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Essentials of Public Speaking

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1 Essentials of Public Speaking
Informative Speaking Chapter 11 Essentials of Public Speaking Cheryl Hamilton 5th Edition Cheryl Hamilton, Ph.D. Chapter 11 – Informative Speaking

2 Chapter 11 – Informative Speaking
Key Ideas Define an informative presentation How informative speaking differs from persuasive speaking Tools to aid understanding and memory Steps and strategies of informative speech preparation Chapter 11 – Informative Speaking

3 Chapter 11– Informative Speaking
Flashback . . . When a boat moves at full steam, it continues moving in the same direction—even when the crew stops rowing. Right? Cicero believed that careful writing of an introduction caused the speech that followed (even when extemporaneous) to “proceed in unchanging style.” (De Oratore, Book I, Section XXXIII) Question: Is this advice still good for today’s speaker? Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

4 What is an Informative Speech?
Promotes understanding of an idea Conveys a body of related facts Demonstrates how to do something Difference between informative and persuasive speaking Goal of informative speaking is understanding instruction and teaching Goal of persuasive speaking is to gain agreement sell a product or encourage action Chapter 11 – Informative Speaking

5 What Effective Informative Speakers Do
Present information in a truthful, fair and objective manner Avoids exaggerated, embellished, or distorted facts Designs visuals that represent facts and relationships without distortion Expresses Ideas and concepts are clear and easy to understand Uses tack to allow audience to retain feelings of self-worth Chapter 11 – Informative Speaking

6 Chapter 11– Informative Speaking
Demonstration speech Promotes a skill (making or doing) Shows how to accomplish a task step-by-step Visual aids clarify the development of a skill Supporting materials add interest clarification and proof Organizational format best meets the needs of the audience Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

7 Chapter 11– Informative Speaking
Informational Speech Introduces latest information about a topic Promotes understanding (knowing) of a complicated idea, term or concept Focuses on content & ideas, not on a demonstration Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

8 Tools to Aid Understanding and memory
Definition Description Explaination Narration Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

9 Aiding Understanding: Definition
An explicit statement to clarify an unclear or complicated term, concept or process. Often followed by the following: A comparison or contrast One or two examples A synonym (word with similar meaning) An antonym (word with opposite meaning) Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

10 Aiding Understanding: Description
Painting a vivid, detailed picture using concrete words and figures of speech, such as: Similes—using the word like or as. Metaphors—implied comparisons (avoid like or as) Onomatopoeia—words that sound like their meaning. Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

11 Aiding Understanding: Explaination
A statement about the relationship between items: Often answers how, what, & why. If topic complex, begin with the “big picture.” If audience likely to be skeptical, begin with why belief seems plausible (but really isn’t). Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

12 Aiding Understanding: Narration
A story told with detail and enthusiasm (about real or imagined things, people, or events) Characterizes of a good narrative Fidelity: story rings true. Probability: story is easy to follow & makes sense. Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

13 Chapter 11– Informative Speaking
Tips to Aid Memory Begin the speech with an attention-getter Use acronyms and other mnemonic devices Repeat information often Join the audience in reflecting on a situation or problem Get your audience involved in answering questions Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

14 Chapter 11– Informative Speaking
Tips to Aid Memory Use emotional appeals Relate new information to information the audience knows Use visuals Compare ideas to audience experiences Encourage the audience to share what they have learned Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

15 Preparing An Informative Speech
Analyze audience Determine topic, purpose & main points Rough-out an outline Look for quality supporting materials Determine how to best organize main points Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

16 Preparing An Informative Speech
Plan Introduction and Conclusion Make preparation outline Prepare visual aids Practice physically and technologically Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

17 Chapter 11– Informative Speaking
Analyze the Audience Situational characteristics Demographic Characteristics Psychological characteristics Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

18 Chapter 11– Informative Speaking
Selecting a Topic Fits requirements of assignment. Showcases your experience & knowledge Stimulates your own interests. Will interest & motivate your audience Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

19 Determine the Exact Purpose
Narrow your topic Write out exact purpose as follows: After hearing my speech the audience will . . . Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

20 Prepare Rough Draft Outline
List of possible main points Supporting information Do rough draft outline before doing research Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

21 Look for Quality Supporting Materials
Look for a variety of supporting materials Look for printed as well as electronic materials When appropriate conduct personal interview to get personal experiences Your task Provide maximum amount of information Present information in shortest amount of time Make information clear, interesting and believable Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

22 Organizing Main Points
Topical Chronological Spatial or Geographical Causal Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

23 Topical Outline Example
Title: Ways to stay healthy Making good food choices Exercising daily Getting enough sleep Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

24 Topical Outline Example
Title: Ways to stay healthy Making good food choices Exercising daily Getting enough sleep Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

25 Chonological Outline Example
Title: Staying heathly at any age What children can do to stay healthy What youth can do to stay heathy What adults can do to stay healthy What senior citizen can to so stay healthy Chapter 12– Informative Speaking

26 Causal Outline Example
Title: Not taking care of your body Cause: Many people have poor health habits and simply do not take care of their body. Effect: Two major effects can result from not taking care of your body. These are heart disease and stroke. Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

27 Plan Introduction and Conclusion
Begin with an attention-getter End the speech by using a memorable attention-getter that makes the audience think Make sure humor is not negative Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

28 Prepare Preparation Outline
Polish preparation outline Avoid writing out word for word Ensure main points and supporting materials have clarity, are significant and accurate Check preparation outline carefully for plagiarism Polish speaking notes Brief with key words Underline or use color for important words Include action notes and cues for visuals Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

29 Prepare Preparation Outline
Polish preparation outline Avoid writing out word for word Ensure main points and supporting materials have clarity, are significant and accurate Check preparation outline carefully for plagiarism Reduce outline to speaking notes Brief with key words Underline or use color for important words Include action notes and cues for visuals Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

30 Chapter 11– Informative Speaking
Prepare Visual Aids Make sure visuals don’t distract Make sure it takes no more than 3-6 seconds to comprehend PowerPoint slides Make sure titles are one line only Check graphic slides for grouping of data Check graphic slides to ensure gridlines are removed Check to see if you have the appropriate number of slides for presentation length Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

31 Practice Physically and Technologically
Practice standing up using your speaking notes Practice alone then with family and friends Make sure your voice is loud enough Make sure the speech flows well and language is simple, brief and vivid Practice with your PowerPoint slides and other equipment you may use Chapter 11– Informative Speaking

32 Essentials of Public Speaking
Informative Speaking Chapter 11 Essentials of Public Speaking Cheryl Hamilton 5th Edition Cheryl Hamilton, Ph.D. Chapter 11 – Informative Speaking

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