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BBI 2409 English for Academic Purposes PJJ

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1 BBI 2409 English for Academic Purposes PJJ
Semester 2 – 2010/2011 11/12/2018

2 Your Instructors Puan Husnita Habsah Yon Contact Details
- h/p Puan Zuriena Abdul Rahman - h/p 11/12/2018

3 Course Objectives By the end of the course, students are able to:
choose relevant study skills for academic purposes identify suitable academic reading strategies respond appropriately to academic situations in English present ideas appropriately and effectively 11/12/2018

4 Course Synopsis This course involves developing study skills and reading strategies for academic purposes. It also covers practice in speaking and writing in academic settings. 11/12/2018

5 Course Content Using basic study skills for academic purposes
Using the dictionary for vocabulary development and pronunciation practice Skimming and scanning linear and non-linear texts Identifying supporting details and examples Understanding cause and effect relationships Presenting non-linear and linear texts Making inferences Understanding parts of speech for academic reading Discussing viewpoints related to reading texts Listing main points and writing short summary accounts 11/12/2018

6 ASSESSMENT Assignment 1 10% Assignment 2 20% Mid-semester Exam 30%
Assignment % Assignment % Mid-semester Exam 30% Final Exam % 11/12/2018

7 EXAM FORMAT MID SEMESTER EXAM (30%) – Subjective questions
The mid-semester exam is divided into 4 sections. You will be tested on the following format: Section A – Reading Comprehension Section B – Parts of Speech Section C – Dictionary Meaning Section D – Scanning for Information (Non-linear) Duration : 1 hour 11/12/2018

8 EXAM FORMAT FINAL EXAM (40%) – Multiple choice questions
The final exam is divided into 4 sections. You will be tested on the following format: Section A – Reading Comprehension (2 texts) Section B – Cloze Passage Section C – Grammar Section D - Vocabulary Duration : 1 ½ hours 11/12/2018

9 GRAMMAR SKILLS Parts of Speech Prefixes and suffixes Tenses 11/12/2018

10 DICTIONARY SKILLS Phonetics Meaning and usage Synonyms, antonyms

Skimming Scanning Identifying main ideas Topic recognition Paraphrasing Predicting and making inferences Finding word meaning in context 11/12/2018

12 READING SKILLS Non-linear Texts
Topic recognition Scanning diagrams, tables, maps for information Reading and following instructions Inferring 11/12/2018

13 WRITING SKILLS Listing main points Summarising Discussing view point
Presenting view points Footer Text 11/12/2018

14 Assignment 1 (10%) Find a text of at least 200 words from any reading materials (e.g. newspaper, magazine, internet etc.). Paste the text in the space provided. State the source and author of the text. Identify ten different words from the text and underline them. The words chosen must be of 3 or more syllables. 11/12/2018

15 3. For each selected word, you must provide:-
The part of speech of the word (based on the context) The meaning/definition of each word The phonetic transcription of each word The synonym and antonym for each word A sentence for each word chosen (mark will only be awarded for each word used correctly) 1 mark will be awarded for each completed word (i.e. which contains all of the information-3 or more syllable, part of speech, meaning, phonetic transcription, synonym and antonym and sample of sentence. (10 words = 10 marks) 11/12/2018

Read the text that you have selected, and paraphrase it in about 100 words. (10 marks) Total marks 20/2=10 marks **TO BE SUBMITTED TO PPL OFFICE BY WEEK 7** 11/12/2018

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