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Principal Certification Network (PCN)
Welcome to Region 13’s Principal Certification Network’s Information Session! Today we’ll cover information including program overview, design, cost, application and selection process.
Introductions Sarah Reuwsaat Coordinator of Administrator Quality
(512) Ashlie Scott Program Support (512) Educator Evaluation and Leadership, Statewide Leadership Initiatives Education Service Center, Region 13 (512) Office (512) Fax My name is Sarah Reuwsaat and I am the Coordinator of Administrator Quality at Region 13. Ashlie Scott, Program Support, also works alongside me to ensure your needs are met.
What’s Needed in Schools Today?
Collaborative, data-savvy, reflective, instructional leaders who are focused on increasing student achievement of all children. Let’s take a look at what schools in Texas and around the world need today. They need collaborative, data-savvy, reflective, instructional leaders who are focused on increasing student achievement of all children.
Mission To prepare future leaders to meet the evolving challenges faced by schools of the new millennium through redefining educational leadership Our mission in our leadership programs in Region 13 is to prepare future leaders to meet the evolving challenges faced by schools of the new millennium through redefining education leadership.
What Is PCN? A principal preparation and certification program that provides teacher leaders who hold a master’s degree with an alternative to the traditional university route to certification A cohort model based on best practices for networking and sustainability in the principalship So what is PCN, Region 13’s Principal Certification Network? It’s a principal and certification program that services leaders who already hold a master’s degree with an alternative route to become certified as a principal. We are a cohort model program that provides endless opportunities for networking which will support you as you continue in your leadership future.
Target Outcomes Improve student outcomes through specialized leadership development training and professional development for future administrators Provide a rigorous and relevant learning experience through a non-traditional program that acknowledges and works alongside practicing educational leaders Our program targets improving student outcomes by ensuring leaders in our program have specialized professional development. We service our cohort members with rigorous and relevant content and curriculum. We support you through our non-traditional program design to work alongside you as a practicing educational leader.
TARGET OUTCOMES Equip PCN cohort members with the knowledge and practice foundation to successfully master the TExES exam and gain a position in current practice Create a collaborative network of school leaders that work together as a referral source and peer learning organization We ensure that you gain the knowledge and foundation you need to master the principal certification exam and gain a position in current practice. We engage with you in a collaborative network of leaders that will serve as a strong resource for you in your educational career. TExES=Texas Examinations of Educator Standards
What is “Alternative Certification”?
A certification program that utilizes an alternative route from the more traditional university-based experience to achieve certification. Typically alternative certification…. Includes preparation before obtaining a position Is a field based preparation model As a participant, you earn a standard certificate, not an alternative certificate. Let’s look at what the term “alternative certification” means. Alternative certification is a route to educator certification that was approved in the 1980’s to obtain your teaching certificate. Since that time, other certifications have been approved to use this alternative route. TEA and SBEC approved Region 13 to offer PCN over 20 years ago. The two ways it is different from a traditional university based principal program is that All participants have already obtained at least a master’s degree from a university. Alternative certification uses a field-based model for principal certification. This means that during the first year of the program, principal certification network interns remain under the supervision of their certification program. The job of the program is to support the new school leaders during the first year of school administration to assure that the knowledge provided in class sessions translates into skills used in the school administration role. It is important to understand that this is an alternative route, not a different certification. As a participant you will earn a Standard Texas Principal Certificate, the same type of certificate earned by school administrators in traditional university programs.
PCN is Not: A shortcut to certification
Less rigorous than a traditional school principal preparation program PCN is not a shortcut to certification. All school administrators who are certified through the PCN program must have a Master’s degree before applying and must meet rigorous entrance requirements. PCN is not less rigorous than a traditional program. All certification programs in Texas must follow the same guidelines and rules for certifying principals/administrators and all principals/administrators must pass the same state exam.
