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Exam Strategies Student Learning.

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1 Exam Strategies Student Learning



4 Exam concerns What are your concerns about exams? What do you need to know? Use flipchart to write down people’s perceptions about the challenges in essay-based exams, MCQs and short answer questions

5 Steps to success Prioritise Revise wisely Anticipate
Maximise performance

6 1. Prioritise e.g. social psychology Module Specifications

7 Topics e.g. social psychology

8 Reading List

9 Past Papers Social psych 2013

10 Revision plan

11 2. Revise wisely Study Timetable time mon tues wed thurs fri sat sun
9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00

12 Study timetable Monday 9.30am – 11.00am Session 1 11.00am – 11.30am
Break (walk) 11.30am – 1.00pm 12 noon Session 2 1.00pm – 2.00pm Lunch 2.00pm – 3.30pm Session 3 3.30pm – 3.45pm Break 3.45pm – 5.15pm Session 4 Evening Free Total Hours 6

13 Encoding information Brainstorm
What learning techniques have worked best for you in the past? Now let’s collate these ideas as a group.

14 Recall better than recitation
Don’t just read over notes! Summarise! Test yourself! Cohen, Kim, Tan and Winkelmas (2013): students who completed a task requiring them to restructure their notes and submit a summary of them achieved on average 11 percentage points higher in the module examination that’s one whole grade!!

15 Combine a mixture of memory strategies
Look at it Repeat it with rhythm Write it Number it Give it a shape Turn it into a diagram Say it aloud + record Video it Draw it Colour it Act it out

16 3. Anticipate

17 Time management Check the time Check the instructions
Beware of question choices and time division

18 Essay-based exams Question 7 The period between 1965 and the publication of the White Paper: Charting our Education Future (1995) witnessed significant developments in the provision of post-primary schooling in Ireland. Critically assess the impact of three of these.

19 Essay structure 10% word count Ref 1 Ref 2 Intro Key point 1

20 Beware double negatives
MCQs When products [destined to be sold in an international market] are [re-imported back into the home market] and [sold through unauthorised channels at lower levels than recommended by the producer], this practice is known as Price deflation Parallel importing Trade-off Price escalation Discount importing Beware double negatives Know time per question

21 MCQs e.g. Introduction to Marketing
Which of the following is not a part of the communication process model? Feedback Chaos Noise Receiver Source Watch out for negatives

22 Short questions e.g. Web Design
Explain what is meant by the following terms, and state why each is used (9 marks) SFPT HTTP SMTP Routers, hubs, gateways and repeaters play an important role in transmitting data all over the world. Explain what each of these devices is, and what they’re used for. (8 marks) Remembering the IP address of a webpage can be difficult for users. What system has been developed to provide an easier mechanism for users to open a page in their browsers? Briefly explain how this system works. (8 marks)

23 Visualisation – mock exam
Imagine you are in the exam hall, completing the exam. Re-create the conditions – do a mock exam in a similar environment

24 4. Maximise performance

25 Smart Food Plan Breakfast
Wholegrain cereal with milk, fresh orange juice or Bowl of porridge with sultanas or Wholemeal toast with chopped banana or Full Breakfast with sausages, bacon, egg and toast (Grilled) If you are too nervous to eat a full breakfast, blend a banana, apple, pear, cranberry juice and yogurt to make a smoothie. Lunch Vegetable soup with wholemeal scone/ bread or Chicken/ham/egg sandwich or Chicken and pasta meal with a sauce or Tuna/pasta salad with wholemeal bread 2 glasses of water

26 Remain calm Do your best question first
Leave awkward question til last Quick brainstorm to get going Breathing exercise Meditation podcasts: Do a simple breathing exercise with the group. Everyone rates themselves from 1-10 on how stressed they currently feel. Keep the number to themselves. Now do breathing. Eyes closed or fixed on a spot on the ground. Hands on lap, back straight. Breath in/out, in/out a few times then breath in for 3, out for 4, in for 4, out for 5, in for 5, out for 6, in for 6, out for 7. Now everyone rate themselves on stress levels and see if feeling more relaxed.

27 During the exam Read the entire paper first Time management Answer the correct number of questions Number each question Analyse questions

28 Further resources

29 Steps to success Prioritise Revise wisely Anticipate Maximise Performance

30 References DCU Examination papers [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 28 August 2014]. Skills4Study Campus Exam skills [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 28 August 2014].

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