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John Stuart Mill’s Moral Theory

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Presentation on theme: "John Stuart Mill’s Moral Theory"— Presentation transcript:

1 John Stuart Mill’s Moral Theory

2 John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) English Member of Parliament
Wrote on many subjects

3 Consequentialist Theory
Right or correct behavior is based upon the consequences of the action

4 The Greatest Happiness Principle
Utilitarianism The Greatest Happiness Principle Jeremy Bentham

5 Cost Benefit Analysis You weight the cost against the benefit for each option You pick the one with the highest benefit and the lowest cost

6 Greatest amount of happiness For the greatest number of people
Act to create the Greatest amount of happiness For the greatest number of people As per a disinterested spectator

7 Greatest Number of People
Everybody that your action will effect

8 Disinterested Spectator
Objectivity Your happiness cannot be more important than anyone else’s

9 Happiness defined Pleasure Absence of Pain

10 Hedonism The goal is to experience as much pleasure as possible
Usually physical pleasure

11 Epicureanism The goal is to experience as much pleasure as possible without experiencing any pain Only the best wine, food No hangovers

12 Different Kinds of Pleasure
Quality Quantity Mental and Physical

13 Quality of Pleasure How many McDonald’s hamburgers equals a Filet Mignon? None because the quality is different! Some pleasures are simply better than others

14 Quantity of Pleasure Whatever you enjoy, isn’t more of it better?

15 Point of Diminishing Returns
But we reach a point in our pleasure where more is not better but actually painful How many pieces of candy do you like? 5,10,15,? How about a 1,000?

16 Paradox of Hedonism The more pleasure you derive from something, the more you need of it next time to receive the same amount of pleasure Drugs and Alcohol

17 Mental v. Physical Which is Superior? Mental

18 Why? Based upon empirical evidence Ask those who have experienced both
They agree that mental is superior

19 Why is Mental Superior? 1. Last longer 2. Safer 3. Less Expensive

20 Act Utilitarianism An action is right if it produces more total happiness than any other alternative action available at the time

21 Visit Aunt Go to Beach Me My Mom My Dad My Aunt My Friends Total

22 Rule Utilitarianism After many acts, we develop a principle
that if general followed would create the greatest amount of happiness for all people involved

23 2. Focuses too exclusively on the future
Criticisms 1. Requires too much 2. Focuses too exclusively on the future 3. Can lead to injustice

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