Successful Learner Characteristics
Professionalism Self-discipline and reflection Frequent participation Time management Technical proficiency Willingness to learn and ask for help Willingness to participate in a cohort We’re looking for cohort members with professionalism, self-discipline and reflection, who are willing to frequently participate, manage their time wisely, have technical proficiency, are willing to learn and ask for help, and are eager to participate in a cohort.
Why choose Region 13 PCN? Excellent reputation with school districts
Cohort model R13 networking opportunities Cutting edge and innovative professional development and training Blend of Face-to-Face and Online Learning Classes taught by experienced principal/district administrators and personnel School year program schedule honors family personal break time for working professionals PCN has an excellent reputation with school districts. We have a cohort model and offer endless networking opportunities. While you’re in the program you’ll receive free entry to any Community of Leaders events and discounts thereafter. We offer relevant and innovative professional development. PCN classes are offered face to face and some classes are offered online. We feel it is important that much of our content to be offered in a face-to-face format. But due to working schedules, we know that some content can be delivered through the user friendly online environment. All classes are taught by professionals who have had first hand experience working in schools in the content they are delivering. Our instructors are able to bring real life examples from their own experience into their instruction which gives new administrators a clearer picture of the typical work of a principal. The program design honors the schedule of working professionals and families. You will have three day weekends during summer trainings, no summer face-to-face classes the week of July 4th, no online work during Spring Break or Winter Break. While in this program, you will be part of a certification cohort. You will remain with the same group of school leaders all the way through the 17 months of our program which helps provide you with a built-in support network throughout the program. Opportunity for ongoing networking with professionals Opportunity for support from others going through the same program Dialogue and interaction on a long-term basis Deepens connections to the content
Why choose Region 13 PCN? “After leaving the teacher certification program some years ago, my experience reinforced how good my preparation was. Now I am returning for principal certification. I am drawn to Region 13’s vision of campus leadership and what good campus leadership and what good campus leadership can be. I would choose Region 13 over other programs because it is practical and reality-based.” -T Regal “This is the best leadership development course I have ever taken.” -J Lell
Why choose Region 13 PCN? Competitive tuition, incl. field support as part of the program Strong support system before and during your internship Member of a cohort, Program Coordinator, field support, campus mentor, summer class support, outstanding support staff trained by SBEC and ETS Community of Leaders and other support during and after program completion We offer a tuition rate that is competitive with most other programs providing the comprehensive training we do. This tuition covers not only your instruction, but also includes field support visits to your campus. Most importantly, as a part of the PCN program at Region 13, you will be given a strong support system before and during your internship year. Being a member of a certification cohort. Having a program coordinator to guide you through the program Being provided with a Region 13 field specialist. Being provided with a mentor trained by Region 13 to help you with campus and district policies. The support of classes tailored specifically to the needs of a campus administrator both before and during your internship year. The valuable resource of an outstanding support staff in our DEQ office that is trained by SBEC and ETS. SBEC-State Board of Educator Certification ETS-Educational Testing Service
Why choose Region 13 PCN? “The network of colleagues established through this program will serve as my support team long after this program is complete.” “The internship hours provided opportunities that cover all nine of the principal competencies and have given me a good reference for the day-to-day job expectations and the wide range of knowledge that is necessary for a principal to comprehend.” “This program really helped me foster the mindset of a campus leader.” “Region 13 provided me an opportunity to be exposed to so many different perspectives of education by creating a co-hort of peers with very diverse backgrounds, educational experiences and philosophies. This was an important part of my growth this year.” -PCN 26 cohort members
Program Design June 2019-August 2020 Overall Program Timeline
May Orientation June-July Kick-Off Leadership Retreat Professional Conference (TEPSA, TASSP) Summer Training Mon.-Thurs. 8:30-4 June 2019-July Practicum/Internship Face-to-face classes on Saturday’s to open/close each of the 9 modules plus additional TExES review session Online courses every 4-10 weeks Sessions facilitated by experienced administrators Our PCN 29 will officially begin training on June 2019 and graduate August May 2019 there will be a mandatory evening orientation to look more closely at the program schedule, upcoming summer trainings, and program expectations. In the summer we’ll engage in a leadership retreat, professional administrator conference, innovative and relevant professional development all included in the summer costs. You will complete your practicum/internship during the full course of the program. We’ll have Saturday face-to-face classes to open/close modules with important foundational information and activities that will begin July There are 9 modules with an additional class to review for the Principal 268 text where you will participate in a review class, take a practice exam, and get detailed feedback for next steps. Courses will last from 4-10 weeks. All sessions are facilitated by experienced administrators. I will be working closely with you throughout the entire process as instructor and facilitator. TEPSA-Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association TASSP-Texas Association of Secondary School Principals
