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Intern Case Report May 29, 2015 Sarah Andry D.O..

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1 Intern Case Report May 29, 2015 Sarah Andry D.O.

2 30 year old obese male CC: dyspnea HPI:
Started the AM after a night of binge drinking Typically occurs after drinking More frequent “Feels bad” for 2-3 days afterwards Palpitations, no CP No PND/orthopnea/swelling/cough

3 Medical hx Social hx Unknown Tobacco- 1ppd x 5 years Reported hx abnormal EKG EtOH- binge drinking several times monthly Drugs- denies Medications None Surgical hx NKDA - None Family hx MI/CVA Father- pacemaker/defibrillator in his 40s

4 Vitals Physical exam 128/85 171 20 98.3 100% RA Gen: A&Ox3, NAD
HEENT: NC/AT, EOMI, MMM Neck: Supple, trachea midline, no JVD CV: Tachycardic, irregularly irregular, no murmurs Lungs: Breathing comfortably on RA, no conversational dyspnea, CTAB Abd: Obese, normoactive bowel sounds, soft, nontender Ext: Radial, DP, PT pulses +2/4, no edema or cyanosis Neuro: CNII-XII grossly intact, normal coordination, normal gait

5 Labs 135 4.1 11 1.63 92 102 26 7.9 14.6 219 AST 67 ALT 56 Alk phos 53 Mag 1.99 UDS (+)THC (+)cocaine (+)opiates




9 Adenosine 12mg Diltiazem gtt 20mg/hr Lopressor 10mg Amiodarone 150mg Diltiazem 10mg



12 Atrioventricular Reciprocating Tachycardia
Reentrant circuit (bypass pathway) + AV node

13 Wolff-Parkinson-White
Preexcitation of accessory pathway that bypasses the AV node WPW syndrome when EKG changes + symptomatic tachycardia 3.4% with WPW have 1st degree relative with preexcitation syndrome Autosomal dominant inheritance (PRKAG2 gene, γ2 subunit of AMP- activated protein kinase) Delta wave Initial ventricular activation is slurred due to slow muscle fiber-to-muscle fiber conduction Wider QRS when greater amount myocardium depolarized via accessory pathway causing delay in ventricular contraction

14 Wolff-Parkinson-White with Atrial Fibrillation
Hemodynamically unstable - cardioversion AV nodal blockers contraindicated May increase conduction down accessory pathway Drug Mechanism Verapamil MOST DANGEROUS; ↑AV node refractory period, ↓myocardial contractility and SVR, reflex ↑ sympathetic tone, ↓ accessory pathway refractoriness - VF Adenosine Blocks AV nodal conduction Beta Blockers intrinsic antegrade refractory period that was initially competing with the AV node could then become the dominant route for rapid, antegrade conduction Amiodarone  has beta blocking properties, may ↑ conduction via the accessory pathway Digoxin Vagomimetic; ↑ AV node refractoriness and ↓ concealed retrograde conduction into the accessory pathway

15 Wolff-Parkinson-White with Atrial Fibrillation
Initial treatment is procainamide mg/min Monitor BP q5-10 min until: - termination of arrhythmia - patient becomes hypotensive - QRS lengthens by 50% - total of 17mg/kg has been given

16 Wolff-Parkinson-White with Atrial Fibrillation
- Radiofrequency catheter ablation when accessory pathway + tachyarrhythmia (orthodromic/antidromic AVRT, preexcited afib/aflutter) - Cryoenergy as an alternative when accessory pathway is close to AV node/bundle of His Antiarrhythmics: flecainide, propafenone

17 References DiBiase L. Wolff-Parkinson-White. In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA. Alguire, P. C., Epstein, P. E., & American College of Physicians. (2006). MKSAP 16: Medical knowledge self-assessment program. Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physicians. Pappano, Achilles J. Cardiovascular Physiology 10th Ed. Elsevier/Mosby, 2013. Peter K, Pavel V, Gebauer RA,  Materna O, Janousek J. Electrophysiologic Profile and Results of Invasive Risk Stratification in Asymptomatic Children and Adolescents With the Wolff–Parkinson–White Electrocardiographic Pattern. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2014;7: , published online Jan 2014.

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