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Los Pronombres pronouns.

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1 Los Pronombres pronouns

2 Do you remember subject pronouns??
In this presentation we’re going to look at the form and use of subject pronouns in Spanish. Do you remember subject pronouns??

3 Lets Get Started! Compare these two sentences Jorge es mexicano.
Él es mexicano. In the first sentence, we name the person who is Mexican. In the second sentence, we replace the person’s name with the word ‘él’.

4 And your point is…?! A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun: e.g. Jorge = él. Examples of pronouns in English are : We, You, He, She, It, I & They. These particular examples are all subject pronouns or pronouns used only when replacing subjects of verbs.

5 Here are your subject pronouns in Spanish!!

6 Subject Pronouns (Singular)
You (informal) He She You (formal) Yo Él Ella Usted (Ud.)

7 Subject Pronouns (Plural)
We (m, m/f) We (f) Y’all (informal, m or m/f) Y’all (informal, f) They (m, m/f) They (f) You All (formal) Nosotros Nosotras Vosotros Vosotras Ellos Ellas Ustedes (Uds.)

8 You Who? Tú, usted, vosotros/as and ustedes all mean “you.”
Use tú or vosotros/as with family, friends, people your age or younger, and anyone you call by his or her first name.

9 You Who? Use the more formal address of usted(Ud.) or ustedes (Uds.) with adults you address with a title (señor, señora, profesor, etc.)

10 That’s confusing! Not really, here’s a summary! Singular informal→ tú
formal→ Usted (Ud.) Plural informal→ vosotros/as formal → Ustedes(Uds.)

11 Masculine or Feminine? If a group is made up of males only or of both males and females together, use the masculine forms: nosotros, vosotros or ellos.

12 Masculine or Feminine? Only when a group is made up of ALL females do you use the feminine forms: nosotras, vosotras or ellas.

13 Subject Pronouns You can combine a subject pronoun and a name to form a subject.

14 Subject Pronouns Alejandro y yo = nosotros Carlos y ella = ellos
Pepe y tú = ustedes or vosotros Lola y ella = ellas

15 Other Helpful Tips Don’t forget the accent marks!!
Él (w/ accent) means ‘He’. El (w/o accent) means ‘The’.

16 More Helpful Tips Unlike ‘I’ in English, ‘yo’ is only capitalized when it begins a sentence: Mi amigo y yo jugamos.

17 One More Point! In English we always have to use a subject pronoun. Look at these sentences: Went to the store. Speaks German. Without the pronouns these sentences make no sense!

18 Spanish is Different! Spanish sentences frequently drop the subject pronoun when they are NOT needed to clarify who we are talking about: Bailas muy bien. Estudio con ellos.

19 And finally… Did you notice ‘it’ is a subject pronoun in English?
In Spanish, there is NO word for ‘it’ as a subject. You simply conjugate the verb in the él/ella/Ud. form!!!

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