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Biodiesel By: Westley Hinton.

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1 Biodiesel By: Westley Hinton

2 What is Biodiesel? Biodiesel refers to vegetable oil or an animal-fat based diesel fuel consisting of long-chain esters. It is made by chemically reacting lipids with an alcohol producing fatty acid esters. It can be used with standard diesel engines and can be used alone or mixed with petrodiesel.

3 Mixes and blends Most diesel blends are used for commercial or retail use. Most of the blends are classified by the system called the “B” factor. Here are some examples 100% biodiesel is called B100 20% biodiesel, 80% petrodiesel is called B20 5% biodiesel, 95% petrodiesel is called B5 Blends with 20% or below biodiesel can be used In equipment with little to no mods. Blending can be accomplished by mixing in tanks at manufacturing points, splash mixing in tanker trucks, and many more.

4 Diesel vs. Biodiesel Diesel fuel is more efficient than gasoline, however bad for the environment. Diesel lets out high levels of soot and nitrogen increasing air pollution, smog, and high levels of acid rain. It also comes from a nonrenewable source which could deplete natural resources in the environment. Like regular gas it produces many greenhouse gases. It has lower emissions, but is more harmful in the long run. Biodiesel is renewable from vegetable or biodegradable oils such as soybean or peanut. It can be used in any diesel engine with few modifications and no damage

5 Why we use Biodiesel
Biodiesel fuel is environmentally cleaner and better for us. Though not many people sell biodiesel fuel it is a lasting source of fuel that can keep the world turning while keeping the air clean and safe. One factor that plays into biodiesel fuel is that the decrease in crops for biodiesel could lead to starvation in some countries.

6 Conclusion Biodiesel fuel is a clean efficient source for the environment. With this source of energy we could change many energy consuming and air polluting sources out for biodiesel. In a few years, the world could run completely on biodiesel fuel. In a sense, biodiesel fuel could be the only fuel that can save the world from air pollution. It has no greenhouse gas effects and does not pollute the air. It has not been named a replacement for regular ethanol fuel but research is still abroad for solutions.

7 Work Cited

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