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THIS IS Jeopardy Ex. THIS IS Jeopardy Ex With Your Host... Mrs. Kp.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Jeopardy Ex. THIS IS Jeopardy Ex With Your Host... Mrs. Kp."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS Jeopardy Ex

3 With Your Host... Mrs. Kp

4 Things That Make My Brain Hurt
Jeopardy Things That Make My Brain Hurt The Race is On Ming Thing Wordles That’s Spicy! Route 66 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 “Ming” means this. A 100

6 What is brilliant? A 100

7 This Muslim eunuch became Admiral of the Western Sea.

8 Who is Zheng He? A 200

9 Hong Wu was so concerned with foreign invasion that this is the first thing he did when he became Emperor. A 300

10 What is secure China’s borders
What is secure China’s borders? (Sent out emissaries to seek tributaries from neighboring countries, secured Great Wall) A 300

11 The Ming Dynasty began in this year (give or take).

12 What is 1368? A 400

13 Hong Wu created this new, elevated social class.

14 What is the military class?

15 Exclusive control of both production and distribution of a product.

16 What is a monopoly? B 100

17 To travel completely around something (like the Earth).
B 200

18 What is circumnavigate?
B 200

19 A sense of loyalty and devotion to king and country.
B 300

20 What is nationalism? B 300

21 The art and science of mapmaking.
B 400

22 What is cartography? B 400

23 Relating to trading activity or military activity at sea.
B 500

24 What is maritime? B 500

25 The “Spice Islands” surrounded this strait.

26 What is the Strait of Malacca?

27 The Portuguese finally took control of the Spice trade from these people.

28 Who are the Muslims? C 200

29 These people established a monopoly in the clove trade.

30 Who are the Dutch? C 300


32 Two reasons why mercantilism is a win-win situation for the mother country.

33 What is they received raw materials at low prices and they had a garunteed market for their manufactured goods? C 400

34 This Portuguese captain discovered the Spice Islands while searching for the Moluccas.

35 Who is Antonio d’Abreu? C 500

36 He reached Calicut, India and established Portuguese dominance in the Indian Ocean.

37 Who is Vasco da Gama? D 100

38 Though he never explored, he established a school in the 1420’s that would make Europe dominant in exploration. D 200

39 Who is Prince Henry the Navigator?
D 200

40 This explorer accidentally discovered an ocean east of the Cape of Good Hope.

41 Who is Bartolomeu Diaz? D 300

42 After Magellan’s death, this man successfully completed the circumnavigation of the globe .

43 Who is Elcano? D 400

44 Though he didn’t intend to, he discovered Brazil and claimed it for the Portuguese.

45 Who is Pedro Cabral? D 500

46 He has credit for being the first explorer to circumnavigate the globe.

47 Who is Ferdinand Magellan?

48 These people controlled prices and distribution of spices before maritime routes were discovered.

49 Who are the Italians (Venetians and Genoese)?

50 The 3 G’s of European exploration.

51 What is God, gold and glory?
E 300

52 Columbus miscalculated the size of the Earth because he based his calculations on this Greek astronomer’s theories E 400

53 Who is Ptolemy? E 400

54 In 1433, after Zheng He’s death, new Emperor Zhu Zhangi did this.

55 What is drydock the treasure ships and place a ban on all Chinese exploration?

56 Emperor Hong Wu, supported this class through stocking granaries and repairing infrastructure.

57 What is the peasant class?
F 100

58 This Portuguese king declined to finance Columbus’s expeditions.

59 Who is King John? F 200

60 This established a line of demarcation identifying new Portuguese an Spanish territorial claims.

61 What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?

62 Da Gama was able to bring spices to his homeland for this percentage of what the Italians were charging. F 400

63 What is 20%? F 400

64 Two reasons why Spain took so long to enter the Spice Race.
F 500

65 (Also not a coastal country)
What is Reconquista, the Spanish Inquisition, and a lack of available funds because of their cost? (Also not a coastal country) F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Time Sense Please record your wager.
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67 Click on screen to continue
The order of the following events, from earliest to latest: Magellan circumnavigates the globe Columbus sails the ocean blue. DaGama sucessfully crosses the Indian Ocean Zheng He commands Ming treasure ships. Click on screen to continue

68 Click on screen to continue
What is D – B – C – A Zheng He commands treasure ships Columbus sails the ocean blue DaGama crosses the Indian Ocean Magellan circumnavigates the globe Click on screen to continue

69 Thank You for Playing JEOPARDY EX!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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