Program Design Content modules or units aligned with TExES 268 Principal domains and competencies Each module stands alone as a separate course, with its own unique assessment Cohort groups start the program and complete it as a group Required face-to-face training Designed for campus-based positions Our program is aligned with the new 268 principal domain and competencies. Each module will have a practice assessment to gage your progress in meeting competencies. Your cohort will start and end the program as a group, and remain connected after. Face-to-face trainings are required as they’re an integral part to ensuring you’re prepared at a high standard for leadership opportunities and mastering the principal certification exam. This program is designed to work around the schedule of a campus-based position.
Program Design Leadership Development and Program Curriculum
Summer Training GT, ELL, SpEd, Dyslexia, 504 Discipline, PBIS, Restorative Practices Mental Health, Conflict Management AEL, T-TESS, T-PESS, SEL, Impact Coaching PASL support Practicum/Internship Campus based during school year Min. 175 hrs. of leadership activities Diverse Campus Visit, Shadow a Student, etc. Here is a more in depth look at some outstanding professional development opportunities and activities you’ll engage in throughout the course of the program. PBIS-Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports AEL-Advancing Educational Leadership T-TESS-Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System T-PESS-Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System SEL-Social-Emotional Learning PASL-Performance Assessment for School Leaders
Principal (268) Domains and Competencies
Domain 1: School Culture (School and Community Leadership) 001-The beginning principal knows how to establish and implement a shared vision and culture of high expectations for all stakeholders (students, staff, parents, and community). 002-The beginning principal knows how to work with stakeholders as key partners to support student learning. Domain 2: Leading Learning (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning) 003-The beginning principal knows how to collaboratively develop and implement high-quality instruction. 004-The beginning principal knows how to monitor and assess classroom instruction to promote teacher effectiveness and student achievement. The new 268 domain and competencies are shared here: School Culture (School and Community Leadership) Leading Learning (Instructional Leadership/Teaching and Learning)
Principal (268) Domains and Competencies
Domain 3: Human Capital (Human Resource Management) 005-The beginning principal knows how to provide feedback, coaching, and professional development to staff through evaluation and supervision, knows how to reflect on his/her own practice, and strives to grow professionally. 006-The beginning principal knows how to promote high-quality teaching by using selection, placement, and retention practices to promote teacher excellent and growth. Domain 4: Executive Leadership (Communication and Organizational Management) 007-The beginning principal knows how to develop relationships with internal and external stakeholders, including selecting appropriate communication strategies for particular audiences. 008-The beginning principal knows how to focus on improving student outcomes through organizational collaboration, resiliency, and change management. Human Capital (Human Resource Management) Executive Leadership (Communication and Organizational Management)
Principal (268) Domains and Competencies
Domain 5: Strategic Operations (Alignment and Resource Allocation) 009-The beginning principal knows how to collaboratively determine goals and implement strategies aligned with the school vision that support teacher effectiveness and positive student outcomes. 010-The beginning principal knows how to provide administrative leadership through resource management, policy implementation, and coordination of school operations and programs to ensure a safe learning environment. Domain 6: Ethics, Equity, and Diversity 011-The beginning principal knows how to provide ethical leadership by advocating for children and ensuring student access to effective educators, programs, and services. Strategic Operations (Alignment and Resource Allocation) Ethics, Equity, and Diversity
TExES 268 & PASL Focus on the important instructional role that principals fulfill in Texas schools today and in the future Selected-Response and Constructed-Response Increased emphasis placed on instructional coaching and providing evidence-based feedback to teachers, supporting staff in the effective use of instructional data to inform instructional practice and develop intervention plans, continuous improvement, change management, and the importance of culture and diversity in schools There are new certification requirements for principals, and our program ensures our curriculum and support prepares you for these changes. There is an increased focus on the important instructional role of principals in our schools. The new exam includes constructed response which you will be prepared for with practice throughout the program. There is increased emphasis on having the skills of an instructional coach and leader of supporting staff in effective instructional data use. We equip you for continuous improvement, facing change, and fostering diversity with our curriculum and authentic experiences.
