 2nd Trimester Induced Abortion
Counseling Discuss pain management Informed Consent Discuss contraception – even those with abnormal or wanted pregnancy may not want to follow immediately with another pregnancy Ovulation can occur days after a second trimester abortion; risk of pregnancy is great and must be addressed Lactation can occur between days 3-7 postabortion Procedure Follow-up Nyoboe et al 1990

33 2nd trimester induced abortion
Management Dilation and evacuation Labor induction abortion Two visits in 1-2 days Requires inpatient hospital stay usually lasting 1-3 days Anesthesia/analgesia required Average time to delivery 13 hrs Procedure room required Increased likelihood of retained placenta resulting in uterine evacuation compared to D&E Skilled surgeon Medication used misoprostol and/or mifepristone Laminaria placement required before procedure

34 D&E risks and prevention
Complication Rate/1000 procedures Prevention Uterine perforation 1 Cervical preparation Intra-Op Ultrasound Hemorrhage 13-15 wks: 12 17-25 wks: 21 Adequate anesthesia Paracervical block which includes vasopressin 4 units. Efficient completion of procedure Retained products 5-20 Ultrasound, Gritty texture Examine POC Infection 2.5 Prophylactic antibiotics PO doxy or IV cephalosporin Post-abortal hematometra 1.8 n/a – unpredictable Immediate re-aspiration required

35 Requirements for a safe D&E Program
Surgeons skilled and experienced in D&E provision Adequate pain control options with appropriate monitoring Requisite instruments available Staff skilled in patient education, counseling, care and recovery Established procedures at free standing facilities for transferring patients who require emergency hospital-based care

36 D&E Step 1 Laminaria cervical Preparation Osmotic dilators
Dried compressed seaweed sticks, mm diameter in size Slow swelling to exert slow circumferential pressure and dilation 1-2 days prior to procedure

37 D&E Procedure Adequate anesthesia Ultrasound guidance
Uterine evacuation using suction and instruments Paracervical block with 20cc 0.5% lidocaine and 4U vasopressin to decrease blood loss

38 Labor Induction Abortion
One office visit – then hospital admission Hypertonic saline amnioinfusion, intracardiac KCl, intra-amniotic digoxin to induce fetal death Misoprostol or misoprostol and mifepristone to cause contractions and uterine evacuation 20% may require vacuum aspiration for retained placenta

39 Labor Induction Abortion
Patient is awake Can obtain analgesia for pain Fetus delivered intact Often only option for obese women

40 Bottom Line Concepts First trimester bleeding occurs in 25% of all pregnancies and 25-50% will progress to a spontaneous abortion Etiologies of first trimester bleeding include normal pregnancy, spontaneous abortion/early pregnancy failure, or ectopic pregnancy. Diagnosis of normal vs abnormal early pregnancy made using physical exam and ultrasound and/or ßhCG 50% of spontaneous abortions are the result of genetic abnormalities Management of spontaneous abortion can be medical or surgical and surgical options can be in the operating room or in the clinic 1/3 women will have an induced abortion Induced abortion before 8 weeks is safest Risks associated with induced abortion are less than childbirth or driving a car Methods for induced abortion include medication or surgical

41 Septic abortion CVS Broad spectrum AB. Emergency uterine evacuation.
Abdominal and chest x- ray. culture of Uterocervical discharge. Tetanus prophylaxis.

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