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3.1 England and Its Colonies

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1 3.1 England and Its Colonies

2 Economic Relationship
Mercantilism Adam Smith – restrain imports end encourage exports…avoid a trade deficit Goal: the acquisition of wealth (gold & silver) for the “mother country” 13 Colonies produce raw materials England produces finished products The Colonies exist to benefit England financially


4 The Navigation Acts Colonial materials must be shipped in Colonial or English ships Ships crews must be ¾ English Navigation Acts as a “jobs program”? Threat to England’s economy Colonies trading directly with European markets This, under Smith’s principles drains wealth from England

5 Dominion of New England
King Charles II cracks down on Massachusetts for disobeying the Navigation Acts Mass. Corporate charter revoked and placed as a royal colony King James II places New England under a single ruler – Sir Edmund Andros. Andros’ hostility towards the Puritans creates conflict

6 The Glorious Revolution
King James II - Roman Catholicism and disdain for parliament William and Mary take power at parliament’s urging “The Glorious Revolution” impacts Mass: Royal Governor established Greater religious toleration mandated


8 Colonial Self-Government
England turns its attention to Europe Focus on France as greatest threat Salutary neglect Empowerment of the Colonial Assemblies (ex: colonies pay Gov.’s salary)


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