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WELCOME @maharudra rakh.

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1 WELCOME @maharudra rakh

2 E- mail:
A SEMINAR ON “Natural Fibers” Presented by MAHARUDRA S. RAKH M. PHARM ., M.B.A E- mail: PHARMACOGNOSY First year

3 @maharudra rakh
“Natural Fibers” Cotton Silk Wool Jute @maharudra rakh

4 @maharudra rakh
Defination: The fibres are elongated thick walled cells with pointed ends, cell walls of which consist of cellulose and may or may not contain lignin. fibres of vegetable origin are poly-saccharide substances and animal fibres are proteinous in nature. In medical practice, they are used as surgical dressings made up of natural or artificial materials.   Applicartions;- for mfg. of tows, clothing, gunny-bags for mfg. filtering media and insulation as pharmaceutical aids for surgical dressing

5 @maharudra rakh
Natural fibres may be of vegetable, animal or mineral origin. Apart from these three natural sources, fibres are now synthesised chemically from various materials. Fibres obtained from various sources can be categorised as follows Plant fibres- Jute, silk, flax, banana, cotton, hemp Animal fibres- Silk, wool Regenerated and Synthetic fibres Fibres regenerated from carbohydrate materials- Alginate yarn, artificial silk or rayon or regenerated cellulose Fibres regenerated from protein materials - Aridil from groundnut protein and fibrolin from milk casein Synthetic- Nylon, terylene, orlon Mineral fibres- Glass, asbestos @maharudra rakh

6 @maharudra rakh
Various chemical tests can be applied for the identification of fibres but microscopical examinatoin is the main one Commercially, fibres are used in the textile industry for weaving the cloth, as filtering medium, also for insulation purpose. @maharudra rakh

7 @maharudra rakh
Synonyms Raw cotton, Cotton wool, Purified cotton, Absorbent cotton Cotton Biological Source Cotton consists of the epidermal trichomes or hairs of the seeds of cultivated species of Gossypium barbadense Linn, G herbaceum belonging to family Malvaceae. Geographical Source Cotton is indigenous to the West Indies. Also produced in India, USA, Egypt and South America. USA produces about half of the world supply. Characteristics It is a white, soft mass of loose delicate fibres. @maharudra rakh

8 @maharudra rakh
Cultivation and Collection: Cotton is mostly cultivated in the river valleys of the Mississippi, Nile, Indus and Ganga. Plant herbaceous shrub or woody small tree which is perennial, but generally cultivated annual crop propagated from seeds. capsular fruits of cotton called 'bolls' take about two months to ripen after the wilting of flowers capsular fruits are 3 to 5 celled and contain numerous seeds It dehisces and exposes the seeds with white epidermal hair. The seeds with the fibres are technically known as cotton. short fibre waste such as card strips, card fly and combers waste are used for the production of absorbent cotton wool. @maharudra rakh

9 @maharudra rakh
Chemical test Moisten cotton fibres with N/15 iodine solution, dry and add 80 per cent sulphuric acid, a blue colour is developed. Chemical Constituents Absorbent cotton wool is almost pure cellulose, while raw cotton contains about 90 % of cellulose. Cotton wool shows 6 to 7 % moisture content and % ash value. Uses Absorbent cotton wool used as an important material for surgical dressings in variety of forms. also used as a filtering medium and an insulating material. @maharudra rakh

10 @maharudra rakh
Wool Synonyms Animal wool, Sheep wool Biological Source It obtained from wool of the sheep Ovis arries Linn. family Bovidae Geographical Source Australia, U.S.A., Russia, Argentina, India. Extra Features loose, soft, lustrous mass of hair hygroscopic and absorbs % of water soluble in 5 % KOH solution after warming @maharudra rakh

11 @maharudra rakh
Chemical Constituents made up of protein keratin. Keratin found in two varietie i.e. unstable p-keratin and stable a-keratin. trace amount of sulphur containing amino acid, cystine. Uses animal wool used as a filtering and straining agent also used in crepe bandages, flannel and domette. @maharudra rakh

12 @maharudra rakh
Silk Synonym Silk Biological Source Silk fibres are produced from cocoons of Bombyx mori, family Bombycidae order Lepidoptera Geographical Source In China, India, Japan, Italy and France Characteristics very fine, soft, smooth and yellowish. considerable tensile strength and elasticity. hygroscopic and soluble in cuoxam solution. @maharudra rakh

13 @maharudra rakh
Cultivation and Collection: The eggs of silkworms are hatched by enveloping them with fine gauze at 0°. After hatching, the grubs creep out of the gauze and start feeding on young mulberry leaves placed on the envelopes. In a period of about a month, they are fully grown and moult their skin four times and ultimately attain about 4 cm length which further reaches to 7.5 to 9 cm by feeding on large amount of mulberry leaves.

14 @maharudra rakh

15 @maharudra rakh
In the last stage, they spin cocoons in a period of three days The oval shaped cocoons are collected and placed in water to loosen the adhering gum. The ends of the silk threads from 2 to 6 cocoons are picked up and made into a single thread Chemical Constituents mainly contain protein fibroin as fibrous mass.   Uses used for the manufacture of ligatures and oiled silk also useful in making special sieves for filtration

16 @maharudra rakh
Jute Synonyms Jute, Gunny Biological Source Jute fibres consist of the long strands of phloem fibres obtained from the stems of Corchorus olitorius and C. capsularis Linn., family Tiliaceae Geographical Source Chiefly in India (Bengal), Bangladesh Characteristics Colour - yellowish to greyish Texture - coarse with considerable strength @maharudra rakh

17 @maharudra rakh
Cultiv. and Collec.: Jute plant is erect herb that grows to about 2 to 3 meters. plant propagated from seeds and the straight stem is cut off at the stage of flowering. After removing leaves, stems are made into bundles and submerged in a pool of water for about 3 weeks for retting. Retting process facilitates the separation of phloem fibres. The fibres are removed generally from the thicker end of the stem as a continuous strand upto another end. The fibres are cleaned of the debris in water and dried by hanging in open. It is graded according to colour and length.

18 @maharudra rakh
Chemical Constituents composed of Hgnocellulose contains about cellulose (53 %), hemicellulose (22 %) and lignin (11 %) also content moisture 12 to 13 % with traces of fats and waxes  Uses used for the mfg. of medicated tow as a filtering medium made into sacks @maharudra rakh

19 @maharudra rakh
Thank u! @maharudra rakh

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