TExES 268 & PASL New curriculum is aligned to current and future Texas school administrator needs TExES review session Participants will take TExES 268 Program will support participants in PASL work and timeline throughout the program year Our curriculum is aligned to the principal now and will stay relevant with the changing needs. We prepare candidates for the 268 with a review session; approved testers following that practice test will be recommended to register for and take the TExES 268. PASL is an additional requirement for principal certification in Texas; we will set a foundation for the three tasks during the first summer’s training and support you throughout the program year in completing them. PASL-Performance Assessment for School Leaders
Screening & Selection Academic Criteria Master’s degree with a 3.0 minimum grade point average* Valid Texas Teaching Certificate Leadership Experience Two years certified teaching experience Three years leadership experience 3 professional recommendations, including current supervisor Other Selection Criteria Scored structured interview Accomplishment record Writing samples To be eligible to apply you must meet the following criteria: Hold a master’s degree with a minimum grade point average of 3.0; if you are almost finished with your master’s degree, speak to me further about this. Hold a valid Texas Teaching certificate. Have two years certified teaching experience and three years of leadership experience. Submit 3 professional recommendations, including your current supervisor. We will use a scored structured interview, your accomplishment records, and writing samples to determine admittance to the program.
PCN Program Costs Application Fee $ 100 Registration Fee $ 300 Pre–Program Fee $ 1500 ($750 June 1st, July 1st) Program Fees $ 7500 Total $ 9400 Here are the program costs. *$750 per module – 10 modules. **Program costs are non-refundable.
Additional Intern Costs
Course textbooks (approximately) $350 TExES 268 Exam Fee $210 PASL $400 Probationary Certification Fee $ 52 (Initial fee and extension fee if required) Standard Certification Fee $ 77 Separate costs include course textbooks, paying for certification exam, PASL and standard certificate. We have no control over SBEC changing these fees. These costs are the responsibility of the intern and are not included in the Program Costs. These costs are approximations. All fees are subject to change without notice.
Application and Selection Timeline
Step 1-December 10th 2018 Application Window Opens Application Cycle Step 2-April 2019 Interviews scheduled with Region 13 for Qualified Applicants Step 3-May 2019 All applicants notified about admission status by Application cycle opens December 10th, Interviews will be scheduled in April, followed by notification of admission status by May 2019.
Program Timeline Those selected will participate in the following professional development- Program Orientation-May 2019 Practicum and Saturday classes-June July 2020 Summer Pre-Practicum Training-June-July (Mon.-Thurs. 8:30-4) PCN 28 cohort members will participate in a mandatory program orientation on an evening in May Summer classes and training will begin June 2019 and take place Monday through Thursday with the exception of week of the professional conference Wednesday through Friday. All of the summer classes, the retreat, trainings, conference, etc. are included in the program cost. The first Saturday class will be July The program will run from June 2019 until the end of July 2020 with graduation scheduled for August 2020.
Questions I hope I’ve provided good information for you to make your decision on applying to be in our PCN 28. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
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