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The Village Exercise Fall

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1 The Village Exercise Fall 2007
Presenter Name, Ph.D. Presenter Title Arizona State University    Last updated   1

2 Exercise goal Welcome to ASU and to the diversity modules section of your ASU101 class. This exercise will give you the opportunity to identify elements of diversity around the world and to compare your global community to your US community. We are hoping that by learning about the diversity in the nation and the world, your curiosity will be stimulated and your perspective on differences, resources and privilege will be broadened. 2

3 The Village Exercise In this exercise, we want you to think about the composition of the world and the US, and do so by using the metaphor of a village of 100 persons. In reducing the world’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, what would the demographics look like? Similarly, what would some of the conditions of education and poverty level look like in the US if we see the country as a village of 100 people? Population 100 3

4 The world = 100 people The US = 100 people
Compare and contrast side by side, the diversity facts from a global and national perspective, see what elements are more relevant to you. 4

5 People of color and white people
82 Non white people 25 Non white people 18 White people 75 White people 5

6 Guess what the distribution of races is in a 100 people village:
__ Asians __ Africans __ Europeans __ Latin Americans __ from the US-Canada __ from the South Pacific 100 Total __ Caucasian __ African American __ Hispanic/Latino __Asian American __ American Indian 100 Total 6

7 This is the race/ethnicity distribution in a 100 people village:
60 Asians 14 Africans 12 Europeans 8 Latin Americans 5 from the US-Canada 1 from the South Pacific 100 Total 75 Caucasian 12 African American 8 Hispanic/Latino 4 Asian American 1 American Indian 100 Total 7

8 Distribution of men and women in the villages:
51 Male 49 Male 49 Female 51 Female 8

9 What differences did you find between the global and the US populations? What race/ethnicity are most of our leaders? What gender are most of your instructors? 9

10 Diversity is more than race… See the literacy level of the villages:
3 out of 100 would be unable to read 67 out of 100 would be unable to read 10

11 Who would have a college education in the villages?
27 out of 100 would have a BA 1 out of 100 would have a college education 11

12 The internet in the villages
7 people would have access to the Internet 71 people would have access to the Internet 12

13 What differences in resources do you find striking
What differences in resources do you find striking? Is having a book synonymous of homework or privilege? 13

14 People vary in other ways:
67 Non-Christian 26 Non-Christian 33 Christian 84 Christian 14

15 People vary in other ways:
5 out of the 100 persons in the world village, would control 32% of the entire world’s wealth $ All 5 would be citizens of the US 15

16 What categories most surprised you in the world and the US villages
What categories most surprised you in the world and the US villages? What categories are most relevant to you? Why? 16

17 Please reflect on the facts included in this exercise and proceed to take the village quiz

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