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Presentation on theme: "CUE CARD QUESTIONS NEW FRANCE– Early 1700s"— Presentation transcript:

Cue Card 31. What were the 3 social classes in New France? Who was in each class? Cue Card 32. Which group didn’t fall in any of the three classes? What did they do for work? Cue Card 33. What is acclimatization? Give an example. Cue Card 34. What is the independent spirit of the Canadiens? Give an example. What is believed to be the cause of this attitude? Cue Card 35. How does triangular trade reflect the principles of mercantilism?

Cue Card 36. Why did Hocquart and Begon want to diversify the economy of New France. Give two examples of economic diversification in New France. Give two examples why it wasn’t successful. Cue Card 37. Which resource was exploited at the Forge St. Maurice in 3 Rivieres?

3 Cue Card 31. What were the 3 social classes in New France
Cue Card 31. What were the 3 social classes in New France? Identify two groups in each category Nobility: governor, intendant, high ranking officers Clergy: bishop, priests, religious orders 3rd Estate: seigneurs, merchants, day labourers, censitaires Cue Card 32. Which group didn’t fall in any of the three classes? What did they do for work? Slaves Natives usually worked as canoeists Black slaves usually did domestic work

4 Cue Card 33. What is acclimatization. Give an example.
Adapting your clothes, tools, transportatin….to your climate Example – slanted roofs on houses, snowshoes Cue Card 34. What is the independent spirit of the Canadiens? Give an example. What is believed to be the cause of this attitude? What: Attitude of disobedience Example: Coureur de bois-fur trading without a permit Bark canoe Cause: native influence & distance from mother country

5 Cue Card 35. How does triangular trade reflect the principles of mercantilism?
New France (timber, fur & fish) and the West Indies (sugar, molasses, tobacco) supply the mother country with their respective resources They are manufactured in the mother country They are then sent back to each colony and sold for profit for the mother country

6 Examples: - hemp, shipyards, sawmills, iron ore, flax Obstacles:
Cue Card 36. Why did Hocquart and Begon want to diversify the economy of New France? Give two examples of economic diversification in New France. Give two examples why it wasn’t successful. Why: The economy of New France was based on ONE economic activity -the fur trade Examples: - hemp, shipyards, sawmills, iron ore, flax Obstacles: Specialized labour was rare and costly Certain resources (such as ore) were located in remote areas and were very costly to transport Ports of Montreal and Quebec City inaccessible in winter In the early 18th century France forbade certain manufacturing activities in New France and returned to a stricter mercantilist policy

7 Cue Card 37. Which resource was exploited at the Forge St
Cue Card 37. Which resource was exploited at the Forge St. Maurice in 3 Rivieres? Iron ore

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