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Building the engaged enterprise ….notes from the field

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1 Building the engaged enterprise ….notes from the field
Joseph M. Patrnchak

2 Desired Outcomes Building and sustaining an engaged enterprise isn’t just a tactical exercise…it’s an organizational change process. Five core principles to create that change…with Cleveland Clinic as a real world example. Examples of specific programs and initiatives to maximize your engagement efforts.


4 Engagement: Key Drivers
My organization and its leaders care about me My opinions count Stimulating work Opportunities for professional development Recognition for the work I do Relationship with my supervisor & colleagues Connection to the organization’s missionn

5 Engagement at the Enterprise Level
Ratio of Engaged to Actively Disengaged Employees 9.5:1 4:1


7 How do you build an engaged enterprise?

8 5 Core Principles Real change starts with real dissatisfaction.
If you don’t care, they won’t care. When a mission becomes personal, it becomes a cause. Old habits die hard, so hard wire the change. It’s about building pyramids, not sand castles.

9 Notes from the Field: Cleveland Clinic
8 regional hospitals Canada & Abu Dhabi 5.5 M Patient Visits/Year 43,000+ employees 3200 physicians & scientists 11,000 nurses 3000+ managers Driving Healthcare Transformation through Serving Leadership ©2014 ThirdRiver Partners, LLC. All Rights Reserved

10 Patient Satisfaction at Cleveland Clinic: A Critical Dissatisfier
Communication with physicians and nurses Responsiveness of staff Cleanliness and quietness Pain management Communication re: medications Discharge information Overall rating Willingness to recommend Cleveland Clinic …2008 HCAHPS Slightly above average overall Below average in all other domains 10

11 Engagement at Cleveland Clinic: Another Dissatisfier
9.6:1 2.8:1 Cleveland Clinic 2008 World Class Neutral

12 5 Core Principles Real change starts with real dissatisfaction.
If you don’t care, they won’t care. When a mission becomes personal, it becomes a cause. Old habits die hard, so hard wire the change. It’s about building pyramids, not sand castles.

13 Servant Leadership “The servant-leader is servant first. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions. “The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant-first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served.” Robert Greenleaf

14 There’s More than One Way to Lead
Command & Control Servant Leadership Position authority Might makes right Survival of the fittest My way is better People are tools The end justifies the means Who screwed up? Moral Authority Puts others first Puts the organization first Empowers others Welcomes feedback Builds consensus Seeks solutions, not blame

15 Better than Great Comparison of “Good to Great” companies with servant-led companies: 10-year period ending in 2005 500 largest companies = 10.8% return “Good to Great” = 17.5% return Servant-led companies = 24.2% return Servant Leaders Engaged Employees Loyal Customers Superior Results


17 Implementing Servant Leadership
SL Training…Executives, Directors, Managers SL in Learning & Development/Performance Management SL Strategic Advisors SL Projects Awareness The Servant Leader Strategy Integration Development

18 Caregiver Wellness Healthy Choice Rebate
12,500 participants in first year …120,000 pounds lost Back in 2008, not long after I came on board here at the Clinic, Dr. Cosgrove, our CEO, challenged us to really ramp up our wellness and well being activities. As a heart surgeon he’s always been mindful of the dangers of issues like smoking and obesity and he had actually made headlines in 2007 with the decision that the Clinic would no longer hire smokers. But he knew we weren’t doing enough…partly because the level of participation in the wellness programs we had was so low. In 2008, we had something like 40 people enrolled in our smoking cessation program and around 600 in our weight loss program. Clearly that wasn’t good enough. To get things moving in the right direction we focused on four key principles. We integrated our wellness activities with our employee health program, focused on a few key programs around weight loss, physical activity, and smoking where we could make a significant impact …and this was very important…we focused on eliminating the barriers to access…the barriers of time, cost and convenience. Our folks work hard, they often work long hours, and like so many Americans they don’t have a lot of time to get to the gym. We wanted to make it easy for them maintain a healthier lifestyle. And finally we knew that setting achievable but real goals was critical to success. “I really am glad that the Clinic has offered this Curves membership to us! One of my co-workers and I have taken full advantage of it. Thanks again!”

19 The Power of a Thank You Caregiver Celebrations - Manager, peer, patient recognition - 20,000 awards/month "It's very rewarding to know you are appreciated."

20 5 Core Principles Real change starts with real dissatisfaction.
If you don’t care, they won’t care. When a mission becomes personal, it becomes a cause. Old habits die hard, so hard wire the change. It’s about building pyramids, not sand castles.

21 Run to Great Person… Personalizing the Mission

22 The Cleveland Clinic Experience
Hear Empathize Apologize Respond Thank

23 5 Core Principles Real change starts with real dissatisfaction.
If you don’t care, they won’t care. When a mission becomes personal, it becomes a cause. Old habits die hard, so hard wire the change. It’s about building pyramids, not sand castles.

24 Hardwiring the Change 4000+ annual engagement plans
40% of manager performance engagement-based Engagement coaching, mentoring, and transition Serving Leader competency-based development Pulse survey process Executive dashboard & review Executive team visibility & recognition

25 5 Core Principles Real change starts with real dissatisfaction.
When a mission becomes personal, it becomes a cause. If you don’t care, they won’t care. Old habits die hard, so hard wire the change. It’s about building pyramids, not sand castles.

26 Moving the Needle on Engagement
9.6:1 2.8:1 Cleveland Clinic 2008 Neutral World Class Cleveland Clinic 2013

27 More Engaged Employees …More Satisfied Patients
Philanthropy up 47% over five years $$$$

28 Discussion What is your organization’s engagement profile?
How might increased engagement affect performance? How does your organizational culture encourage or discourage a great employee experience?

29 Resources Available at

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