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Interoperability Pilots WP6/T6.3 Doina Cristina Duma (INFN)

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1 Interoperability Pilots WP6/T6.3 Doina Cristina Duma (INFN)
European Open Science Cloud All Hands Meeting Pisa 8-9 March 2018 Interoperability Pilots WP6/T6.3 Doina Cristina Duma (INFN)

2 T6.3 - Interoperability pilots - Reminder (service implementation, integration, validation, provisioning for Science Demonstrators) Main Objectives: set up demonstrators to show interoperability among infrastructures and to foster the adoption of the solutions according to the FAIR principles, in close collaboration with the Services and Science Demonstrator WPs assess the maturity level of solutions for what regards TRL, openness, scalability, user community adoption and sustainability. Validation regarding: AAI requirements for both e-infrastructures and scientific communities solutions offered by INDIGO- DataCloud, ELIXIR AAI, EUDAT B2ACCESS and AARC Resource brokering solutions spanning multiple infrastructures and user communities and aimed for high-level resource discoverability and addressability Accessibility EOSC local, Grid, HPC and Cloud resources accessible by multiple communities Data accessibility – through personal resources, scientific portals, CLI Interoperability - underlying distributed storage systems with the EOSC platform services services and tools - as those provided by the EUDAT service suite and INDIGO-DataCloud toolbox Transparent networking solutions - connecting multiple infrastructures and communities, spanning European countries automated support for distributed cloud applications (such as in the INDIGO-DataCloud project) ability to create and remove ad-hoc virtual secured network for science projects Data interoperability data placement, findability and accessibility – in pilot solutions reusing common components The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

3 Objectives in scope of T6.3:
One of the main project Objectives: “Develop a number of pilots that integrate services and infrastructures to demonstrate interoperability in a number of scientific domains” Specific Objectives addressed by the 6.3 task during the first year Validating the compliance of services provided by WP5 with specifications and requirements defined by the Science Demonstrators in WP4. Defining and setting up distributed Interoperability Pilots, involving multiple infrastructures, providers and scientific communities, with the purpose of validating the WP5 service portfolio. The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

4 Activities 1) Gathering Science Demonstrators requirements
Collected initial requirements from the submitted work plans (in the EOSCpilot intranet) Attended WP4 regular meetings to get updates about the status of the pilots Discussed interoperability issues with WP5 (T5.4) Organized T5.4/T6.3 regular meetings to update resource/service providers about the status of the 15 pilots and identify new solutions (in collaboration with WP5) Invited speakers to bridge gaps raised by the pilots with technical talks 2) Services identification Identify services/solutions that fit-on-purpose the needs of the SDs (in collaboration with WP5/T5.4) 3) Supervised the deployment of the pilots (in collaboration with T5.4) Checked the status reports produced by the pilots on regular basis (in the EOSCpilot intranet) Get new requirements from the status reports (if any) The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

5 Activities & Achievements
Support the setup of the Science Demonstrator pilot, following their interoperability requirements and matching them again with available services and solutions Setup of different pilot addressing different interoperability aspects: Transparent Networking – PiCo2 (Pilot for COnnection between COmputing centers) Grid & Cloud interoperability – pilot demonstrator for one of the HEP experiments Resource Brokering & orchestration – leveraging INDIGO-DataCloud solutions like Data accessibility & interoperability of underlying storage systems – distributed Onedata deployment AAI – through he setup of a scoped interoperability pilot as poart of the EOSCpilot & AARC collaboration Outcomes - reports: D6.4 – “Initial requirements of the Interoperability Testbeds” M21 – “First prototype of the EOSC interoperability architecture; testbed setup” The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

6 Pilots & their status The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

7 PiCO2 (1) Objective: PiCO2 (Pilot for COnnection between COmputing centers) aims at facilitating communications of data and codes between Tier2 and Tier1 infrastructures, being agnostic as far as scientific communities are concerned. Organisation : PiCO2 has set up technical groups to address a couple of challenges Challenges addressed in 2017 : Seamless data flow between infrastructure Two technical groups have been set up : a) one for building a network of peer to peer federations between iRODS zones (data storage service), between Tier1 & Tier 2, between Tier2, and between Tier 2 and the grid b) one for connecting the infrastructures within a L3VPN network and monitoring the performance of the network between sites Current participants: GRICAD, Tier 2 HPC/HTC/Grid/cloud, Grenoble MCIA, Tier 2 HPC/Grille/Cloud, Bordeaux Plafrim, cluster INRIA Bordeaux, Tier 2 HPC IDRIS, CNRS National Computing Center, Tier 1 HPC CC-IN2P3, IN2P3/CNRS Computing Center, Tier 1 HTC/Grid/Cloud RENATER, REN, France France-Grille, EGI NGI, France ; Tier 1 Grid/Cloud GRIF / CEA, Tier 2, Saclay The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

