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Context Clues.

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Presentation on theme: "Context Clues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Context Clues

2 Context Clues and Sharks
Context clues help us attack unfamiliar words, and sharks attack fish. Like sharks, we have to attack! Let’s get inspired: Fish are friends!

3 Context Clues What are context clues? Why are context clues important?
Context clues, or information surrounding unfamiliar words, can help you figure out the meaning of words that you don’t know. Why are context clues important? Context clues can help you understand what you are reading.

4 Context Clues Strategy
Cover the unfamiliar word. Read the sentence again. Choose a word that makes sense in the blank.

5 Attack these words! What do the underlined words mean?
While many perceive a shark to be a ruthless killing machine, only about 25 species are reported to have attacked people.

6 Attack these words! What do the underlined words mean?
The idea is that shark attacks and fatalities are so minuscule that you are more likely to be kicked to death by a mule.

7 Types of Context Clues: Synonym
Words with similar meanings His argument is fallacious, so it’s very misleading.

8 Types of Context Clues: Antonym
Words with opposite meanings. Although some teenagers are loquacious, others are closemouthed.

9 Types of Context Clues: Description
The unknown word is described or explained She is somnolent, so she needs pills stay awake.

10 Types of Context Clues: Example
Specific examples are listed Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, are studied by scientists.

11 Think about It What does the word “context” mean?
The word context means…

12 Context Clues Strategy
Draw a picture for each step of the context clue strategy.

13 Practice Together: Attack!
Pedagogical institutions, including high schools, kindergartens, and colleges, require community support to function efficiently. Pedagogical means _____________. Circle the strategy you used: Synonym Antonym Description Example

14 Practice Together: Attack!
He was so parsimonious that he refused to give his own sons the few dollars they needed to buy pencils for school. It truly hurt him to part with his money. Parsimonious means _____________. Circle the strategy you used: Synonym Antonym Description Example

15 Practice Together: Attack!
His pertinacity, or stubbornness, is the cause of most of his trouble. Pertinacity means ___________. Circle the strategy you used: Synonym Antonym Description Example

16 Practice Together: Attack!
She was reluctant to be team captain, but she was eager to continue being the goalie. Reluctant means ___________. Circle the strategy you used: Synonym Antonym Description Example

17 Review What are context clues? Why might they be important?
What’s the context clues strategy? What are the four types of context clues? When it comes to context clues, how are we like sharks?

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