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University: to go or not to go?

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Presentation on theme: "University: to go or not to go?"— Presentation transcript:

1 University: to go or not to go?

2 What happens at university?
In pairs draw what you think university life is like. Click the video icon to link to a UCAS video showing a day in the life of a uni student

3 ‘Everybody should go to university’
Session aims: To evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of going to university. To develop communication and teamwork skills through taking part in a debate. Could discuss the statement as a group prior to splitting into teams for debate.

4 What does a good debate look like?
Clear communication. Reasons given for arguments. Linking arguments to points from the other side. Calm but impassioned. Well researched. Watch video first and ask for feedback on what was and was not good about the debate. Following this, go through the bullet points and remind groups to consider this when preparing for the debate.

5 What skills do we learn from debate?
These are all skills valued by universities and employers. Communication Teamwork Critical thinking Analysis Problem solving Using evidence Justifying arguments Before going through the list ask for ideas from the group.

6 Creating your arguments
Read through the information and choose the arguments which support your side of the debate. Use the building an argument sheet to help you. Don’t forget to consider arguments the other team might present, and how you will argue against them. 10 minutes End

7 Opening Statement Each group will have two minutes to give their opening statement before the debate begins. This is a summary of your key arguments and a chance to make a good first impression. Your opening statement should be: Clear Passionate Supported with evidence 10 minutes End

8 Debate Rules ‘Everybody should go to university’ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Should have at least five but can add more if appropriate for the group. Example rules could be not talking over others, not swearing, not using personal details of others in your arguments. Keep this slide up for the duration of the debate. May want to also remind of the features of a good debate, can revisit slide 4 if they need a reminder. At this stage you will need to choose two moderators who will decide who wins each point. May want to give them a mini whiteboard and pen to keep track of this, or use flipchart paper or similar.

9 And the winner is…

10 Congratulations!

11 Information gathered from:
For further information:


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