8 PiCO2 (2) The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

9 PiCO2 (3) Challenges 2018 ensure portability of codes between infrastructures => technical group Real life tests – use cases, with data flows & code sharing connection between DBs and models for climate modeling at regional scale crossing data and codes between labs at European scale for metabarcoding Actions 2018 technical groups on iRODS zone federation, monitoring of NREN extend participation to a European scale facilitation of code circulation and accessibility with current tools like dockerisation, notebooks, etc … develop cooperation with some use cases (others welcome) More details – Friday, March 9, :30, Room 28 The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

10 AAI = WLCG Authz & AARC pilot
WLCG pilot structure Objective: Demonstrate a pilot solution for a researcher without a certificate to register in a WLCG VO and access a grid service: Introducing the minimal required new components to allow smooth user experience Central IDP/SP proxy Token Translation Service Attribute Authority Managing authentication and authorization to comply with WLCG requirements and standards HR db integration Acceptable level of assurance in line with IGTF profiles Minimizing the number of new developments required by WLCG Services The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

11 AAI pilot - Implementation
Main idea is to be able to compare and benchmark 2 options EGI Checkin Service + CoManage IAM INDIGO Provided components: Timelines:- to be validated Development – March- July 2018 Deployment & pilot testing – Aug.- Sept. 2018 Reporting/Benchmarking – Oct. - Dec.2018 The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

12 Grid-Cloud Interoperability pilot
Tests of solutions to satisfy CMS needs of use of opportunistic resources, dynamic extension of an already existing facility, Enable user-friendly procedure for the generation and management of computing cluster to analyse research data A container-based solution to generate Cluster Batch Systems on demand exploiting heterogeneous Clouds for data analysis The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

13 Pilots Status - Other Onedata setup INDIGO PaaS Orchestrator “layer”-
Onezone & distributed, multiple Oneproviders INDIGO-IAM based, with multiple IdP support INDIGO PaaS Orchestrator “layer”- As part of the EOSC-Hub Virtual Access to “DODAS Thematic Service” The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

14 Future work – Year 2 The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

15 Year 2 - T6.3 Deliverables & Milestones
D6.5 – “Interim Interoperability Testbeds Report” Due (M16) Interim Interoperability Testbed report: describing the first results of the validation of services and demonstrators in the interoperability testbeds PiCO2, AAI, Data Access & Orchestration Science Demonstrators – 15! Description of infrastructures used and services deployed Results and issues Timelines: 15.03 – ToC, Executive Summary, Introduction 29.03 – available draft for each SD 09.04 – first complete draft ready for review Data Interoperability Pilots – work done so far Who does what The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

16 Year 2 - T6.3 Deliverables & Milestones
D6.7 – “Revised requirements of the interoperability testbeds” Due (M18) Revised requirements of the interoperability testbeds: updated requirements from both e-infrastructures and science demonstrators, updated setup of interoperability testbeds Transform the results and solution to eventual problems from D6.5 in requirements on testbeds – services to be used, made available Miestones M22 – “Updated setup of interoperability testbeds testbed setup” Due Testbed validation The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

17 Year 2 - T6.3 Deliverables & Milestones
D6.9 – “Final Interoperability Testbed Report” Due (M24) Final Interoperability Testbed report: with results and feedback on the interoperability testbeds Results of all demonstrators Miestones M23 – “Final EOSC data and service interoperability architecture and testbed validation” Due Delivery of final interoperability architecture and data interoperability The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

18 Data Interoperability Demonstrators - Pilots
The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

19 Data Interoperability Demonstrators
Evaluation of EDMI metadata to find and access datasets Explore (M15-M17), Index (M17-M21), Use (M21-M22), Monitor compliance (M21-M22) Discovery of compliant data resources and metadata catalogues Create collection (M15, M23), Highlight compliance (M18, M22), Strategy (M17) Research schemas ( for exposing dataset metadata Expose properties (M15,16), Harvest metadata (M21,22) Description and guidelines per metadata property RDA MIG (M15-M17), Gap Analysis (M15-M17) The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

20 Data Interoperability Demonstrators – T6.3
Facilitate & Support Integrate feedback from demonstrators into the EOSCpilot data interoperability strategy Facilitate phone calls, F2F meetings and other events to help delivering the proposed tasks Track outcomes produced by the data interoperability demonstrators Promote activities and results of the demonstrators and work on ways to recognise the contribution of the demonstrator participants. The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

21 Data Interoperability Demonstrators – T6.3
Tools Phone-conferences BigBlueButton – integrated with project calendar Tracking G-doc Repositories Github – code, pages ( F2F – on-going discussion with PO, regarding funding Reporting of results Internal newsletters & project reports… The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

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