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Bellwork: September 14th

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1 Bellwork: September 14th
Review: Western European society formed feudalism over a few hundred years…why? What is a type of government led by a king or queen? The lowest class of people in feudalism was known as _____________ 4. Our unit for the rest of this month is the “Dark Ages” which took place during medieval Europe. What does “medieval” mean”?

2 North Atlantic Drift – warm ocean current; keeps climate mild
Mediterranean Sea North European Plain – great land for farming (flat and fertile) Ural Mountains – divides Europe and Asia Alps Mountains Iberian Peninsula Palestine (where Israel is today) holy land for Christians, Muslims, and Jews

3 Use textbook page RA5 (in the beginning)
On Map A locate some of Europe’s physical geography: Iberian Peninsula Alps Mountains

4 Use textbook page RA5 (in the beginning)
On Map A locate some of Europe’s physical geography: Iberian Peninsula Alps Mountains Ural Mountains North European Plain Mediterranean Sea North Atlantic Drift (water current) Palestine (Israel)

5 On Map D…

6 North Atlantic Drift

7 Review On Map A locate some of Europe’s physical geography:
Iberian Peninsula Alps Mountains Ural Mountains North European Plain Mediterranean Sea North Atlantic Drift (water current) Palestine (Israel)

8 Review

9 On Map B… On Map B locate some of Europe’s physical geography:
Iberian Peninsula Alps Mountains Mediterranean Sea Northern European Plain North Atlantic Drift Palestine (Israel)

10 On Map D… On Map D locate some of Europe’s physical geography:
Iberian Peninsula Alps Mountains Ural Mountains North European Plain Mediterranean Sea North Atlantic Drift (water current)

11 North Atlantic Drift – warm ocean current; keeps climate mild
Mediterranean Sea North European Plain – great land for farming (flat and fertile) Ural Mountains – divides Europe and Asia Alps Mountains Iberian Peninsula Palestine (where Israel is today) holy land for Christians, Muslims, and Jews

12 Which word?


14 Which word? Officials of the church
The Bishop of Rome; also the leader of the Catholic Church Code of honor that knights followed Social structure in medieval Europe that developed over time that exchanged service or land for protection A large land area owned/operated by the noble. Serfs would work the land. Relating to government A government led by a king or queen

15 Which word… A word that refers to someone who serves the lord
Someone who has authority over a vassal

16 Roman Catholic Church structure
Clergy – Church officials

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