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Also strongly recommended:

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1 Also strongly recommended:
South Rim News Spring 2018 Remember the Guidelines below that were implemented in 2007 and have worked quite successfully: Folks who live at EVEN number addresses, water only Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Odd number addresses water only Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. This leaves Monday for pond recovery and watering of common areas. PLEASE DO NOT WATER ON MONDAYS. Ditch Clean Up Day Please join your neighbors for ditch clean-up day, Saturday March 9AM. Bring shovels & rakes and meet at the main planter at South Rim Drive & Pinnacle Court. Usually takes about an hour. Pond & Irrigation The water should be on around the middle of April. You can help by MAKING SURE YOUR MAIN YARD VALVE IS CLOSED and report any problems to an irrigation team member. We will update via when we receive notice from Redlands Water. Our contractor is not responsible for checking each yard to verify the main valves are off. Any damage caused by a main valve left open is the responsibility of the homeowner. A number of main valves have failed in the past few years. You can replace the valve or use a qualified contractor. The entire system must be shut down to replace a main valve. Please contact a member of the irrigation team to schedule a system outage!! Covenant Violation & City Violation: Unlicensed vehicles cannot be stored on the street. If a vehicle does not run or is not licensed it can be towed by the city. Also strongly recommended: *DO NOT water between 11AM & 7PM to avoid heavy evaporation loss. *Max time per zone should not exceed 20 minutes Water Board Members Mike Butherus Derek Diaz David McGee The board could use another water board member. Preferably someone who is available during the day. If you would like to be involved, please contact Mike.

2 Friendly Reminders From the Board
Please call a team member only if there is an emergency. The irrigation committee does know when the system is down & it usually is back up promptly. Please note that your yard valve is YOUR responsibility to replace. The system has to be shut down to replace a valve and Monday’s are the best day to do it, as Monday is our pond recovery day. There are some main valves (South Rim’s responsibility) outside of certain yards. If you should notice one that is broken and spewing water, that is an EMERGENCY! By all means, please call someone on the team so we can address it asap. We really need to get new people on the irrigation team so we have a succession plan. It is not time consuming if we have enough people to spread the responsibilities Friendly Reminders From the Board ** If you are planning to paint your home a different color than was originally approved, please submit your new colors to the Architectural Control Committee. (ACC) **If you are building a shed, the ACC committee must approve it. We need a sketch of the shed with dimensions, noting color & materials for the exterior (must be the same as your home). The shed cannot be more than 8 ft in height. ** Patio covers and additions must be approved. ** Any type of camper, RV etc., must be stored behind your 6 ft. fence and not be visible from the street or higher than the 6 ft. fence. ** Trash containers must be kept behind your fence or in your garage. They cannot be stored in front of your home or be visible from the street. ** The speed limit for South Rim is 25 MPH. Please be respectful and observe the speed limit to ensure the safety of our residents and pets. **PET POO POO; When walking your dogs, please clean up after them ** Trees & Shrubs; Please keep overgrown trees & shrubs from blocking our sidewalks. As you know, our neighborhood is a great place to walk with children, pets, etc.. Keeping bushes & trees trimmed makes it easier to navigate the sidewalks. ** If you are planning a major landscape change in your front yard, please contact a member of the ACC committee. There are minimum landscape requirements in our covenants regarding number of trees, bushes, water usage etc. The most frequent complaint we receive is people leaving their garbage cans out front. Please note that the fine is $25 per week for each week after notice is received. It is much easier to comply than pay the fine and then face a lien on the property if it goes unpaid. Architectural Committee Members Mike Butherus – Julie Heacock – Jeanine Gieske – ** If you are planning to paint your home a different color than was originally approved, please submit your new colors to the Architectural Control Committee. (ACC) **If you are building a shed or any structure, the ACC committee must approve it. We need a sketch of the shed with dimensions, noting color & materials for the exterior (must be the same as your home). The shed cannot be more than 8 ft in height. ** Patio covers and additions must be approved. ** Any type of CAMPER, RV etc., must be stored behind your 6 ft. fence and not be visible from the street or higher than the 6 ft. fence. ** Trash containers must be kept behind your fence or in your garage. They cannot be stored in front of your home or be visible from the street. ** The SPEED LIMIT for South Rim is 25 MPH. Please be respectful and observe the speed limit to ensure the safety of our residents and pets. **PET POO POO; When walking your dogs, please clean up after them ** Trees & Shrubs; Please keep overgrown trees & shrubs from blocking our sidewalks. As you know, our neighborhood is a great place to walk with children, pets, etc.. Keeping bushes & trees trimmed makes it easier to navigate the sidewalks. ** If you are planning a major landscape change in your front yard, please contact a member of the ACC committee. There are minimum landscape requirements in our covenants regarding number of trees, bushes, water usage etc. The most frequent complaint we receive is people leaving their garbage cans out front. Please note that the fine is $25 per week for each week after notice is received. It is much easier to comply than pay the fine and then face a lien on the property if it goes unpaid. CONTACT AN ACC MEMBER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY OF THE ABOVE PROJECTS Architectural Committee Members Mike Butherus – Julie Heacock – Jeanine Gieske – We welcome new board members or irrigation committee members. If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please call: Julie Butherus ____________________ Board of Directors President-Julie Butherus, Secretary-Joe Croker Treasurer-Deloris Muhr David McGee – Director If you provide us with your information, you can keep up on irrigation news and any other neighborhood issues. s are only used for notices and alerts.


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