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By: Courtney Albers & Lauren Veidel

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1 By: Courtney Albers & Lauren Veidel
Abortions  By: Courtney Albers & Lauren Veidel 

2 What is an Abortion?  “the expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it has reached the stage of viability… which may occur spontaneously or brought on purposefully” –Britannica  Spontaneous= miscarriage  Induced= purposeful

3 Induced abortions Medication Suction Mifepristone
Up to 10 weeks after first menstrual period Forces endometrium to shed, expels fetus with it Symptoms: flu like, heavy cramping, bleeding, larger than normal blood clots  Starts with in 2-24 hours of taking pill Uses a tube to gently suck out contents of uterus Widening of cervix; numbing medication Process takes approximately 10 min Effectiveness: almost 100% Symptoms: Light bleeding is normal for 1-7 days afterward Infections may occur Cramping and pressure as uterus empties during procedure Courtney = suction Lauren=medication

4 WHy people get abortions
to preserve the life, physical or mental well-being of the mother  to prevent the completion of a pregnancy that has resulted from rape or incest to prevent the birth of a child with serious deformity, mental deficiency, or genetic abnormality to prevent a birth for social or economic reasons (such as the extreme youth of the pregnant female or the sorely strained resources of the family unit) lauren

5 History of abortions Ancient Rome and Greece
Only time they objected abortion was when the father didn’t want to feel deprived of the child he was entitled to Believed that males fetuses were concerned human after 40 days, females after 80 day Old Testament of the Bible Loss of property Western History Part of the mother until “quickening” Lauren

6 Demographics of abortions
Half of U.S. abortions are patients in their 20s 1 in 20 will have an abortion by age 20, 1 in 5 by age 30 1 in 4 by age 45 In Minnesota in 2014 there was about 9,760 abortions which accounted for 1.1% of all abortions in the United States. Courtney *numbers include induced and spontaneous abortions

7 Current abortion laws in the United States
Legal in the United States Up to each state Laws Roe v. Wade (1973)  Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth (1976) Harris v. McRae (1980) “Hyde Amendment” Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health Inc. (1983) Rust v. Sullivan (1991)

8 Views of abortion in the united states
Pro-life Believe that a fetus is considered a human being from conception Responsibility is on the mother Religious views Many do not support abortion or contraceptives Terminating a child of God is a sin Pro Choice Believe it’s her body, her choice Abortion should not be considered murder if the fetus requires mothers body for support Cases of rapes and incest SES (social economic status) Putting a child into the an over crowed foster system is worse Every view is different, even mixes of both, but these are the views that are expressed the most Both can agree that life begins at some point in the pregnancy Heart beat Development of organs Quickening

9 Laws in other countries around the world
Ireland  Near-total ban on abortion; most woman travel to different countries to get abortions. Russia 2nd country, behind Romania, to have the greatest number of abortions. China Abortion has been legal since However, the only thing that is banned is sex-selective abortions. South Africa Legal without restriction until first trimester of pregnancy Brazil  Strict regulations

10 Views of abortion in other countries around the world
Same countries as the laws

11 Resources Cao, G., Hemminki, E., Viisainen, K., Wu, Z. (2005). Illegal births and legal abortions-the case of China. PMC. Retrieved from April 4th 2018 from Feder, J., Moore, J., Singer, J., (2015). This is how 23 countries around the world feel about abortion. BuzzFeed News. Retrieved on April 3rd 2018 from world- feel-about-abortio?utm_term=.rlNPep7PXr#.cuQyDWXy12 Gunter, J. (2017). Abortion in Ireland: The fight for choice. BBC News. Retrieved from April 8th 2018 from Guttmacher Institute. State facts about abortion: Minnesota. Retrieved from April 8th 2018 from sheet/state-facts-about-abortion-minnesota Harrison, K., Naylor L. (1991). The laws that affect abortion in the United States and their impact on Women’s Health. PubMed. Retrieved on April 5th 2018 from Pew Research Center. (2008). Abortion laws around the world. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from April 3rd 2018 from (2018). The politics of abortion. Retrieved April 4th 2018 from abortion

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