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Life and Health Plan By Millie Wilkins.

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1 Life and Health Plan By Millie Wilkins

2 My Animation-Exercise Regularly
Between the years 2003 and 2006 on average 30% of 15 year olds walked for their daily exercise. Walking was proven to be the most popular exercise that 15 year olds did. 5% of 15 year olds played basketball. (shown in graph one) On average women were less likely to take part in sport than men. About 96% of the population that took part in football between 2003 and 2006 were men. However 83% of the people who participated in aerobics were women. This shows that a lot of sport relate specifically to genders, leading those particular genders participating in that sport. (shown in graph two) On average 29% of 15 year olds exercise daily for about minutes. Also only 6% of the 15 year olds exercise for more than for hours each day. (shown in graph three)


4 GRAPH THREE 42% of women aged in the UK have high blood pressure due to not much exercise. Graph Three

5 Script Narrator: Did you know that if you don’t exercise on a regular basis it can effect your weight and can make you unhealthy? I didn’t. I guess that’s why I went through quite a rough time when I was a child. I never really understood the consequences of not exercising, I just thought that people do it for a hobby. I was never really good at sport, I preferred to be in a more quieter atmosphere. However during my PE lessons I wouldn’t try as hard as I could because I didn’t see the point, therefore I started putting on weight. I didn’t know what was happening so I went to get some advice. They told me that I should exercise more regularly. So I looked up online some different sport clubs and signed up. I attended it constantly and thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I can’t thank that club enough. Get involved.

6 Scene One Narrator: Did you know that if you don’t exercise on a regular basis it can effect your weight and make you unhealthy? I didn’t. I guess that’s why I went through quite a rough time when I was a child. Start with a white background and an old woman standing in the middle saying this line. The type of animation will be lip-sync. When she says the last part of the line “I was a child” she will look up and the camera will follow her eyes fading the scene out and fading back into a flash back where the girl is standing in the same position but as a young girl. This scene will last ten seconds.

7 Scene Two Narrator: I never really understood the consequences of not exercising. This scene will be the girl sitting on the sofa watching T.V. With the narrator saying it over the top. She will be flicking the channels and this scene will last four seconds. The scene I have portrayed here will be the typical scene in my animation. After about four seconds the girl will put the remote down and look at the camera and she will recite this sentence which will be done using lip-sync. This part of the scene will last about three seconds and after that, the scene will change to the next part of the animation.

8 Scene Three Narrator: I just thought that people do it as a hobby.
This line will be the girl standing quite close to the screen in the corner looking behind her at a football court where lots of kids her age will be playing football together. She will lip-sync the line. Before she lip-syncs the line the screen will be showing the kids first for about three seconds and will only be showing them on the screen after the three seconds the camera will zoom out showing the girl and her lip-syncing the line.

9 Scene Four Narrator: I was never really good at sport. I preferred to be in a much quieter atmosphere. In this scene there would be the girl sitting on the floor with a white background and when she says “ I preferred” the background will turn into a library and a book and glasses will appear on her. She will be in the same position during the transition. The first part of the script for this scene will take about three seconds followed by a pause for the transmission which will be about one second and then the next part of the script for this scene will be about four seconds. Therefore overall this scene will be about eight seconds.

10 Scene Five Narrator: However during my PE lessons I wouldn’t try as hard as I could because I didn’t see the point. In this scene the girl will be in her PE lesson and will get knocked over by a volley ball in her face. She will fall down on her face. She will be running for about two seconds across the screen and then get hit . Once she has fallen the screen will freeze and the girl will come onto the screen saying the line which will last about six seconds . The pictures below is the scene that will be in my animation. For the part where the scene is frozen and the girl is talking, I will be using lip-sync.

11 Scene Six Narrator: therefore I started putting on weight.
During this line there will be the girl standing with a white background and her body will increase in width as it gets larger showing that she is putting on weight. The transition will last about three seconds. The girl will not be lip-syncing in this scene because I want to make it look as if she was saying it in her mind so the narrator is just going to say the line over the top of the scene. This will be a larger picture of the previous girl.

12 Scene Seven Narrator: I didn’t know what was happening, so I went to get some advice. They told me that I should exercise more regularly. In this scene there will be a white background for the first sentence with the girl walking on stage lip-syncing the sentence. However for the second part of this scene the girl will be standing by the side of a woman sitting at a desk giving her advice. The girl will not be lip-syncing the line because I want it too sound as if it was in her mind. Overall the whole scene will last about seven seconds.

13 Scene Eight Narrator: So I looked up some different sport clubs and signed up. In this scene I will have the girl sitting at a computer screen and there will be some adverts for different sport clubs on the screen. The line will be played over the top of this scene. The camera will be mainly focusing on the screen. This scene will last about three seconds. The camera will mainly be focusing on the computer screen.

14 Scene Nine Get Involved Narrator: Now I can’t thank that club enough.
In this scene the screen will be white and the old woman will be standing there lip-syncing this line. This scene will last about three seconds. After this line the lady will fade out and the words “GET INVOLVED” will appear on the screen for about two seconds. Get Involved

15 Target Audience And Purpose For Animation
My animation is targeted at teenagers, ages because the character in the animation is representing and portraying a typical teenager. The concept of the story is to encourage young people to get involved, because at that age, they might not know the consequences of not exercising. This animation can benefit both healthy people and over weight people, because it can show them how to maintain a sustainable weight as well as how to get involved. In conclusion, after watching the animation, people should be aware of the effects of not sustaining a healthy fitness level, and it should persuade and encourage young people to do something to improve their fitness.

16 Alternatives An alternative idea for my animation would be twisting the concept, in order to make the points positive. For example, including advantages instead of disadvantages. Doing this would make the audience be more motivated instead of discouraged. EXAMPLE: If someone made a healthy eating animation, they could include advantages such as your skin would look better and you would become fitter if you eat healthier. However, a disadvantage would be you would put on weight and increase your chances of developing weight related problems if you don’t eat healthy. I decided to reject this idea because, I thought that it was important for people to know the bad effects, as not many people are aware of them.

17 Why I Designed My Animation The Way I Did.
I designed my animation this way because it clearly shows why regular exercise is necessary for a healthy diet. The story that I chose to represent my theme had clear characters that gave the message of ‘regular exercise’ across to the audience.

18 My Checklist My storyboard has a slide for each scene that contains the assets that I included in my animation. I have a list of assets for my animation along with my audio. My design documentation includes an explanation about my target audience, and the purpose of my animation, as well as alternative ideas and reasons why I rejected them those particular ideas. At the end of my story board, I have made a clear justification for the reasons why I chose to design my animation the way I did in my storyboard.

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