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Sustainable Fisheries in the Black Sea European Committee of the Regions 7 June 2017, Brussels Sustainability of Black Sea fisheries and tools for fisheries.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Fisheries in the Black Sea European Committee of the Regions 7 June 2017, Brussels Sustainability of Black Sea fisheries and tools for fisheries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Fisheries in the Black Sea European Committee of the Regions 7 June 2017, Brussels
Sustainability of Black Sea fisheries and tools for fisheries management Miguel Bernal - Fisheries Resources Officer, GFCM

2 Overview of Black Sea fisheries: Socio-economic role (SoMFi 2016)
Fishing is an important economic activity throughout the Black Sea First sale value of Black Sea landings is US$629 million (SoMFI 2016) Economic impact of fisheries may be as much as 2.6 times the reported landing value However, average prices in the Black Sea are in general lower than in the Mediterranean Sea Turkey accounts for over 80% of landing value

3 The role of fisheries in a Black Sea Blue Economy context:
Fisheries & aquaculture Maritime equipment & ports Shipbuilding & repair Renewable energy Offshore energy Maritime & coastal tourism Maritime transport Sustain vulnerable coastal communities Provide livelihoods Ensure food security Ripple effect to other sectors: important for tourism and restaurant industries Local ecological knowledge Maintain cultural traditions

4 Main challenges for Black Sea fisheries
Address decreasing and fluctuating catches Mitigate pollution and the effect of alien species Decrease incidental catches of vulnerable species Improve cooperation between riparian states Main challenges for Black Sea fisheries

5 The functioning of the GFCM in the region
Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries WG on stock assessments Small pelagic Demersal Workshop on simulation of management measures Ad-hoc thematic expert groups Proposals by Member States SAC Scientific Advisory Committee on Aquaculture WG on Environment and Health WG on Governance WG on Quality and Market WG on Innovation Decision making at the Commission Compliance assessment COC Working Group on the Black Sea Subregional Group on Stock Assessments (all species) Ad-hoc workshops on management measures Dedicated technical project (BlackSea4Fish) WGBS CAQ

6 The functioning of the GFCM in the region
Increased involvement of riparian states (Georgia and Ukraine became active Cooperative non-Contracting parties in 2015; Russia has expressed interest in becoming a Contracting Party) Improved advice on the status of stocks since the creation of a dedicated expert group (Subregional Group on Stock Assessment for the Black Sea) Enhanced cooperation with other organizations active in the region (Black Sea Commission, ACCOBAMS, Black Sea Economic Cooperation) Adoption of several recommendations 4 recommendations specifically for the Black Sea, based on advice and technical discussions provided by the Working Group of the Black Sea, in addition to the adoption of regional-level recommendations that are also applicable to Black Sea countries

7 Mid-term strategy (2017-2020): Strategic activities
5.1 – Improved national capacity for the management of fisheries resources 5.2 – Strengthened fisheries governance in the Black Sea 5.3 – Increased cooperation with relevant actors 1.1 - Improved knowledge and expertise on Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries 1.2 - Socio-economic information and analysis incorporated into scientific and management advice 1.3 - Enhanced science-based GFCM regulations on fisheries management Improve, by 2020, the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries TARGET 1 Reverse the declining trend of fish stocks TARGET 2 Support livelihoods for coastal communities TARGET 3 Curb IUU fishing TARGET 4 Minimize and mitigate unwanted interactions between fisheries and ecosystems TARGET 5 Enhance capacity-building and cooperation 2.1 – Robust and timely information on the impact of small-scale and recreational fisheries on coastal communities 2.2 – FAO SSF Guidelines tailored to the specificities of the GFCM area of application 4.1 – Reduced bycatch rates in Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries 4.2 – Healthier marine ecosystems and more productive fisheries 3.1 – Regular quantification of IUU fishing in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea 3.2 – Reinforced inspection procedures in the framework of port State control 3.3 – Enhanced MCS at the regional level

8 GFCM Initiatives in the Region: Bucharest Declaration
Declaration of the High-level Conference Towards Enhanced Cooperation on Black Sea Fisheries and Aquaculture (“Bucharest Declaration”) Bucharest, Romania – October 2016 Unanimous adoption by ministers and high-level representatives from the Black Sea region Marks a strong political commitment to adopt a common and collaborative approach to: Promote the rational exploitation of marine living resources Promote sustainable aquaculture development Fight against illegal practices Mitigate threats to the marine environment

9 GFCM Initiatives in the Region: BlackSea4Fish technical project
The cooperative and technical regional project “BlackSea4Fish” was launched in 2017 (after endorsement at 40th session of the Commission) It aims to address gaps in technical support It has strong links with the mid-term strategy (RES-GFCM/40/2016/2) OUPUTS of BlackSea4Fish: Strengthen collection of data (biological, economic and scientific) for Black Sea fisheries and ecosystems Enhanced cooperation in scientific and technical work, including among national institutes of riparian countries Periodical stock assessment of commercial species, including national trainings on stock assessment methodologies Organization of technical workshops and working groups on selected issues Increased participation and involvement of experts from the riparian countries in the work of the GFCM Joint surveys at sea Regional socio-economic survey Bycatch monitoring programme

10 Thank you for your attention

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