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SOP HRD – Financial opportunities for TVET
SOP HRD Overall objective:
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU I N V E Ş T Î O A M SOP HRD Overall objective: The development of human capital and increasing competitiveness, by linking education and lifelong learning with the labour market and ensuring increased opportunities for future participation on a modern, flexible and inclusive labour market for 1,650,000 people. The achievement of this objective is 85% co-financed by the European Social Fund. The support targeting the improvement of initial and continuing education and training (priority axis 1) is 23.55% from the budget allocated to SOP HRD 2 2 2
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU I N V E Ş T Î O A M Reference documents Framework Document for the Implementation of SOP HRD : defines the overall implementation requirements of SOP HRD ; approved in February 2008, revised in April and October 2008. Applicant Guide for strategic projects: laying out the requirements for filling in and submitting the financing applications and the specific requirements (objectives, priorities, eligible activities etc.) for each call for strategic project proposals launched by MASOPHRD Applicant Guide for grant projects: laying out the requirements for filling in and submitting the financing applications and the specific requirements (objectives, priorities, eligible activities etc.) for each call for grant project proposals launched by MASOPHRD These documents are available at and 4 4
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU I N V E Ş T Î O A M The SOP HRD financing applications are submitted and selected under the calls for project proposals: Calls for strategic project proposals – calls for proposals with submission deadline. Calls for grant project proposals - calls for proposals with ongoing submission, selection being performed based on the “first come, first served principle”. In case of these calls for grant project proposals, MASOPHRD&IBSOPHRD may set deadlines for closing the call for project proposals (date by which financing applications may be submitted). 5
Types of SOP HRD projects under the Priority Axis 1 and KAI 2.2. (I):
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU I N V E Ş T Î O A M Types of SOP HRD projects under the Priority Axis 1 and KAI 2.2. (I): Strategic projects – projects implemented at national, multi-regional or sectoral level, focusing on promoting partnership projects, including by transnational cooperation. At the level of PA 1, these projects are mainly system projects, implemented at national level Total projects value: lei Duration: 6 months - 3 years. 6
Types of SOP HRD projects under the Priority Axis 1 and KAI 2.2. (II):
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU I N V E Ş T Î O A M Types of SOP HRD projects under the Priority Axis 1 and KAI 2.2. (II): 2. Grant projects – projects implemented at multi-regional, regional or local level, focusing on promoting partnership projects, including by transnational cooperation. Total projects value: lei Duration: 6 months - 2 years. 7
Work Plan 2008 SOP HRD - KAI delegated to MERI (I) :
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCA’IEI, CERCET[RII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU Work Plan 2008 SOP HRD - KAI delegated to MERI (I) : February 15 – March 20, 2008: calls for strategic project proposals no 1. ”Better Education for All”, 2. ”University for the Future”, 3. ”Professionals in Education and Training”, 4. ”European Qualifications”, 5. ”Doctoral School”, 8. ”Second Chance in Education”. 36 de strategic projects were selected under the KAI delegated to MERI, under implementation . 2. February 15 – May 5, 2008: call for strategic project proposals no 6. ”Doctoral Scholarships”. 26 projects were selected, under implementation. 3. April 16 – December 15, 2008: calls for grant project proposals no 17. ”School for All”, 18. ”University for the Labour Market ”, 19. ”Career in Education and Training”, 20. ”Partners in CVT”, 21. ”Better Doctoral Programmes”, 23. ”Don’t Drop Out School!”. Financing applications submitted, under appraisal and selection 4. July 8 – December 19, 2008: calls for strategic project proposals no 55. ” Better Education for All”, 56. ” University for the Future”, 57. ” Professionals in Education and Training”, 58. ” European Qualifications”, 59. ” Doctoral Scholarships” (finalised on September 13, 2008), 61. ” Second Chance in Education”. 2 projects were selected under de call for project proposals no 59; for the other calls for project proposals, financing applications submitted are under appraisal and selection. I N V E Ş T Î O A M 8 8
KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET I N V E Ş T Î O A M Specific objectives Improvement and restructuring of the pre-university educational system, including quality assurance, improvement of staff and promoting innovation; Improvement of management and capacity of schools and initial education and training providers to provide relevant qualifications for the labour market needs; Development of mechanisms and tools to ensure access to quality education and to key and professional competences for all; Development of school guidance and counselling services, school mediation and other alternative services and instruments to support increased participation to education and training, as well as improvement of school attainments; Promotion of entrepreneurship and active citizenship in the educational process. 10
KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET I N V E Ş T Î O A M Indicative operations Development and implementation of tools and mechanisms to improve the pre-university education, including innovative and trans-national actions, support for providers and staff development; Development and implementation of quality assurance system in pre-university education, including staff development and innovative actions; Supporting the development of guidance and counselling in order to increase school attainments and progression to higher levels of education; Supporting the development and diversification of initial education and training provision; Support for innovation and for developing tools and mechanisms to improve access to initial education and training for all; Support for development of education for entrepreneurship and active citizenship. 11
KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET Eligible activities: development/updating/revision/testing/implementation of methodologies, instruments and procedures for quality assurance and management, educational management, evaluation and accreditation, decentralisation, student examination and assessment, school inspection, including building/updating and implementing reference indicators systems etc.; development/updating/revision/testing/implementation of planning documents in initial education and training (REAP, LEAP, School Action Plans); development/updating/revision/testing/implementation of instruments, methodologies and systems for recognition/validation/certification of prior learning and assessment of key and professional competences acquired; Setting up/developing centres for certification of prior learning; improvement/provision of guidance and counselling services in pre-university education; improvement/provision of school mediation and mentorship services, support and related services for students with disabilities, Roma students and rural students, others belonging to vulnerable groups; Curriculum development, including developemnt of teaching materials; etc.
KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET Target groups: Experts in evaluation and acreditation in the quality assurance system in pre-university education; Management staff with management, monitoring, evaluation and control functions in school inspectorates, local and central structures of MERI or under its coordination/subordination; Staff from the national system for examination, assessment and curriculum in pre-university education; School directors and members in the Administration Board; Members of the evaluation and quality assurance commission in pre-university schools; members of regional consortia and social partners in education etc.
KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET Eligible applicants: Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation; Agencies, structures and other bodies subordinated/coordinated by MERI and other public bodies with responsibilities in initial educational and training, including quality assurance in pre-university education; County school inspectorates and affiliated/subordinated/coordinated institutions; Accredited research/development/institutes/centres in the field of initial education and training; Educational institutions – public and private schools, high schools, initial education and training providers (ISCED 0-3), from the national school network; Public and private providers of guidance, counselling, school mediation and alternative services; NGOs (foundations and associations) acting in the field of initial education and training or related fields; Relevant consortia in the field of initial education and training.
KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.1. – Access to quality education and initial VET I N V E Ş T Î O A M Priorities: Quality assurance; Decentralisation of educational system; Initial training (principles: quality, attractiveness, access to various training provisions); Key competences for all; Improvement of schools management and capacity to provide competences required on the labour market; Improvement of curriculum; Guidance and counselling services, other educational alternative services; Increased access and participation to education Entrepreneurship and active citizenship. Projects implemented target pre-university education (ISCED 0-3), including technical and vocational education. 15
KAI 1.3. – Human resources development in education and training
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.3. – Human resources development in education and training I N V E Ş T Î O A M Specific objectives Improvement of initial and continuing training of teachers, trainers and other human resources in education and training Career development and support for teachers to ensure a high level of teachers’ qualification. Projects implemented target teaching staff and auxiliary teaching staff, school counsellors etc. in pre-university and higher education (ISCED 0-6), including technical and vocational education 16
KAI 1.3. – Human resources development in education and training
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.3. – Human resources development in education and training I N V E Ş T Î O A M Indicative operations Initial and continuing training of teachers and other human resources in education and initial VET, including training in partnership with companies; Training and retraining of teachers’ trainers and trainers in CVT; Support for integrated programs for teachers’ mobility and reconversion towards non-teaching activities; Support for career start and development in education. 17
KAI 1.3. – Human resources development in education and training
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.3. – Human resources development in education and training I N V E Ş T Î O A M Eligible activities development/updating/revision/testing/implementation of vocational training standards and occupational standards for teachers, trainers and other staff in education and training; development/updating/revision/testing/implementation of career development methodologies, procedures and models/paths for teachers (e.g. models and systems for recruitment and promotion, assessment, flexibility etc.), at local, regional level; Development and provision of training programmes to support development of new professions in education; On the job training and mentorship for university graduates starting their teaching career; Development and provision of training programmes in partnership with companies for staff from the target group; Development and provision of initial training programmes for teachers and trainers, including pedagogic and inter-disciplinary master’s programmes; Development of curriculum for initial and continuing training of teachers, trainers, counsellors, mentors and other human resources in education, including development of curriculum for new professions; introducing/extending ITC use in training teachers and trainers, including e-learning etc. 18
KAI 1.3. – Human resources development in education and training
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.3. – Human resources development in education and training I N V E Ş T Î O A M Eligible target groups Teachers/ teaching staff in pre-university, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary, technical and vocational, higher education (ISCED 0-6); Trainers – for CVT and initial education and training; School mentors – professional insertion mentors and professional development mentors; School mediators; school counsellors; Experts in development of learning, testing and assessment materials; Educational assistants for students with special educational needs; Auxiliary teaching staff (ISCED 0-6); Other staff associated to new professions in education and training; Staff involved in the development and management of continuing training programmes for teaching staff and trainers; Young graduates under 35, staring their teaching career. 19
KAI 1.3. – Human resources development in education and training
