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September 29th, 2016 The Westport Library

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1 September 29th, 2016 The Westport Library
Maker Roundtable September 29th, 2016 The Westport Library

2 Today’s Agenda 10:00 Welcome and Introductions 10:15 Hugh Seaton, Stamford Innovation Center 10:45 Breakout Discussion Groups 11:15 Tour of WPL MakerSpace and HTC Vive Demonstrations

3 Westport Library MakerSpace
Started July 2012 Initially funded by an IMLS Grant Now funded by combination of library’s operational budget and yearly grants

4 From STEM to STEAM The original MakerSpace was very focused on technology 3-d printing and NAO Robots were the primary draw Attempt to broaden and deepen our demographic appeal with the library community More hands-on crafts and “low-tech” opportunities



7 And don’t forget writing!

8 The Library TransformatioN
In the final permitting and fundraising phases Estimated “shovel in ground”: August 2017 Estimated completion date: Fall 2019

9 MakerSpace Meets HackerSpace

10 So Much Room For Activities
HackerSpace will allow us to add more “dangerous” equipment to a space with controlled access Appealing to growing late teen/college/young adult demographic, as well as local adult makers 24/7 access, including several rooms of coworking space New library design will also include an audio-visual lab nd recording studio

11 In the meantime…

12 Roundtable Housekeeping
Next Meeting= November 17th Trying to plan piggyback meeting with NE Making Matters Summit at University of Hartford Stay tuned for final details (hours, etc.) January Meeting- 3-D Printer Fair? Volunteers to Host March, May RoundTables?

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