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1 Information for this presentation is taken from the following source:
Text Features Information for this presentation is taken from the following source: ** Reader’s Handbook, A Student Guide to Reading and Learning by Great Source

2 Human beings have important elements in their bodies such as a heart, lungs, blood vessels and brain. These elements stand out from other features of our body.

3 Textbooks and informational text also have important elements that stand out from the other parts of the text.

4 While reading informational text, you have probably seen some or all of the following:
** Boldface terms ** Photos and Illustrations ** Charts ** Preview ** Glossary ** Table of contents ** Headings and Titles ** Caption ** Index ** Timeline ** Maps

5 These are called Text Features and their purpose is help us understand the information presented.

6 Boldface boldface type is a signal to: Slow Down and Pay Attention
signals that a word, term, or event is important

7 Example of Bold Face type

8 Charts gives information, show processes or make comparisons
packs lots of information in a small space a great resource to help you understand information in the text

9 Example of Charts

10 Glossary alphabetical list of key people, places, events, and terms.
a tool to help you understand the language of the subject

11 Example of a Glossary

12 Graphs uses pictures and symbols to show information
a graph is shown to make a point always read the graph’s title, labels on the vertical and horizontal axes, and any other text included with the graph

13 Example of a Graph

14 Headings and Titles announces the topics that will be covered
allows us to be efficient in our reading -- skim the headings to focus on the purpose of our reading increase your comprehension by turning headings and titles into a question -- as you continue to read, can you answer your “question”?

15 Example of Headings

16 Index found at the very back of a textbook
gives the location of every important idea, term, definition, person, and place. a search tool to help you find what you need

17 Example of an Index

18 Maps When reading a map, pay attention to the following:
** Lines ** Scale ** Symbols ** Colors ** Labels ** Legend or Key ** Compass Rose ** Lines of Longitude and Latitude

19 Example of a Map

20 Photos and Illustrations
photos and illustrations are used to emphasize or make important points read the captions captions tell you the reason for putting the picture or illustration in the text captions say in a few lines, what the author takes paragraphs to explain

21 Examples of Illustrations and Photos

22 Fast Facts-interesting, extraordinary facts about a subject

23 Example of Diagrams and Photo with a Caption

24 There are additional text features such as color, italics, underlining, examples, insets and many, many more!!!!

25 Authors use text features to bring attention to important details.

26 And now you are saying, “So What?”.

27 Here’s the, “So What!”. Putting text features into use will help you understand more of your reading, and probably allow you to do it in less time!!!!

28 You can use text features to become more successful and efficient in your reading of informational text.

29 So next time you have a reading assignment to complete, pay attention to the text features as you read. See if you can put them to use to increase your comprehension and maybe you will even finish your assignment in less time.

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