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 1.3. – Human resources development in education and training I N V E Ş T Î O A M Eligible beneficiaries Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation; Agencies, structures and other bodies subordinated/coordinated by MERI and other public bodies with responsibilities in teachers’ and trainers’ training, quality assurance and accreditation; County school inspectorates and affiliated/subordinated/coordinated institutions; National Adult Training Board; Social partners in education and training; Public and private accredited/authorized centres/providers for teachers’ and trainers’ training; Public and private schools (ISCED 0-3) from the national school network ; Accredited public and private universities 20
KAI 2.2. – Preventing and correcting early school leaving
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 2.2. – Preventing and correcting early school leaving I N V E Ş T Î O A M Specific objectives: Preventing early school leaving, especially for disadvantaged categories such as Roma, poor, rural communities/populations, children with disabilities, Provision of basic competences and skills necessary to school-leavers. Projects implemented target the pre-university education (ISCED 0-3). 21
KAI 2.2. – Preventing and correcting early school leaving
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 2.2. – Preventing and correcting early school leaving I N V E Ş T Î O A M Indicative operations Supporting and developing programmes for students retention and early school leaving prevention; Developing integrated programs/packages for increasing access and participation in primary and secondary education for pupils belonging to vulnerable groups, including financial support for their families; Promoting integrated services and alternative solutions for pre-school education; Implementing programmes like “school after school”, assisted learning and remedial education; Reintegrating early school leavers in education (including “second chance” programmes); Providing integrated guidance and counselling for potential early school leavers. . 22
KAI 2.2. – Preventing and correcting early school leaving
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 2.2. – Preventing and correcting early school leaving I N V E Ş T Î O A M Eligible activities: Organisation of awareness campaigns to prevent and reduce early school leaving; Development and provision of educational guidance, counselling and assistance services to prevent early school leaving (for those at risk and their families); Setting up and developing networks and partnerships between schools, local institutions, employment services, social and health services etc. to prevent early school leaving and re-integrate in education early school leavers; Development and provision of remedial education (validation of prior learning, identification of training gaps, remedial classes, psychological and professional guidance etc.); Development and provision of “school after school” activities (especially literacy and numeracy courses etc.); Provision of flexible educational programmes such as “second chance” aiming at development of basic competences for early school leavers/drop-outs, including adults; Support for training teachers and trainers and other staff working with potential early school leavers, early school drop-outs and adults in programmes such as “second chance” etc. 23
KAI 2.2. – Preventing and correcting early school leaving
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 2.2. – Preventing and correcting early school leaving I N V E Ş T Î O A M Eligible target groups: . Pre-school; Students at risk to become early school leavers; Early school leavers; Ex-convicts, juvenile delinquents; People who did not graduate compulsory education; Parents/tutors of students at risk of early school leaving; Staff involved in development and implementation of “second chance” type programmes ; Staff involved in development programmes to prevent school leaving. 24
KAI 2.2. – Preventing and correcting early school leaving
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU KAI 2.2. – Preventing and correcting early school leaving I N V E Ş T Î O A M Eligible beneficiaries: Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation; Agencies, structures and other bodies subordinated/coordinated by MERI and other public bodies with responsibilities in improving access to education and prevention and correction of early school leaving; County school inspectorates and affiliated/subordinated/coordinated structures (ex. County resource and educational assistance centres, county centres for psycho-pedagogical assistance); Research/development institutes/centres in the educational field; NGOs acting in the fields of education, social inclusion, improvement of vulnerable groups situation in education and other related; Public and private schools (ISCED 0-3) from the national school network; Public and private accredited providers of school guidance and counselling; Trade unions and employers’ organisations; Religious institutions; Local public administration authorities (administrative-territorial units). 25
No Region Headqurters Phone Fax E-mail
UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTE STRUCTURALE MINISTERUL MUNCII, FAMILIEI ȘI PROTECŢIEI SOCIALE AMPOSDRU MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII SI INOVĂRII OIPOSDRU I N V E Ş T Î O A M No Region Headqurters Phone Fax 1. IBSOPHRD București 021/ Florin Bratiloveanu, 2. NORTH-EAST Piatra Neamţ 0233/ George Mihăilă 3. SOUTH-EAST Brăila 0239/ Mirela Stan 4. SOUTH MUNTENIA Călăraşi 0242/ Costinela Nastasa 5. SOUTH -WEST Craiova 0351/ Sanda Treanţă 6. WEST Timişoara 0256/ / 0256/ Lavinia Mariciuc 7. NORTH -WEST Cluj-Napoca 0364/ 8. CENTRE Alba Iulia 0258/ Delia Diodiu 9. BUCUREŞTI-ILFOV Bucureşti 021/ , Florin Bratiloveanu 26 26 26
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